Ntandoyenkosi Ncube

Ntandoyenkosi Ncube

Advocate of good governance in Sub-Saharan Africa, sustainable development, entreprenuership, innovation and transformational leadership.

Location Zimbabwe


  • Delays, digression, fractures in project leadership as there is no clear direction due to information overload.

  • Getting relevant information is crucial, this will avoid unnecessary delays due to information overload and a possible digression from project goal.

  • Information management is crucial element of project management. It is crucial for monitoring and evaluation and plugging the leaks in project management.

  • To avoid data overload.

  • Effective communication, setting up a project management office and having a project manager who is a leader and not a boss.

  • Conflict must be anticipated and conflict management architecture be put in place.

  • Yes, I have experienced conflict in relation to priorities.

  • It is not ideal to apply resource leveling because the MTD project has a strict deadline and determines the success of the event.

  • Quality is about agreed specifications of a desired product or service between the consumer and the producer.

  • I think besides the project finishing in time, within bugdet and with desired quality, the overall benefit of the project to the organisation can be an ultimate success criteria. It is possible to achieve the three elements of the Iron Triangle but the context within which they were made might have changed and thus project completion not transalating to...

  • The internet has positively impacted livesn terms of informatand comunication.
    Thefuture of work is digital and learning coding languages is a crucial step in keeping myself relevant and an asset.

  • Very complex than I thought.

  • Hello, I'm Ntando from Zimbabwe and am very keen on acquiring digital skills.

  • Project management is the implementation of plans and strategies to achieve a particular unique objective. My understanding has been enhanced espeially P3 concept.

  • Telsa is going all out in business partnerships and mergers. Acquiring SolarCity as well as partnering with Panasonic is a risk that offers huge opportunities for growth.

  • Telsa partnered with Panasonic to upscale its production of solar technoogy since Solar City does not have the capacity to produce the techology a large scale. Risks that need to be managed include economic uncertaiities,change of government policy and mutual understanding on key objectives.

  • A controlling manager fares bad in risk management bacaus they tend to believe their view is superior. This might lead to overlooking key issues from other team members thus people skills are key in risk management.

  • Yes it possible especially if it miniises costs but does not affect quality.

  • Plannig is crucial in that it allows for a clear roadmap of how a project wil be conducted and also puts in place a contingent mecahism. It is in essence action based

  • Stakeholders present a certain complexity to project management , it is difficult to reconcile all their interests which can lead to delays and in worst cases project collapse.

  • It is a specific and unique task...I manage a HIV awareness program in high school students. It was a specific task in that the focus was on a particular demographic group and unique inthe sense that in our approach we did not use a one size fits all. We had to tailor our message and channels in a manner that resonates with high school students.

  • Ntandoyenkosi Ncube made a comment

    Yes, project management is ubiquitous as many organisations are sustained by various projects with diverse sscopes in order to attain the broader organisational strategy.

  • Ensuring harmony among team members can bring pressure. Thus, reconciling the differences and keeping the team united and within the project scope is a priority. All team members will have to be motivated and feel appreciated and crucial for the success of the project.

  • Ensuring harmony in the project team could be a daunting task exerting too much pressure. Managing people with different aspirations and characters is stressful. To prepapre for this, it is necessary to have clear values on the on set and clear emphasis on our collective project goal as well as good emotional intelligence .

  • Assigning tasks to less experienced teammembers could be disastrous but it is an opportunity to train them formore challenging task. There should be a balance in such instances where experienced team members collaborate with the inexperienced in an advisory capacity. This will bring harmony between the two.

  • Understanding each member's abilities and placing value in what they can do is crucial. The management style also plays a key role, transparency , inclusion, and communication build trust among team members.

  • Diverse teams tend to work perfectly well because they have a certain level of trust in each other's abilities unlike teams with social cohesion who know each othe's weaknesses . There is a work ethic that transcends regular misunderstandings that can be prevalent in teams too famikiar with each other.

  • The launch event is important as it clarifies gray areas to a wide array of stakeholders. Various stakholders, sponsors, local leaders must attend the launch

  • Forming- in one of the community development projects I led,it involved coming together with different people, some being complete strangers and deliberating on what needs to be done.
    Storming-herein lies a challenge of managing different characters as team members want to exercise their powers, with others aspiring to take the lead or choose to commandthan...

  • For projects involving different organisations , ensuring collaboration and harmony could be a challenge for a project manager because of the possibility of divergence from common goals and aspirations .

  • A project team is a composition of individuals with unique but complimentary skills working together towards achieving project goals. Every individual is very important and their input and feedback has a huge bearing on the success of the project. Communication and high level of ethics and professionalism are some of the integral aspects to successful project...

  • An iterative approach would be ideal for MTD because setting up an event has many tasks that will need continous learning and adjustments to suit emerging changes and innovations unlike a linear approach which has defined scope, budget and timelines. I would advise a company to use the hybrid approach as this allows for predictable outcomes as well as a room...

  • The VUCA framework is really helpful in project management. There are a lot of dynamics and emergence of technology requires one to innovate and utilise this framework.

  • Lack of communication and inclusion led to some unresolved differences between John and William. John was concerned with the direction that the engagement process had taken and William didn't see any problems there. Karen on the other, hand upon seeing the problems with the report uses emotional intelligence, respect, dignity and effective communication to...

  • Having clearly defined values is an important step in building strong teams. It creates a good and healthy organisational culture.

  • Interesting exercise, having challenges in uploading.

  • The skills discussed above are essential for any project manager to succeed. Communication in particular is very key and it has to be symmetrical thereby allowing input and feedback from team members.