Mr. Italo Perazzoli

Mr. Italo Perazzoli

I want to know new cultures through their writings, a tool is FutureLearn.

Location Ripatransone (Italy)



  • I live in a medieval city, but in reality, it is a village of 4000 souls because, in the 1571, it was given the status of City and diocese nominated by the Pope Pius V.

    I downloaded a watercolor to represents the centre of my little village, where on the right there is the house of Ascanio Condivi, the first biographer of Michelangelo, when he was painting...

  • I think that a memorable character is linked to our empathy he/she is our personal projection in a different environment, think about Little Dorrit of Dickens, we can live with him his drama without being in prison, and it is memorable because it seems all real.

  • Hi
    My favourite author is Iris Murdoch, and her philosophical's studies, translated into fiction.

  • Online learning is good for listeining to radio such as BBC Radio 4, The Archers, Countdown and so on.
    F2F is essential for the grammar and pronunciation.

  • The classroom is the only place where a student can learn a language not only the grammar but olso the right pronunciation of a word.

  • From now I'll watch the movie having in mind the Three Act Structure and then I'll think if the "Alternate Story Structure" was better or not.

  • I chose Anna Karenina
    The most intriguing question is "How is it constructed?" because reading the text and the novel will improve my "cinematic reading" as an exercise for my future writings. (not screenplays)

  • The EU has lost its popularity because it's a bureaucratic monster and financial.
    The result of its failure, it's emerged after the Referendum held in the United Kingdom, in date 23 June 2016, where its population with an high turnout, has decided to leave the Union.
    I was born during the “Erasmus Generation” and I am dreaming for the United States Of...

  • I'll bring with me a book of Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536) he was a Dutch Philosopher, Theologian and humanist.
    He travelled in many countries in Europe in search of knowledges, experience and cognitions that can be obtained only living in different coutries of Europe.
    At him the EU has dedicated a special exchange program called "Erasmus+" were young...

  • In my opinion the concept of what is justice and what is injustice is an infinite dialogue.
    All begins with the Plato's republic and today we are discussing on it, this means that we won't never have a common definition of justice, because none knows the human beings and the humanity will never reach this target. For a correct judgment a judge should be a...

  • The freedom is conditioned by some rules to follow, and this is positive, because as human beings we are subject to our egoisms, we want to prevaricate on the others.
    We should be conscious that we live in the Plato's Cave.

  • We do not have a common definition of freedom, this imply that it is open to debate. it seems to me a 'Socratic dialogue' which is open to myriad of definition.
    In my opinion the borders of freedom are given by the State and this is positive because the population is involved through their votes.

  • After this course I will take into consideration the Semantic Web.

  • It is important because I cam improve my cultural interests like Art, Literature and Philosophy.

  • The internet must not be the only source of information, if so someone one day will be able to influence the minds following their interests.
    In this perspective we won't be able to judge someone or something because we will have only a point of view and by a pre packaged context.

  • The web has changed and will change my interaction with the world.
    A practical example, I am planning to visit London and the its magnificent national gallery for the coming year, well thanks to this technology now I am studying carefully some paintings where I can zoom and see every particular, this is fundamental for observing and not looking at a painting.

  • Richard I agree with you.
    Today my fantasy has no limits, try to imagine that I am in front of a painting of Monet,.
    According to this principle it is possible to smell it (if there are flowers), listen to their voices, touch the painting, and where possible the involvment of the other senses.
    Unfortunately, It seems to me a fantasy rather than a reality.

  • I agree with you, Laura, the primary mission of a museum is to educate tourists and the local community. Maybe the spirit of this unit is to change our minds about the concept of our museums, I'd like to imagine a museum like an open space, a sort of meeting point for professionals and common people on how to try to resolve the health problems, someone use...

  • The future will be a synergy, between the real and virtual world where, in some way the visitor will interact with the museum. In the case of a museum has not enough money for an exhibition, it will be realised online or in third dimension.

