Georgia C

Georgia C

Hi I'm Georgia and I'm currently studying an MChem at university.


  • i can hear my mum watching TV in the living room and my dad making her a cup of tea. i can see my computer screen and my notepad in front of me. i can feel the keys of my keyboard as i type this. i can taste the toothpaste in my mouth. i can smell coffee.

  • my family member is also very sensitive and takes a lot of the things i do personally when the majority of the time it had nothing to do with them

  • Georgia C made a comment

    I am just an inquisitive person so decided to join

  • I've tried smoking once but hated it so I would never do it again

  • I have taken paracetamol and ibuprofen as I get really bad migraines but I have never taken morphine

  • taking tablets once a day is easier to remember, however in some cases that isn't possible because the dosage you'd need to get you through an entire day is too high so it would be toxic to the body

  • It gives you a sense of euphoria as more dopamine is released, which could assist pain relief

  • Or is it 5000?

  • I would hope so, ive actually shortened my question to just 'To what extent are cancer treatments humane?' As thinking about it im not sure I'd get everything in if i explained how to improve them as well. Ive planned out how i will order my paragraphs so i think i should be able to do it in 4000 words

  • I usually write a big list of everything I need to do, then work through it putting dates of when I will do each task, giving myself some wiggle room for unexpected events preventing me from finishing all my tasks.

  • I used google scholar. Terms I used included 'humane', 'cancer treatments', and specific cancer treatments such as 'chemotherapy' and 'radiotherapy'

  • I think in my introduction I will need to define some words in the question I am answering

  • To what extent are cancer treatments humane and how can they be made more so?

  • I want to complete an EPQ for the personal benefits such as improving my presentation skills to boost my confidence. I also think it would be helpful at university with the style of writing, and since I don't write very much I think experiencing it more now will put me at more of an advantage later on.

  • This flowchart is super helpful!

  • I want to do an EPQ for the personal benefits because I want to get better at writing essays and giving presentations, I also find the topic I'm planning on writing about very interesting

  • Georgia C made a comment

    They are activated by a change in temperature or capsaicin. It activates the neuron it is attached to and this sends electrical signals to the spinal cord. This reaches the somatosensory cortex and the brain detects the pain.

  • Georgia C made a comment

    I found this video fascinating

  • awh thank you so much!

  • My grandad, my dad (his son) and I all have back problems, as its one that is much more likely if you have a family history of it. My dad and I both have scoliosis, however mine isn't as visible and I honestly forget I have it most of the time because it doesn't cause many issues. Sometimes I do get back pain if I sit in the same position for a long time.


  • I'm managing my time well, I'm also teaching myself my a levels at the moment so I've gotten good at time-management. I've been rewatching the videos so far and making notes

  • @HusseinAlwaisi thank you!

  • Hydrophobic means it dissociates with water, and its opposite is hydrophillic, meaning it associates with water. Hydrophobic molecules are non-polar.

  • This was a very interesting video

  • Circulating LDLs can contribute to the formation of atheromas and the development of atherosclerosis. If there are more receptors, there will be less LDLs circulating the blood and instead going to the liver, so there is a lower risk of atherosclerosis.

  • I like that he speaks slowly so its easier to understand

  • It is important so that the substrate is the right shape to fit into the active site of the enzyme and have maximum effectiveness. This would mean the drug would need to be taken in lower concentrations. So I think it would have a lower EC50?? is that right??

  • The shape of the molecule needs to be complementary to the active site of the enzyme so that it can fit and produce a response

  • How do you know what an edit to a molecule will do inside the body? like how do you know it will reduce certain side effects or is it just a matter of trial and error?

  • C=O - carbonyl group (e.g. ketones and aldehydes)
    O-H - hydroxyl group (e.g. alcohols)

  • That's what I like about it, feels satisfying when I understand something difficult

  • I agree!

