Brenda Njinembo

Brenda Njinembo

I'm passionate about humanitarian work, training, music and shopping. I love to share knowledge and experiences as well as meeting people.

Location DRC


  • Cremation might be a good measure but as you mentioned Denis, in some cultures of Africa, it is considered a sacrilege to burn dead bodies. This is one of the major reasons for resistance and attacks by the local population on Ebola treatment centers and the response team in most of the Ebola affected countries.

  • I like the part where he mentions we should focus on the positive impact we can make, think of what we can achieve rather than focusing on the global picture of problems and impossibilities because in an emergency situation, it is tough to manage response and environmental considerations in a holistic way.

  • My focus was on the use of office paper, mostly for printing training materials and handouts
    the best behavioral changes as i have learned from past units will be to set my printer to default printing mode of printing on both sides on the paper, secondly, to share documents electronically, soft copies are easily used and sustainable than hard copies.

  • I concurr

  • I admire the fact that refugees are benefiting from these projects not just as consumers but as partners in the realization of the projects.

  • Thanks for the tip to set my printer to double sided printing by default.

  • @AnnaMariaLiwak what about donating old air crafts to some humanitarian organizations? This is a great risk.

  • All new to me.

  • Local realities apply to whatever decision we take and this changes everything.
    Turning off the office AC is my little way of saving energy but when you work in a pool setting office, it becomes complicated.

  • A Green Organization, this is indeed an energy challenge. I hope to be part of this initiative.

  • The summary is to change our behavior towards energy management to ensure sustainability.

  • Four characteristics: reliable, cheap, clean and resilient; yet there's no magic solution to obtaining all four. Analysis is done on a case by case basis.

  • Awesome insights! This video has left me thinking of how i use water at home, especially during flushing,washing my utensils and letting water drip from a not well locked tap. I will be more careful and save water.

  • Great!

  • I do same!

  • the difference in availability of water per person, per day in Europe and some Asian and African countries is alarming. 75 vs 500 litres per person and per day! Something urgent needs to be done

  • I find this information very interesting as it is all novel to me.

  • Ready to delve in

  • Brenda Njinembo made a comment

    This week, three concepts stood out :
    - LCA
    - Green logistics
    - Ecodesign
    I am particularly captivated by the life-cycle assessment which is a process that can be used for every activity in our everyday life. In my organization, we can implement Ecodesign by doing quality control and examining the environmental impact of the production of office paper on...

  • I'm learning a lot!

  • In my last unit, i forgot to mention the extraction, transformation and production factors before distribution by the suppliers. These aspects involve a lot of deforestation and affect global warming. As far as this risk is concerned,
    1/ This paper product certainly has a negative impact on the local population as it's transformation involves the production...

  • Thanks!

  • These are the same components for procurement.

  • He mentioned three:quality, social responsibility and environmental management.

  • Green Logistics! It's a green world. Thanks for sharing.

  • Simply put, go digital!

  • 1- I am a trainer and we print several copies of handouts on a weekly basis for our trainings. Most of the time, the quality of paper used of the 3rd grade category. We have two photocopiers and we refill the different ink cartridges almost every other week.
    2- Process: - Collection of supply from suppliers(paper and ink cartridges)

  • It is common knowledge that kitchen sets made of aluminium are of lesser quality and contain several health risks as compared to those in stainless steel material. Do we really need an LCA for this? Just a side thought!

  • Data gathering from what i see is the heart of LCA. Just wondering if this is time-bound and how long will it take to collect all data before making the assessment.
    Good example with the kitchen sets, why limit the number of people to feed to 5 only, given that some homes, especially in emergency situations can contain close to 12 people, if not more.

  • I agree with you Gary. German products are durable.

  • Good to know!

  • The department of peace operations definitely has a vision for sustainable development. This vision is to successfully handover the leader of the country in terms of peace and security to the local population and exit. This plan can be achieved with respect to the environment through DDR initiatives and CIMIC activities such as providing sanitation facilities,...

  • A Green Tech Lab is an entirely new development initiative to me and I am curious to know how sustainable it is.

  • insightful! I was wondering how the Movement was involved in environmental intervention until i read through. We are all concerned because we're part and parcel of the environment.

  • I agree with you Gretchen, many responders are flexible and adaptable in terms of fast learning, however, while waiting for deployment, they could do some online research and get briefing on their area of assignment.

  • I work with a peace operations mission and for my organization, "Do no harm" means avoiding any form of violence, killing or anything that can put the lives of the population at risk during humanitarian assistance or intervention. The "Do no harm" policy is a last resort measure that can be employed only if and when all other resources and strategies(dialogue,...

  • How effective is this Ashley?

  • The organization with which i worked has put in place some sustainable initiatives such as building capacity of local staff and population to ensure an effective handover, training for youth in various aspects such as language, arts, construction work and agriculture.As is rightly stated in the video, our humanitarian assistance outlook is always long term, so...

  • I'm all ears!

  • Which country are we talking about Sidi?

  • Well said, I will add dedication to the humanitarian course.

  • Carles, i concur

  • Never stop learning AnnaMaria. The knowledge you acquire from this course will be useful to you sooner or later as an undergraduate student.

  • As far as i'm concerned, sustainable development is development that can last over time, a long lasting development. In Humanitarian action, it is possible to achieve sustainable development if the humanitarian actors are committed to their job, if they focus more on the benefits of their action to the population they are serving and the quality of assistance...

  • Hi Chelsea, it's nice to meet you!

  • Hello everyone, i am excited to be on board as i look forward to sharing and learning from great minds. I am interested in humanitarian action and this course will help me develop my skills in this field. Karibu(Welcome!) to all!