  • I agree with you Ashley and if there is not money for the Holocaust Memorial Day, a group of motivated and enthusiastic employee, can use their creativity to avoid this problem, not necessarily quality is linked to money.

  • Good purposes but it is difficult to realise, maybe this is possible in big cities, but not certainly in the small towns. The first and unique problem is a lack of money.

  • In my opinion we should involve the young to discuss on this thematic, but we must not be too moralistic, they will decide if to stop smoking the cigarettes or even to become a new smoker.

  • I found the following essays:

    1) Code Of Ethics For Museums

    2) Codes of Ethics and Museum Research

  • Many years ago I attended to a course on human rights, it was an international summer course, organised by the EU, University of Bologna and the Utrecht Network.
    The theme was "Human Rights: Cultural Pluralism against Racism and Xenophobia"
    In this two weeks long course I attended lectures, I studied and made presentations on a specific argument.
    Now I am...

  • This is a very useful and practical essay (pdf)

    Doing emotion work in museums: reconceptualising the role of community engagement practitioners Ealasaid Munro*

  • Emotions and museums are two inseparable things, they must be dynamics and the visitor will benefit of this dynamicity.
    Doing so we will avoid that visiting a museum is a boring experience with the knowledge and that take decisions about displaying emotive objects must be carefully weighted and thinking about the reaction of the visitors, if a visitor will be...

  • In my opinion the functions of a museum is not only to educate but to elicit a debate, doing so we will know if we are really interested or we will forget that particular object, painting etc, after a couple of minutes.
    A good question (at home) to the visitors should be: Which painting do you remember and why?

  • After three minutes, it is impossible to understand and then to write my sensation, on this thematic.
    In order to feel something I must breathing and living with other people with the same feelings, this is the emotion given by the physical museum only.

  • A 21st century museum is a place where you can watch a documentary in 3D using your body to travel inside that particular documentary.

  • In my opinion this is our Mission

    "At their best, social media build community and enhance communication. In the case of museums, they can provide access to a much wider audience, and can extend the museum visit by allowing a user to continue the aesthetic experience after leaving the museum.

    All across the country, museums are already making great use...

  • Jesse Prinz On Art & Emotions

    How do works of art affect us? Conceptual art seems too cool for it to be connected with emoiton. Jesse Prinz argues that our experience of art is fundamentally emotional, and wonder is the key.

    Source: Philosophy...

  • We should implement this pamphlet as a videogame. It was useful for my generation (I am 40 yo) but not for the digital native.

  • It is a mistake to ban the children from visiting a museum, they will be our potential visitors, and the primary mission of a museum is education.
    It also true that adult and children visitors must be separated because each group has different needs.
    When we are in front of a school children we should think like them, the first thing to do is avoiding the...

  • A profile on Twitter, Google Plus, Facebook, Podcast, Video Lectures, Google Art and similar.

    Paintings of the Renaissance? The visitor must find the books of this period or suggestion where to find other relative information.

  • Today a museum must be interactive, there must be a synergy between the guides and the visitors.
    Recently I visited a museum with a guide and it was a negative experience, because it was like a run through paintings and sculptures.
    We should rethink about this modality because is too superficial and frankly unuseful.
    An idea should be that the visitor must...

  • Today a museum must be interactive using social media and educational tools like podcast,google arts, thematic video and so on. The main mission is to attract the so called "native digital" if not it will be a classical museum covered by dust and solitude.

  • Hi Mates, I am a museum operator and librarian assistant. In my opinion this is a fantastic course because the museum will be analysed using a dynamic "cut" rather than a static point of view.

  • Hi I am doing this course for one simple reason, at the end of this course I'd like to write an historical fiction.

  • The sun was above the horizon when Sue Brighton was watching a boring documentary on channel 4 she was snoozing on a comfortable white sofa when an intrusive sound killed her sleep in a brutal manner.
    On the other end of the phone there was Joseph Dell a general of the US army telling her that in a couple of hours she must be ready for a long journey to...

