Thalia Lau


Location UK


  • Thank you both for sharing valuable advice and tips for the research project. Was very helpful :)

  • Thalia Lau made a comment

    I've read about how to skim read to pick out useful parts of info.

  • Yeah but I think you can do the artefact with a smaller essay too

  • Thalia Lau made a comment

    I found the information on quantitative and qualitative methods useful and assessing the potential drawbacks of each was a good idea to helping me develop ideas on what sort of methods I can use ~thanks

  • Thalia Lau made a comment

    Useful advice on sourcing evidence and their +'s and -'s and their overall reliability, thanks :)

  • Thalia Lau made a comment

    Just another trillion ideas added to the list... :)) I found this part of the course useful as I learnt what skills I would be taking away from this project and how I can organise the research methodically. I have some questions:
    ~Would you recommend making a flowchart of the duration of our project?
    ~How much of the end essay should be personal opinion and...

  • Thalia Lau made a comment


  • I'm hoping to gain insight on how we can alleviate mental health and reduce factors that exacerbate it from my research whilst developing time management and initiative.

  • Decisiveness and response to a challenge as I tend to have trillions of ideas and often stop when things go wrong. Pro-activeness is also a key transferable skill that will be useful in future employment

  • I'm researching into the human mind and factors that exacerbate mental health and what increases suicide in certain countries. This has always been a topic that interested me and I want to do my EPQ on this as it is a problem that needs to be alleviated:)

  • Hey I'm Thalia and I study Biology, Chemistry and Math for Alevel with the hope of pursuing a career in Medicine :) I chose EPQ as part of an enhancement option at my school and am looking forward to it! I joined this course to learn new skills to aid me with the research project. I want to do my EPQ on mental health and suicide rates. Good luck to everyone...

  • Pick something important to you or something you think needs changing/problem that needs addressing

  • I'm excited to start the research - the opportunities are endless! My thoughts are that definitely pick something that you are passionate about :)

  • Keeping a log will ensure all tasks are up to date to stay organised reducing possibility of missing deadlines.