Amal Araia Ghebray

Amal Araia Ghebray



  • A great and a very useful course. I have enjoyed it.
    Thank you very much!

  • Yes you are right, inclusive education is our shared responsibility and we can all do something to make inclusion happen at our school. While I was moving from topic to another, and exploring all the downloadable materials, in the last week in this course, I discovered my own class room wasn't reflecting the practices of inclusive education. So I think I will...

  • I like to make a friendship with my students. That help me to know them very well, and work as their key person. So having a truthful relationship between a child, his parents and myself, helpe me to identifying barriers and design an affective adjustments very easy.

  • Yes, you are right, that is all universal design principles in education mean, sharing the same learning and experience.

  • Yes, you are right, that is all universal design principles in education mean, sharing the same learning and experience.

  • I think all students benefit from the use of universal design principles in education, because it makes learning goes beyond accessible design for people with disabilities to make all aspects of the educational experience more inclusive for students, parents, and educational staff.

  • Monica you are right.

  • That it really a fantastic idea. Sadly we only find a big play ground like that with it's all wide possibilities in the modern rich countries only, not here in Africa.
    In my country we have many small public parks and entertainments places that every body can enjoy.

  • When I look back on my time at elementary school , I remember I have had difficulty to understand the teacher giving directions, auditory messages while my classmates were talking, due to that I have changed my sitting place many times.

  • Now days in our modern world there're In Africa many families who feel pity, and even feel cursed because they have a disabled children. Many families in Africa are still keeping their disabled children in a hidden places inside their houses with closed doors, because they feel shameful of them. If we don't talk no thing of that will ever change. talking about...

  • Very interesting! We need to change our attitudes toward people with disabilities. We need to start from our own homes.

  • Fantastic video!

  • Yes, language is a powerful tool. It can hurts and it can cures too. We should be aware of that.

  • While I was growing up, all the schools that I have attended, no one of them was designe in a ways that allowed people with disabilities to get into, out or move around very easy. When I think about it now, that wasn't fair.

  • Good. I am ready for week two. Thank you!

  • Good. I am ready for week two. Thank you!

  • I have been watching disabled young children treated unfairly, because of their societies misunderstanding. I think now is the right time to start to correct and change a harmful beliefs and opinions.

  • I think Daniel's school has adopted segregated practice, because although he was in the classroom with his peers, but he was given different activity from others and he was using different resources.

  • Very interesting!

  • I am from Eritrea, but I am living and working in Sudan. The Eritran have fought for a long years until they got their freedom in 1991. With only 7 million of population, there was one or more disabled people in most family houses . So since 1991 the Eritrean government provided equal opportunity for all, before rectified the CRPD in 2017, but education in...

  • I think we have taken a big steps to ward inclusive education for all.

  • Useful information. Thank you!

  • They have been a great two weeks, I really enjoyed this course, and I have learned a lot.
    Thank you very much!

  • Gerat! Thank you!

  • Daniel is in the class room, but he is not learning, because the teacher and his assistant aren't giving him the same attention like the other students. This is not inclusion.

  • Great. Thank you!

  • It is important to listen and empathise when a student comes to you even if that is all they need from you at that time. Yes that is true.
    As a matter of fact before starting this course I have had a different ideas and a wrong ways to manage bullying problems at my preschool.
    I will be a champion and I will try my best to change my colleagues ideas about ...

  • I think I will teach phonics to my students in the future using contextually with commercial products, because they are the best, and available.

  • I prefer to use both of them. We use a play-based activities to teach phonics and words, specially when we work in groups, and we use a child-led play at any time of the day when they finish their class work, and at their two break times. We engage with them, show our interests and interact with out controlling the activities.

  • We use Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, and Dr. Seuss books, but most of the time when we teach phonics we use big alphabet picture cards, and the jolly phonics videos.

  • An alphabet book with a video CD, so children can see how the images look like in the real life. So they can talk about them.

  • I love the activity, but we don't have laptops for children's use at our preschool, so we have made a game just like yours. We use pictures and letters flashcards. It is a matching game. It is good, but not very exciting like the above game.

  • My favourite book for supporting phonological awareness is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a book written by Bill Martin.
    My class children love to repeat the words Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and look for the letters.

  • I am working with a young children, so I clap for each sound, than I encourage them to join me and we clap together, or stand up and stamp our feet while saying the sounds. For example like car= k-a-r.

  • I like teaching through both adult- lead play, because it is good to teach a child a new alphabet letters and sounds, and child-lead play, because I can build naturally on what children already know. So I repeat phonics and words or a song while joining in thatever activities that interested them, I show my interest and interact meaningfully. We teach,...

