Merle Grace

Merle Grace

I am a juggler of all sorts: writing, teaching, dancing to my own tunes, keeping kids entertained and trying to be mindful. I love to break rules. I love to listen. I love old people. I relate to kids

Location South Africa


  • I've never taught phonics... or maybe I have... by reading to my children from the day they could hold on to a book? Anyhow... with Covid I have been asked to teach grade 1 for 3 to maybe 6 months. I feel a little overwhelmed but also really excited as books, reading, stories, puppets and the wonder of stepping into other worlds are all passions of mine....

  • @HannahHill love this Hannah! Thank you1

  • Love the playlist once again. And two songs by Regina. Smiles. Wonderfully put together. Thank you. I'm playing it for days, until I just skip to my favourites!

  • @KristinBrook It is hard isn't it! I grew up in exactly the same way, never "hearing" a voice that told me I'm good enough the way I am. These days I imagine myself in a (friendly) lion's mane, all coupled up. Strong, compassionate, close, together, caring and reaching out to myself. It feels so much better this way.

  • Ohhhh. I am over my head in this
    and as it is, pure bliss
    to write the song (s)
    I've always been told
    to not sing in the choir
    or do ballet, or learn an instrument
    Thus: My musical knowledge is
    zero. But and maybe so;
    I am going through the motions
    and giving my lyrics to a

  • Lovely meditation. Thank you. It really grounded me.

  • I've done both courses, and I could not be happier with what I've learnt. Firstly, a big THANK YOU for putting together these courses. I really learnt so much, but really enjoyed the meditations, and commas esp. I also found the part on self-love and positive talk to self really life changing. It has had a huge impact on me and my family. I also really liked...

  • Thank you for this beautiful meditation. So grounding

  • @jonathanevans you are lucky! Violin and choir. I can only dance to the demons in my own head! I love to dance! My teenager says I am always two beats off, but I really don't care. It is the only "musical" thing I can do! Giggles.

  • I love this playlist! It feels as if its from another world, mostly, the Abba threw me off balance a bit. But it is a good song! The rest felt like a night with bright stars and fires. A night without the spires of internet and social media.

  • Sitting still is so hard. I don't know how people did it. I think is represses a lot of our innate joy towards music

  • Yes, it is... but I really like the idea that we can re-wire those tracks! @KristinBrook

  • I haven't! Will give it a bash. Thank you! @DaisyB

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    His voice changes it... As if he wants the listener to be woken up, and then listen

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    What sound slows it down? His voice
    Visual Effects slow boxing, tapping of feat, time, skeletons, a micky mouse head, lines,
    Second part, heads up. It seems to move to a much more relatable beat.

  • I found this week very technical and not creative enough for me.... Subjective opinion of course. I am sure hundreds like the intellectual detailed information shared.

  • 1. I moved my head towards my shoulder
    All the others I just blinked. I found it hard to move to something that is not melodic. or maybe it was just a shock to hear these very random sounds.

  • I am trying hard to apply this week's learning to myself and to others. It is still a little hard to do it for myself though. I have learnt how important it is to be self compassionate in order to be kinder to self, others, and to improve performance in work. My own work has come to a standstill. Challenge accepted.

  • Growing up with the negative inner voice from adults is such a hard thing to unlearn. It has taken me years. And sometimes it still kicks me in the stomach. I am trying really hard to empower a really strong, positive and caring voice when speaking to my own children in order to break that chain.

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    Oh I love this kind of research! Would like to read more on it. And so many songs are engraved... Let me think of a few...
    "Perfect Day" played and played in my mind on a writing tour in Venice, and I when I hear it now, I am sitting in a quiet spot, watching Italian school kids run while I have wine at a cafe. The Noose, (Perfect Circle) made me grow up,...

  • That would be lovely. Are you very musical? Im wondering if this might be a good tool to use if your lyrics are strong, but the melody et all are not your strong suit.

  • This was so inspirational. I agree! Be yourself. Be instinctive.

  • Liked this idea of clapping it out and giving certain words more emphasis. Im on song 6 now...! hahaha. The bug has bitten.

  • Oh! This is a difficult one to unlearn. I am a writer, so self-criticism almost comes with the territory. I am so gentle to others, I listen with respect, I try and be non-judgemental. I give them space, I let them cry. But when it comes to me, and my abilities, I can be so harsh, so unforgiving, so rude and speak to myself in a tone of voice that I would use...

  • Assertiveness: I've learnt that being curious and non -judgmental towards why others are not doing what they are supposed to, would be a great help to me in being assertive. It took me decades to learn the word "no" and these days I do not even give a reason. (When a person wants to use me as a doormat to babysit their children for example, compared to really...

