Abdul Hakim Farahmand

Abdul Hakim Farahmand

Name: Abdul Hakim"Farahmand"
Father Name: Mohammad Ayub
Religion: Islam
Nationality: Afghan
ID Tazkira: 1400-206-31980
Passport Number: P0233740
Native language: Dari (Farsi)

Location House No. 203, First Alley of Mall Bazaar, Second Street of Spin Zar Taloqan Company, Asyab Mullah Ghafoor Village, Fourth District, Taloqan City and Takhar Province – Afghanistan



  • QoL definitions from Collins dictionary and WHO focus on non-monetary aspects of well-being, which are elaborated in the York Health Economics Consortium definition. WHO also adds a unique dimension to the definition of QoL by linking well-being to individual personality. However, my idea of QoL included fiscal stability, which has established association with...

  • According to economic theory, there is a direct relationship between the price and quantity of goods and services supplied and demand.
    A market in which buyers and sellers meet and trade goods and services through demand and supply at an equilibrium price is known as a free market, a market in which price is simply determined by supply and demand and It is...

  • In short, Abdul Hakim Farahmand and I learned that the lack of the main part is an economic problem. Thank you, we cannot fulfill all your needs and desires because there are opportunity costs.
    When we choose to take one course of action, there is an implicit choice not to take another course of action so that adopting micro and macroeconomic approaches...

  • I am fascinated by the real-life scenario of failed medical innovations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Does the total product curve shift from point B to point A because health worsens (due to the failure of new treatments) despite increased health care consumption (through hospitalizations)

  • Very valid question, Shinnosuke. I like your interpretation which is along the right lines but my hesitation is that this doesn’t show aging but rather we would tend to say in economics that everything else in the process is held constant ie to use your example, we would instead hold age as a constant.
    Essentially, the law of diminishing returns in economics...

  • Efficiency and equality

    Allocative efficiency is the allocation of resources in such a way as to provide an optimal combination of goods and services to maximize benefits for society. For example, if a country can improve its health outcomes by reallocating resources from hospital care to primary care, that country has not yet maximized allocative efficiency.

  • @KesterManiaul UHC is a very popular health agenda, and yet, in reality, many less developed countries with crippling economies and political instability can hardly achieve UHC, and Afghanistan is one of the least developed countries.

  • UHC is a very popular health agenda, a very ambitious definition. However, in reality, many less developed countries with crippling economies and political instability will find it difficult to achieve UHC. On the other hand, there are some well-resourced countries, such as the United States, which for example have wide health inequalities that threaten UHC....

  • All health systems face the challenge of managing and allocating limited resources for health, and the "Roadmap for Systematic Prioritization and Health Technology Assessment (HTA)" from the use of health technology assessment (HTA) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) It provides support for determining the value of a health technology (eg, a drug)....

  • My understanding and opinion is that the nature of a health care system is to maximize the health of its people.
    Therefore, health economics should examine the choices made for the use of limited resources and recommend their better use.
    totally. WHO also lists several targets. See below which are:
    • Improving access to health care: This may include...

  • I am excited and happy just to introduce and learn about HTA as a tool for the decision making process.
    This will certainly reinforce my previous learning about economic evaluation and health systems strengthening.

  • I like to share such courses and many experiences

  • Welcome to Healthcare Recruiting and Recruiting: Design and Deliver Effective Short Multiple Interviews (MMIs). This course is a joint collaboration between the University of Surrey and St George's, University of London

  • Science, information, motivation and culture are defined for continuous improvement and innovation, with the best integrated approach in the delivery process and the new knowledge taken as an integral product of the delivery experience. "As the name suggests, LHS It constantly learns about every patient, because everything that happens in the system is...

  • The general public is a major branch of health sciences. Its students are working to protect and promote the health of the community. Students in this field must be equipped with a set of sciences and skills and beliefs that work to preserve, develop and promote the health of the community.

  • First Name: Abdul Hakim
    Last Name: Farahmand
    Father Name: Mohammad Ayub
    Grand Father Name: Ghulam Jan
    Religion: Islam
    Nationality: Afghan
    Country: Afghanistan
    Biography Number: 205065
    Native language: Dari (Farsi)
    Gender: Male
    Marital status: Single
    Date of Birth: 1991
    Place of birth: Afghanistan, Kunduz Province, Khan Abad District and...

  • It was a very informative video I learned