Sebastiano Giorgi Scalari

Sebastiano Giorgi Scalari

Dual dad, LIS, RDM,...

Location Barcelona-Spain


  • In my istitution we don't have already set up a specific self evaluation method of RDM. Infrastructure services have their owns Standard Operational Practicies (SOPs) than must include data management, but not yet specific for research data. Ethical and legislation services have their working flows well defined, and we're trying to merge the diffents...

  • Thank you very much Sarah

  • I'm already involucrated in supporting data cycle. Researchers come to us more &more offen in the planning fase, and that's a signe of more maturuty in data management planning. DMPonline is a very good starting point, maybe it'd need more DMP examples of real approved proyects, of different research areas.

  • Hello, I'm Sebastiano, a research librarian who support from the reseach library servicies our accademic & research community. Pro OpenScience via a correct and renewed research data management, happy studies ;-)