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    I like that notion of curiosity into the behaviour of others.

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    I loved this wheel idea. Still, my musical knowledge is so limiting. It feels as if I can't read! Frustrating!

  • Edvard Grieg:
    1. I imagined small movements with my hands, and feet, like erratic flying.
    2. It was hard for me to move to this. My legs didn't do anything but "walk" and my hands did most of the movement like a kind of air piano, but going everywhere: above my head etc.
    3. I am sure I looked really strange dancing to this. I couldn't find a flow to it....

  • Why is it so hard to love yourself? I could so easily and with such abundance bestow goodness and love and wellbeing on my sister. But when it came to myself, I struggled.

  • Ears:
    Experience: In the beginning I was irritated by the electronic-ness of it. It seemed to be going nowhere. It changed into almost meditation type experiences later. Like a deep connection to something.
    I saw lots of images: In the beginning I saw a hospital, and someone fighting for her life. Then I saw a garage, and then scenes from India. I also saw...

  • @johnwakenshaw And the tune is so catchy! Out of all of those songs on repeat most of the day, his stuck.

  • I think Maluma is the first rounder and softer one and takete is the one with sharp edges. ...?

  • I found this last bit a tad intellectual. I can understand the interest in it, and appreciate the research that went into it, but to me as a kind of dreamer, writer, and dancer, it's technical, with a big ? as to why//// I still love your course and think it is beautifully put together.

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    I feel stupid now! The list is long!

  • Pure nostalgia and change... I could feel it as I kept trying to touch things which were lost

  • I'm loving the Playlist! Bruce Springsteen! Wow! What a song! Probably my favourite on the list. I hear it even in my sleep. When I read the lyrics, I couldn't imagine a tune to it. Yoh! Perfect. Also loved Radical Face. What lyrics. Pure Poetry. Just love this, a band that is new to me. And then, of course the whole playlist work together as a whole, an...

  • Effect: I am hoping that listening to my closest family members will deepen our relationship. Sometimes I am on auto pilot and Ive realised that I am much gentler and present with my friends than with my family.
    New Things: I hope that I am always slow in texting and thinking mindfully to what I write. But I am not always switching off devices or using only...

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    I've had to practice this for many many many years, and sometimes I still struggle.

  • Honestly: I listen so mindfully to my friends and co-workers, but when it comes to the ones I love most, I often reverse to auto-pilot! Never realised this. I am going to breathe and listen differently to them now. Also without judgement.

  • @ChrisHartley Yes, thank you for that. I love music now, and I am very mindful to include music in my children's lives. They are beacons that shine for them, and I am proud of breaking a cycle. Once, the school psychologist asked my daughter where she feels safe. She was about 6 or maybe even 5, and she said "Inside Music." I was a proud parent that day. (And...

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    I will def use my own. And I will have to find someone to do the musical part with me.

  • Loved the song and this video!

  • Lovely song!
    And oh crap. I can't sing or play any instruments. But I can write.

  • Like all of us, I have many. One of my favourites is possibly Chop Suey (System of a Down) It makes me feel alive, and full of energy. (I grew up in Apartheid South Africa, with all the shit that goes along with such a system) This song was a kind of break away song for me. It symbolises "out" and "free" and "you will not cage me in."
    The Noose (Perfect...

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    My favourite bands and maybe fav songs (how does one choose?) include:
    Rammstein (Ohne Dich, and Reise Reise) Edward and the magnetic zeros, (Come and dance with me) The National (Bloodbuzz Ohio), The Black keys, (Im a lonely boy) Cage the elephant, (Every single song) 21 pilots.... (almost every song) oh! The list is long. It has been my lockdown list!

  • I am Merle, from South Africa and I love to write poems, short stories and haikus. I've been interested in learning song writing. Looking fw to this course.

  • Yes! booooooooo! @RobynHolmes We are living our best lives now, in change.

  • Sound 1
    A bell or a bowl with a sharp sound. Maybe it's round and and made out of copper. Hit by 'n metal stick. I don't think its very big. Maybe like a small soup bowl?
    Sound 2
    Two stones being rubbed together. The stone can fit into human hands.
    Sound 3
    Someone writing on a whiteboard with a marker. Then also giving steps as the person moves from one...

  • This made me smile! Brilliant! 'm thinking of the music affording to circus clowns, synchronized swimming, ice skates... Maybe even eating a cake or a beginner, learning to ski.

  • Agreed! Share what you like!

  • Lucky you! I hope you cherish it,,,, that open musical household

  • What a beautiful memory! I love PF too.

  • Gonna try it! Thanks!