  • For Margareth the mother's day was a nightmare, it happened thirty years ago in occasion the birth of her daughter.
    Sue was aware of this fact and she was devoured by a doubt: am I loved by my mom?
    She was not sure about it, maybe it was due to her behaviour of by a frustration of her loved mom.
    A way out for reflecting was to write a personal diary where...

  • For Margareth the mother's day was a nightmare, it happened thirty years ago in occasion the birth of her daughter.
    Sue was aware of this fact and she was devoured by a doubt: am I loved by my mom?
    She was not sure about it, maybe it was due to her behaviour of by a frustration of her loved mom.
    A way out for reflecting was to write a personal diary where...

  • This was a fantastic course well organised and structured.
    Thank You

  • I never used Google Advance search, very useful

  • I read local news through twitter and widget on my blog.
    In my opinion this form of community journalism will die whether not included in a worldwide context, let's me explain: In the next month I am going to Cambridge for a short holiday in a Bed and Breakfast which is situated in the middle of Mill road.
    At this point I want to know what happens on that...

  • Hi Amelia

    I agree with you, I am reading "The Filter Bubble: What Internet is hiding from you" written by Eli Pariser.
    The author is on youtube here:

  • On google plus I created a literary local community where a tourist or a resident can read a short review of our local history, videos, pictures, poems, art , reading series, weather and so on.

  • Mr. Italo Perazzoli made a comment

    Hi I am a libarian assistant of 40 years old my dream is to earn a PhD in creative writing.

  • Very Intersting and useful fro readers and writers.

  • On "Coursera", there is a module dedicated exclusively on this interesting concept, it is called "The Fiction of Relationship" Brown University.

    A brief description:

    "What is the nature of our relationship to others and the world? How can literature help us see these relationships more clearly? This course seeks to explore such questions through...

  • We feel more "empathy and resistance" when a novel is written in first person, like this case.
    Do you agree?

  • "With some fictional characters (as, in fact, with some real people) we understand that they are fundamentally human but we don’t feel much in the way of an identification, empathy, or connection with them. With some other people (fictional or otherwise) however, we often can feel an intimate empathetic reflection of how we imagine they are feeling. It is as...

  • In my opinion a writer, a true writer, like Charles Dickens or Iris Murdoch are genius because they were able to translate into characters the emotions of the people.

  • I did not realised to be a woman until the end of these passages, the reasons are the following:

    Having a weak incipt I did not read it carefully, I was only oriented to understand the plot.
    A second reason is that, according to my culture there is not a difference between a man and a woman to be noticed immediately

  • "The Personality of the Reader" Vs "Portability" who will win the battle?

  • In my opinion "Portability" of a character has a negative value, it seems to me that one day we will have the same characters with the same tastes and interests the death of their "Personality".

  • These 12 Universal Points are the abc of a novel with a purpose and this purpose is try to implement a philosophical debate between her readers when they have finished to read a novel.
    This happens to me when I decide to read a book not for fun, but for improving my existence on this planet.

  • Sometimes I feel like Charles Arrowby (The Sea, the Sea - Iris Murdoch)
    Charles Arrowby is the novel narrator, he is 60 years old now retired.

    ++ A Brief Introduction ++

    He spent his entire life in a theatre in London obtaining fame and wealth as actor and then director.
    For his retirement he has decided to retire in a remote village, called Shruff...

  • I would like considering myself as a fictional character, doing so I am able to do many many
    experiences under different point of view I can see the world with the eyes of my opposed sex, or an animal.

    Certainly I will have different experiences, in order to know my true personality.

  • This is a very interesting argument:

    How do I scale my sense of people?

    Well this depends on my personal experiences and these experiences, are made and established by the local society - aren't they?

    Considering myself as the best example, I will looking for people who displays my similar interests, and then having obtained more experiences I will...