  • Having more HDLs reduces the blood cholesterol as it carries cholesterol to the liver to be removed and excreted via bile salts. LDLs can lead to a build up of cholesterol in blood vessels, preventing blood flow and increasing the blood pressure. This can eventually block a blood vessel entirely, causing heart attacks and stroke due to the heart and brain not...

  • I think cholesterol is also part of cell membranes to regulate its rigidity

  • I think some people think that if they ignore it it will eventually go away, but obviously thats very rarely the case

  • @AboladeSalami i think another aspect of it is that they don't think it will happen to them, which is quite a common mindset to have

  • @AbhijeetVerma I was a bit intimidated by the hours as it doesn't feel humanly possible without eventually burning out. so thank you for your comment

  • 1 mornings
    2 maths as a subject but also exercise
    3 social media and texting while working, ive downloaded an app now that will block me from using certain apps
    4 my days were structured around working as my main goal rn is to do well at my a levels
    5 i would want to spend more time exercising in breaks and keeping to a schedule as im really bad at that

  • I tend to work lots in the mornings but i dont do much in the afternoon/evenings, not because of burnout but more procrastination

  • Wow 13-14 hours a day thats impressive, do you ever get burned out?

  • I cant recall what i do with my time very well. I am satisfied with how many hours i study every week but i would like to use my time better, which is why i took this course

  • I think i will try it but i dont know if it will work as trying to recall info works better for me, e.g. by using flashcards

  • Motivating

  • I prefer writing things by hand as i am more likely to remember it that way however typing is much quicker and its easier to colour code

  • Making the focus seems helpful! Theres lots in biology and chemistry so this will be very good for that

  • I dont make summaries, i take down notes sometimes and have post it notes with little facts on

  • Could vaccines be considered for this question? As they are used to prevent you from getting a serious illness if you come into contact with it

  • Georgia C made a comment

    Cardiovascular diseases have a genetic component, but the risk can be lowered by improving your environment. E.g. having a low blood cholesterol, eating less unsaturated fats, and exercising more to keep at a healthy weight. Theres two types of cholesterol, 'good' cholesterol (HDLs - high density lipoproteins) and bad cholesterol (LDLs - low density...

  • My nan has type 2 diabetes so I have some experience with hypo- and hyperglycemia. It can be almost fatal sometimes as i remember one day when i was a child she had to go to hospital because her blood sugar was so high.

  • I constantly forget to take my pill but im hoping to get the injection soon so that i dont have to try and remember.

  • These videos are really interesting!

  • The drug may not work anymore

  • Well explained, I'm going to watch it again but take notes as well

  • I cant wait to make a long term plan!

  • The app I've been using since Nov last year is called Study Bunny and its really good. You get a coin for every 10 mins of study, which you can then use to buy your bunny an outfit or edit the room.

  • Social media, netflix and youtube

  • Georgia C made a comment

    Yes i procrastinate a lot and it can take a while for me to finally sit down and start a study task, but also things like household chores

  • I think previewing will be helpful as it gives a rough idea of what ill be doing so prepares me for it

  • I don't properly preview what I willbe learning, so I will start doing that, today in fact! Previewing will be useful to prepare my brain for whats to come

  • I think I am going to make a plan tonight for what I will do each day next week, and plan exactly what I will do in each study session. I can't turn off my phone as I have a study app on it, but I will put it in another room.

  • I want to work on deciding what to study because I get worried I won't go over everything if I don't plan long term but I never stick to more than a week in advance.

  • I like it to be super quiet when I study. I recognise the girl tying up her hair, and looking at studying as something to do like a 9-5 job. I also usually leave my phone on airplane mode so it isn't distracting me, or I leave it in an awkward place in another room e.g. under the sofa. Have water with you and plan what you will study weekly.

  • This method sounds good already!

  • Georgia C made a comment

    Hi, I'm Georgia. I'm one of those people who was naturally smart when I was younger and now don't really know how to study properly so I've taken this course to try and get better at that.

  • May have to watch a couple times to get a real grasp of it but good explanation!