  • Im going to give this a try, thanks

  • We are in lockdown, as you may be too. It has been surprising to me as to what became my anthem songs during this time.
    The first is XAVIER RUDD's "Follow the Sun"
    It's not usually music that would move me, as I find it a bit sentimental. But now, locked up in one of the world's worst lockdowns, "....Breathe / Breathe in in the air/ set your intentions/...

  • Culture is strange... I grew up in South Africa under the tyrannical Apartheid Laws. It was drilled into us that rock and roll was from Satan and really bad for you. (Movement to music was just as bad, and dancing was out of the question!!!) I have believed that sadly, as a first child, with very strict parents... Until I realised that it was all nonsense. I...

  • I found the first part easy, I love to do things when I'm learning. I found the last video challenging as I am not very "intellectual" and not very precise when I do things. But loving it all so far.

  • I like that you ask us! Tricky indeed. I would go to the dictionary.
    For motion my dictionary says: The action or process of moving or being moved. I kind of like that. Being moved. Like your heart being moved...? For Movement it says: an act of moving/ change. I kind of like this too. Physical movement from the one place to the next. When I speak, I think...

  • I am trying not to judge classical music. So I listened to it. I must say I struggled to sit still. I moved my head, my feet. When it was time to move to Mozart I did a little ballet like thai-chi movement on the lawn. I listened to the jazz too. Beautiful piece! Even harder to sit still! I shuffled along when it was time to dance, and closed my eyes. Both...

  • (This article made me put on "Oscar and the Wolf" from Belgium. I love "Because you're mine" and I danced around the garden.) Such an interesting article.... Then also, how did politics and racism influence our music of today? And how would it have looked different if those who had influence were different. Like Henry Ford?

  • @TanjaGrgic王玛丽 I can't agree more. It would be wonderful! Also for me who has such judgement against "intellectual" music which you can't feel with your body, your soul, your feet, your skin. Maybe I would feel it, if i danced to it>

  • Maybe because we are conditioned to be "good?" or to behave? Or not to show a certain side or ourselves?

  • Or you move, because you are listening to the music...

  • That's so interesting! Did you enjoy it? Did you know the music before you went out dancing to it? @AvrilBeesley

  • This would be an interesting idea: dancers, dancing to classical music, because they want to... I wonder how it would feel? Or to jazz? I also wonder why people have such a huge judgement against "being primitive?" Are we denying a part of ourselves? And what is "primitive?" (I so hate this word) We are layered and we are many many things.

  • To me, personally, music is not intellectual. It sits in the skin... (and before all of this, ancient peoples moved to music)

  • Can't agree more. How can you feel/think/experience music without moving to it. That's why I ignore classical music. I know I'm missing out, but sitting on a chair and not moving feels a lot like being in a kind of dead place.

  • Hey, my name is Merle, and I moved into this course, because moving to music is one of the things that keep me alive, and brings me joy. Being "inside music" is one of my happy places. I am a writer and teacher, and would love to move towards writing lyrics, so I thought this would be an appropriate start. (I have no natural rhythm so by the way. I move to my...

  • It was at times hard for me to keep up here. I started late, and then covid19 hit us all with a blast. But I've made it! The song is playing loudly in my garden and I have learnt so much more than I thought I knew. Thank you to Future Learn and Monash University for making the free course possible. It was clearly set out, with loads of links, free apps and...

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    I've never been a runner, and always looked a bit scornfully at runners who "mess up their knees in those expensive shoes." (giggles.) But we in South Africa are not allowed out of our front gates, not even for a walk. (Lockdown) We are not even allowed to buy wine, which is an essential for a meal! So I've started running. Mindfully. Around the house. It is...

  • This has really helped me so much. I have been avoiding my work, and my deadline. (tonight!) Covid 19 certainly does not help, but I've also been fearful and riddled with anxiety to expose myself to criticism. So I just avoided and avoided. Last night did a mindful meditation, and this morning, and I am almost halfway through my work.

  • I am going to be conscious to switch off my phone, keep notifications to a bare minimum and to make time for phones/ texting and mailing.

  • I find perception most challenging. Especially during Covid19. Because we do not know what our new future would look like, imagining a tiger is the first thing that springs to mind. I think acceptance of this situation would be really helpful to me. Acceptance has made me love myself more, and become a stronger person.
    I try a 10 minute meditation every day,...

  • I would love to practice this this week. Being curious. We are so distracted with technology and wanting to do everything at the same time. I think it would help me to be more focussed. To do more and not less.

  • Being kind to myself in this way has honestly changed so many things for me. I can focus on my strong points, and delegate my weaker ones. I have also learnt to forgive others and to see them in this gentle way. I am working on developing this more and more without taking myself too seriously. To laugh at myself and to keep things light, I believe, is part of...