  • Obviously I found this excerpt very difficult to understand and in particular I did not found a clear link with literature, rather than autism.
    I need more explanation or a dedicated lecture.

  • Hi
    I am doing a similar course at the Queensland University, it's called "Think101" edx platform, but with a substantial difference, this couse is more specific and interesting.
    Unfortunately there is not the possibility of writing an essay nor peer reviews, but does not matter. :-(
    I am an assistant librarian and during my spare time, I post my reviews on...

  • The indoor theatres are good for special effects, like night, tempest, and the dark side of our souls.

  • I think that William Shakespeare was higly influenced by Queen Elizabeth for many reasons mainly because she was popular and loved by her people, at that time it was possible to meet her in the countryside or in a rural theatre it was also possible to speak directly with her.

    As we know Shakespeare was not a superficial playwriter, he used the feminine...

  • In my opiniion every play written by William represents his life experiences.

  • I love Shakespeare and consequently the UK

  • For me this course was too superficial

  • For me this course is well organised but it is superficial, especially the "lectures"

  • This is a direct speech between Shakespeare and the spectator, he tells us that (my interpretation) we have a responsibility, here on the planet earth "to be or not to be" we must give a sense to our life, to act and not "to die to sleep".
    Being an agnostic I felt the sensation that as humans we need of God, especially after our afterlife we won't sleep...

  • "We return here in a different key to the question of whether Hamlet is genuinely mad or merely shamming."

    It is quite difficult to give a reasonable and clear response to this question, it could be genuinely mad or not it could be “an attack on mankind carried on by magic” (The Sea, The Sea, Iris Murdoch) the central point is to establish if the watershed...

  • But what really means to be "mad" for instance if I do not believe in God am I mad? Am I forced to act according to the established rules a priori of the society? Can I think differently?

  • In my opinion the best way to analyze and consequently to understand Hamlet is go to the theater and observing carefully, the different interpretation and behavior of the actors.

  • In the Act 1 scene 2 line 65: King How is that the clouds still hang on you?"
    This shows that the Kind is not preoccupied by the pain of Hamlet and even his mother Gertrude.

    This imply that his emotional and mental state are raped by the behavior of the couple, first of all he is conscious that his mother has never loved his father, it was, and will be a...

  • “Why is it that all men who have become outstanding in philosophy, statesmanship, poetry, or the arts are melancholic?” (Melancholy, medicine, and the arts - Erin Sullivan)

    Because they have a strong personality and they are looking for the truth, Hamlet is one of them having a complex personality.
    He is also obsessed by the behavior of his mother, he...

  • Hamlet is not only suffering for the mourning of his father, but by the evidence that, his uncle and mother seems to be refractories to pain for them is more or less the same thing.

    Personally I think that Hamlet, observing his mother, is conscious that, the love, the true love does not exist, it is only a chemical reaction, a simple and pure sexual activity.

  • Louis Borges wrote that Hamlet has muted his nature, and it has been recreated by different point of views and interpretations, by illustrious personages like Coleridge, Goethe and Bradley.

    This play represents the passage between the medieval period to the renaissance, it was like an intestine war, a radical and a sudden change, where at the centre there...

  • This is a starting point for trying to understand, what is revenge.

  • This is an interesting and intriguing mystery.
    Is it possible that the first play had been banned?
    At that times there was an organism of censorship?

  • I am reading "Hamlet" chapter 3 - William Empson - Essays on Shakespeare.

  • This is the essence, this is the philosophy of this play, we do not have a better version, this means that it's highly personal.

  • Hi
    I am a librarian assistant, of 40 years old, who loves Shakespeare and consequently the UK.

  • I studied this play in occasion of an online course on Shakespeare, which was organised and developed by the University of Exeter.
    Being an introduction on Shakespeare, I studied this play for one week only :-(
    I see film dedicated to Hamlet and in particular: Dir Kenneth Branagh, with Kenneth Branagh and an old version production transmitted by the BBC.