
  • The biggest challenge in a hospital setting is convincing the various players in the care of a diabetic patient to advice/insist that they have a screening test. The clinics are busy, the patient and those attending to them often "forget" to mention or act on the advice given. It is therefore important that hospitals and health centres that offer diabetic care...

  • Concerning the anterior chamber in this article: the anterior chamber is the part (of the anterior segment) between the cornea and the iris while the posterior chamber is that space between the iris and the lens.

  • Hi. I am George Odhiambo Ohito, an Ophthalmic Clinical Officer in Nairobi, Kenya. My daily routine now includes screening for diabetic eye disease for patients visiting our centre. Thank you for the course.

  • I am a clinician and have seen the definition of diabetes change over time. First from Juvenile and adult onset to the current type 1 and 2. Many still confuse these classifications.
    Secondly, confusion still exists in my mind on the cause: genetics, environment, lifestyle? I need a coherent approach in order to help my patients and the community that I...

  • GEORGE ODHIAMBO made a comment

    I am an eye care practitioner. I am joining this course because of the magnitude of diabetic eye disease I encounter daily in my practice. My expectation is to gain more understanding in general principles in care of the diabetic patient, not just the eye.

  • Hi. I am a mid level medical worker with a desire to understand basics in biochemistry.

  • GEORGE ODHIAMBO made a comment

    Whatever we do in our daily lives should be transferable to the future generations through documentation of the processes that informed our choices.

  • Task 1 involves describing in one's own word information fro a diagram or a chart.
    Task 2 is a discussion of a point of view on a given topic.

  • Read more
    Vary the topics that you read
    Keep reading

  • Most schools have began teaching, and some children have starting learning English in the primary schools and kindergartens respectively. There are many language schools. The main reason why increasing numbers of young children are learning English early in China are considered below.

    Firstly, the majority of people from China use English as an official...

  • Dear Tony,
    Thanks agreeing to watch over my pet dog Terror. I’m leaving the country next Tuesday for Nairobi and will be back by the end of next week. This trip means a lot to me as it accords me an opportunity to meet some family members after a long time.
    I have left enough food in the store for Terror. It is pre-cooked so it won’t be a hassle to prepare...

  • Question 1
    Eating a balanced diet is an essential factor for a healthy life
    -carbohydrates gives the body the energy to fuel essential functions
    -proteins necessary for growth and replacement of body tissues
    -Vital minerals, the so called vitamins for improve immunity and hormonal balance
    -Keeps the body functional, growing and safe

  • "talk more than the examiner." Keep talking to buy time!!!

  • Take regular breaks to rejuvenate your brain

  • We use an integrated approach in delivery of outreach services. We provide ready-made reading spectacles but advice those with significant refractive errors to visit our centre. Employing technicians for field work would considerable increase cost. Once a proper prescription is done, spectacles are delivered to the outreach centre on a pre-arranged date....

  • Nairobi, Kenya’s capital city is a common destination for both local and international visitors in search of adventure. Among the destinations for adventure is the Nairobi National Park that is just ten minutes drive from the city centre. This essay will discuss why the park is a popular destination for those visiting Nairobi.
    Because many people grow up...

  • There is a national park that is about fifteen minutes drive from the city centre of Nairobi. In it are elephants, lions, rhinos, buffaloes and lot of other animals that attract tourists. At the entrance of the park is an animal orphanage that is home to a variety of animals saved from poachers or those abandoned or orphaned in the bush by their parents.

  • The Aravind model is quite appealing but cultural habits may derail its implementation in our part of the world where the the rich are not ashamed to seek "free"services. However, increasing the number of surgeries per operating day has worked well to some extent. Still there is room for improvement.

  • Discus the reasons why blindness is common in Africa

  • An eye opener. It is not only the paragraph but the way the content is organised. Thank you for the exercise.

  • Most often we start to write without a thought to the reader. This sample essay starts with a concise introduction that captures the whole story. The last paragraph to gives a summary, to remind the reader of the whole story.

  • Learning today is more fun. Whereas in the past students in the village depended entirely on the teacher as the source of knowledge, today books, Newspapers the internet are available to the majority of students. The teachers are now facilitators in learning rather than the main source of knowledge. Learners are therefore able to challenge existing knowledge...

  • Xiao's content has incredibly improved in detail, and his grammar and punctuation too!

  • He has communicated his ideas very well but needs a lot of work in grammar.

  • Life in the past was both easy and challenging. Easy in that there was collective responsibility in all tasks undertaken by men, women and children in an organised pattern. There was time for work, play and relaxation for each category of members of the community. Challenging because technology was poorly applied to make life easy.

    Today, life is...

  • Hi. I am a Kenyan mid-level health worker whose gone back to college to upgrade skills. Technical subjects are generally easier to cope with but when it comes to essays, especially on general course units, arranging one's thoughts become a challenge.
    Academic writing involves communicating one's thoughts and knowledge gleaned from secondary sources- books,...

  • The CSR is surely not adequate for Zrenya. A target of 2000 surgeries per year is not impossible but should be reached gradually, say, over two to three years. With two ophthalmologists, they should lobby for at least two operating days and aim for one thousand cases for year one, increasing to 4 surgical days for 2000 (each surgeon in theatre on alternate...