  • What a wonderful way to teach this course! So practical and it kept me on my seat. I would recommend it to anyone! Thank you so much.

  • I have definitely watched too many crime scene programmes where things go so smoothly and where fingermarks, shoe marks and fibres always prove someone's guilt / innocence in a matter of 40 minutes or so. I love the fact that science can be subjective. It really excites me and I think that a lot more has to be made of this. I think it is the ideal thing for...

  • I've had a year of the app CALM and although it does not teach you the principles of mindfulness as such, I have learnt so much from it. This year I didnt have money for the app, and I carry on by myself. So when I saw this course, I decided to enrol. I really enjoy seeing that everything I know, is here as well. And it is also good to know that we are all...

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    Is it the nature of drugs that lead it to violent crime? And why? (Arent drugs supposed to make the user escape the reality they are in? And the manufacturer just the one providing the service.)

  • In my country cannabis is used widely and openly. Youngsters still love coke, MDMA and Acid, while the gangs use meths and heroin. More and more of this can be seen on the streets, which is quite scary. I believe a lot of police officers are keeping blind eye over here, which make the problem grow.

  • Oh my gosh! The making of cocaine is so destructive. I felt for those poor trees, animals and humans who had to be subjected to their dirty water.

  • I am really enjoying this course. I love the comments too. Week 4 was much more manageable, as I found week 3 quite hard. (I know a lot of people lapped it up, and know that it had to be included) I really enjoy to tick "Mark as complete" as soon as I have done an activity and understood what was explained. I think this is a superb university. Thank you for...

  • I have also returned to thinking that it was the husband. The crime seems really violent for someone who just needed drug money. That is if the fingerprints were that of the pervious drug-crime offender. Or did Mr and Mrs Ward want a little something to powder their noses with and then the deal went wrong?

  • Me too! Loving the suspense.

  • I love how the cops in CSI always ask for a suspect shoes and then walla, it is a perfect fit. I don't think it is that easy, and I'm sure that marks, like fingerprints are most of the time partial. Plus how do you link a specific person's shoe to that mark? I find the subjectivity of science quite fascinating.

  • It's so interesting isn't it. We're only human after all, in spite of all the science. They should make a TV programme about all the ambiguity

  • All this blood has my queezieeeee. I'm going to sit out on this one.

  • How long does a person still bleed after death? And what can this "pool" of blood tell us?

  • We have a National DNA database in South Africa, but it is riddled with controversy, due to the country's violent and unjust past. We are having a law passed soon, which might allow us to expand and update this database.

  • I am loving the course and finding it very interesting. (I am also quite happy that this isn't or wouldn't be my career.) I think the outlay is clever and I also enjoy the weekly break up of the material.

  • It just seems like a terribly violent crime for a hand bag and a piece of jewellery. ..?

  • What happened? I would take fingerprints of passenger door, steering wheel, look for blood fingermarks, arms rests, fascia and windows. But safe to look for marks on inside and outside of the car in general. Where were these marks found? Is it significant that they were found where they were found? What kind of cartridge was found? Print? Fingermarks left on...

  • Does it mean that a finger mark can fade? One of the killers in my book leaves a finger mark on the victim's phone. The phone is only discovered a few days later. Will this matter? (No one else will touch it.)

  • Interesting... I suppose it was possibly used to suit theories at all cost. I always thought that finger marks would be clear and clear-cut. Alas, they are, like life, grey and in between things... I like this quote at the end of the article:
    "This is all about adding a culture of science to the forensic-science community," by Harry Edwards. New ways to use...

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    I am loving this. Wondering how different people would treat the exact same evidence and how personality/ intellect / EQ would have an effect on the crime scene.

  • To me the logistics of it all is still mind boggling. How do you for example find out who is murdered? (Not in this care obviously) And how do you link DNA to a specific person? Esp in South Africa with thousands of illegal immigrants. I am loving the process of the crime scene and how evidence is gathered. I still have a thousand questions hanging.

  • Merle Grace made a comment

    What happened? A woman was shot in head and her husband in the arm.
    Where? Busy road
    How: Robber pulled them off and started shooting after the wife resisted
    Who: Mr and Mrs Ward, and one man, the robber and killer
    When: 4/08/2013 at 3:30 pm (after lunch at hotel)
    Why: Panic during robbery

  • 1. Whose blood splutter is in the car?
    2. Entry point of bullet and can bullet be linked to a gun
    3. Were there any fingerprints

  • I don't know much about crime or science. I am a (wannabe) writer. I think that this evidence is scientifically proved evidence that would stand their ground in a court of law.