  • glucose becomes stored as glycogen in the liver

  • Great explanation

  • Diabetes is becoming more common due to obesity becoming more common so people aren't taking care of their bodies as much. in addition, sugary foods tend to be healthier than healthier foods so people can generally afford it more.

  • that sounds interesting

  • @EllaG right okay, thanks for explaining, think i get it now

  • This course has been great so far so thank you so much for making it, its exactly what I was looking for!

  • Making a crossword is such a good idea!

  • What sort of research work?

  • Georgia C made a comment

    So if a drug has a higher potency, it has a higher concentration and so less of it is needed for it to affect the body?

  • I'm going to rewatch the videos and make myself a glossary i think

  • I think all drugs have a specific target but maybe side effects are the drug interacting with cells its not intended to.

  • The diagrams really help

  • The drug needs to be the right shape to fit the active site. It was once the lock and key model, but this has been revised to the induced fit model. The shape of the drug needs to be complementary to the shape of the protein's binding site. In the lock and key model, that would be the end of it, but the induced fit model says that the protein changes shape...

  • Georgia C made a comment

    We learned about the different types of alcohol in chemistry a level. Primary alcohols are where the functional group is attatched to a carbon that is attatched to one other carbon, or R group. (R group means in this case a hydrocarbon chain that could be any length) secondary alcohols are where the functional group is a bonded to a carbon bonded to 2 R groups...

  • Georgia C made a comment

    There are lots of different systems in the body including the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, reproductive, and nervous systems. The circulatory and respiratory system are linked because in the lungs there are lots of alveoli surrounded by capillaries. Oxygen diffuses out of the alveoli and into the blood stream and carbon dioxide is removed from the...

  • Thanks for the intro!

  • The doctor prescribes the drug initially and then the pharmacist administers it to the patient.

  • Georgia C made a comment

    Hi I'm georgia and I started this course because I'm considering studying pharmacology at university but I wanted to see what its like to learn abour first

  • Georgia C made a comment

    Hi I'm Georgia and i started this course because I'm considering doing a pharmacology degree at university

  • The diagrams help a lot thanks.

  • @JennyCuffe I agree, it's scary in a way how easily we could clone ourselves. And thats true, even if we had all of our connections mapped out on a computer, it would only have that and wouldn't have a body to control. I don't think it would be able to make additional memories either but I guess that needs to be looked into more.

  • Oh I see, that's interesting. Thanks so much for explaining!

  • I really liked the interactive timeline! Really brings everything into perspective.

  • Georgia C made a comment

    It all depends on the definition of 'alive'. If it is that organisms replicate their cells, then yes viruses are alive. However, as pointed out by Nigel Brown, they can't do this alone.

  • Very interesting. With the two nuclei in the protist, is it that one nucleus controls one side of the body and the other nucleus controls the other side of the body? How does it work with two nuclei?

  • I took the survey, didn't take long!

  • Thank you so much for the additional resources, they're very useful.

  • Hi, I'm Georgia and I'm in year 12. I'm interested in a few different courses at university and microbiology is one of them so I wanted to take this course to find out more about it. At the moment, I feel the microbiology of health is quite important because of all the antibiotic resistant bacteria.

  • I voted that the majority were good because I was thinking about how in the gut for example there are lot of microbes that help breakdown food.

  • I think its going well but I would like a glossary so I can keep track of the new words being learned. The videos are very good!

  • Homunculus...

  • Sulcus - the grooves in the brain
    Gyrus - the surfaces around the grooves

  • There's just so much to know about the brain but also so much we don't know yet.

  • I think smartness is a bit vague and should be made more specific to describe who may have more neurones than someone else, it could be that the more facts or information you know, the more neurones you have.

  • Each neurone has a specific role, which would lead to them looking different from each other. The three types I can think of are the motor neurone, sensory neurone and relay neurone. Motor neurons tell the effectors when to act, for example a muscle to contract. The sensory neurone transports sensory neural impulses from receptors. A relay neurone passes...