anna bidard

anna bidard

Fashion and luxury expert.
Founder and owner of a consulting firm ABC - AB CONSEIL, that helps emerging brands and artisans to structure their collections, gain visibility, open up distribution.

Location Paris, France


  • effective content means content that attracts attention/emotions/ pushes people to express themselves

  • a bit scared each time i think that what i get to see on line is determined by what i had already seen before (thanks algorithms)

  • Hi, I am anna bidard , a founder of a B2B consulting agency, that helps brands , designers or stores to launch and grow their activity? content creation is particularly interesting for me as it's become one of the best ways to create emotional bonds with customers

  • working in fashion and apparel industry, does influence my answer. we are consuming too much! especially clothing.

  • I have never thought about moral implications of sustainable development.

  • “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.” (H L Mencken), this comment is particularly true for sustainability.
    Indeed there are so many interlinking issues that once we address one of them it creates a new problem at another level. It is easy to understand if we think that in fashion, to replace natural silk (these poor...

  • hello, after 20 years in fashion industry and apparel industry i just founded a consulting firm to help emerging brands and artisans to structure, market and promote their collections

  • It's very interesting to start with historival background. It makes us realise how recent are world's efforts to sustain our planet.
    "meet the needs of the present without putting in danger the future"

  • anna bidard made a comment

    I am founder and owner of a small, Paris based, consulting firm that helps emerging brands and artisans to structure their collections, properly market their offer and find best sourcing and supply chain. Therefore as one of major current challenges is sustainable development I am especially interested in your course.

  • the development of technologies, brings better insight into customers expectations so benefits both on & off line business

  • If V5 version of branding is focused on creating experience, all brands, even the most time honored, made it their priority.
    Shopping now is all about experience

  • brand serves here to define purpose

  • interesting remark on how brand can be also a risk limiting development and innovation

  • it depends on the activity but strong brands tend to drive better results and attract better staff

  • it proved to be very comprehensive visual strategy

  • Strong brands drive value and market by triggering consumers desire and aspirations.. however, now the consumers are looking also for good value for their money.. even, the wealthy ones

  • anna bidard made a comment

    OBJECTIF - gaining new younger new customers for a well known clothing brand of very clean/ sharp and timeless aesthetics but with aging customer base
    SM use
    Visual attraction/ young customers - INSTAGRAM (with daily posts); + designer insights
    FB with - styling / community creating/ styling tips (1st job clothing choice..)
    BLOG - community + designer...

  • engagement is key to branding and essential to creating content for potential customers. SM are key tool for this

  • hi, I am looking forward to better understand the influence of different types of food on our body and maybe how certain types of food can be addictive (and how we can be set free by improved knowledge from these addictions)

  • best practice of social media use for business

  • great class, gives additional dimension and a cultural perspective to our jobs

  • versatile, universally flattering and easy to wear

  • such a gentleman like and respectful way of conveying his tremendous experience..

  • Out of three main characteristics of fashion clothing according to VERBLEN , at least 2 ate still quite relevant
    - conspicuous waste - we update our wardrobes constantly (100 billion clothing pieces produced each year) without apparent reason and the tendency to follow the taste of the time
    The 3rd characteristic - conspicuous leisure- seems less relevant...

  • plastic semiotics helps us understand, based on predefined culturally "redaing grid" the figurative meaning of clothing? Am i right?

  • keep the collection as focused as possible without compromising the overall statement! - such a good advice for all undecided; brimming with ideas, designers and poor merchandisers

  • can fashion be a sign of society’s deep concerns? yes, i am convinced that fashion designers are deeply sensitive to everything that's around them and thus deeply influenced by societal and economic concerns. it's precisely the question i am asking myself now: how the covid pandemia will be reflected in future collections.Will FD go against the threat and...

  • "This transformation of the "linguistic status of the garment" into a "natural or utilitarian status" recycles a marxist approach of fashion : it diverts functional objects from their real use value, to turn them into the sign ("fetishes") of an exchange value artificially established by the capitalist system.
    In other words, if fashion can only be...

  • fashion like any expression of one's beliefs /creativity can become means of political message. even choice of raw materials or suppliers is a way of conveying brand's take on the world

  • i love the global vision of designer's work not only creative and defending design values but also part of a bigger business scheme

  • in 2020 there is no clear visibility how trends become commercial reality consumers are trendsetters and trendsetters consumers. I am very much convinced that currently we are more in presence of Charles King's trickle across theory..

  • such a simple explanation of advertising and social media business models.

  • the most appealing is BENJAMIN theory, to extract a subjective vision/memory of the past to create the future.. However, I do also believe that BEAUDLAIRE definition of "timeless" is an interesting way of anchoring brands into their identity and past and building on it

  • i believe that there is a difference between reflecting the reality and creativity and VETEMENTS by mirroring or mocking the reality lacks the creative , vision part

  • anna bidard made a comment

    brilliant explanation of the importance of brand DNA, brand's identity and brand's past for creating future!

  • anna bidard made a comment

    i have just voted FOR sustainably sourced, tanned and processed leather. it's inherent to luxury industry due to its natural features . also withdrawing totally from using leather would mean creating huge amount of organic waste as we are still not vegetarians. however, it should not prevent us from searching alternatives

  • i am still in favor of using leather as we are not about to become vegetarians and wasting all leather which is now byproduct of food industry does not strike me as truly sustainable HOWEVER we/ brands have to make sure that we know and master our leather supply chain and contribute to make it more and more sustainable and respectful of workers' well being

  • it's quite eye opening to have all the information! I will surely use it for next collections to challenge our fabric sourcers. However, i still believe our major challenges remain lack of full tracability and universality of standards.

  • i love his approach.. "being aware of what sells does not define the next creation but it's common sense to use this knowledge.." so refreshing coming from a designer.. also "feeling well is aspirational""..

  • i chose CULTURAL agenda as it's tremendously important to gain back a better balance between LUXURY product or experience ( as of its original definition: timeless, high value, innovative, unique, hard to obtain, researched, longed for, beautiful, unique..) and the "branded" package (endorsement, media, ads, DA name) that tends to replace the original meaning...

  • sustainability is crucial in building brands/ values over time and doing do without destroying our remaining resources. i see it as luxury added value

  • Hi , I am Anna and I am head of global merchandising and product marketing for a contemporary European fashion brand. My main focus is to gain understanding on sustainable approach to collection building, from design through sourcing, manufacturing and finally distribution (and finding ways to prolong lifespan of garments without losing creative edge)

  • I am starting this class during the unprecedented COVID pandemonium and being locked down at home. As a fashion professional i have been aware for several years already how important the safeguard of our natural resources is while we create our collections. the major obstacle for now, apart from necessity to rethink the garment design as a whole starting from...