  • Our class teaching strategies are very simply. We play different phonics videos songs, flashcards, magnetic lette, ABC puzzles boards, play dough, they sound out their names, games, storytelling, rhymes, match words to pictures or plastic toys, we put ABC in order and we use crafts to colour or docorat a letter and say it's sound.

  • I am working with a very young children, so I prefer to work with play-based, child-initiated model, because I learned that children learn best new words or alphabetical letters, when we interact with them purposeful while engaging and enjoying playing their favorites activities.

  • At my preschool children report bullying to their class lead teachers and teachers assistants, while parents report bullying to the class lead teachers. If she doesn't help, they report it to the principal, and talk with the school specialist who can deal with bulllying situations better than teachers.

  • We have a class roles. Like sharing, being nice and kind to each other..atc. So every morning in our circle time we talk about them for same minutes, and we encourage the children to talk about what behouver is nice and kind, and their feelings.

  • I might wait until Jinhai finish talking, and than ask him what is the best way to help him.

  • I think starting with my own class is a good idea.

  • Great! Thank you very much!

  • A very usful week!
    I learned bullying is not only physical, but it can be verbal, emotional or relational. It can happen in-person face-to-face or online.
    I discovered the reasons why children who are being bullied don't like to tell their teachers about it. Because they often feel ashamed and embarrassed to let sameone know that they are being bullied,...

  • Looking forward for next week. Thank you very much!

  • Yes we have teachers guidelines, and we have a certain ways and specific resources to use when we teach phonics. Play-based activities, alphabetical songs and interacting with children meaning and purposefully are essential. Also we do a lot of repeating and imitating in our every day routine.

  • I think governments and education authorities shouldn't govern the way we teach literacy, and I don't think they can do so, because each child is unique, and learn at his own pace, so a teacher should be free to choice the best way of teaching that's useful for each child.

  • Very useful activity.

  • I like the game!

  • English as my second language IPA is same times very confusing for me.

  • I like how the teacher acts in the above critical conversation. I do the same thing with my class children at the preschool.

  • Sometimes the student who is being bullied may think if he/she doesn't tell the teachers, pullying will stop.

  • I used to tell my parents when I was young, but at nigh school, I stopped talking about school at home.

  • From my own personal and professional experience I think girls and children in early childhood are likely to tell someone they are being bullied.

  • I work at a preschool with very young children who are unaware that their negative actions or words are hurting, but they do understand what's bad and what's nice mean. So every day we take same minutes to talk about nice and bad actions, and their feelings.

  • Bullying is when same one repeatedly and intentionally use words or actions against you to cause distress and make you feel bad and sad.

  • I grew up in a Christian home. Where we taught to be nice to others, but when I was out to the real world, it was different, because I suffered from bullying behaviors every day at school. It wasn't easy but I have never let them seen my weakness or won.

  • Hi everyone, my name is Amal Araia, I am from Sudan. I am working as a teacher assistant, that's why I decided to join this course, because I want to discover the best ways to protect my students from bullying.

  • Most of the time we use a free teaching resources from the internet.

  • I am currently teaching a 3 years old children. Most of the time when we teach phonics we use play - basses activities like flash cards puzzles, play dough, art crafts, and phonics songs.

  • I learned the concept of graphemes and phonemes. I think I still need to understand them well.

  • Great! I understand!

  • Great! I understand!

  • I think teaching phonics in early years setting is very important, because it is the only way for them to develop their literacy.

  • Great. Thank you!

  • - I have already shared it with my close friends.
    - I have upgraded to get my certificate.
    - I am ready to share my achievement with all my friends and families.
    - I will send my certificate to my school principal to add it to my form.
    Thank you very much

  • Thank you very much!

  • The most fantastic and useful course I have ever joined. Stay safe too.
    Thank you very much!

  • I think my feelings have changed completely about all the above statements. Yes, I admit that I have been using a useless teaching ways. I am really eager to use all the Knowles and methods that I have gained in this course as soon as my preschool opens it's doors.
    Thank you very much!

  • This week has been very useful and interesting for me. I have learned a lot about the meaning of assessments in early childhood. Also discovered many new ideas about how to plan for the next steps of a child's learning development.

  • Thank you for the information and links!

  • I agree with James, what he said was very interesting. I think the best ways to measure children's progresses and gather information about their abilities in English are through observation while children engaging in a free play, and interacting with them meaningfully while asking a right questions.

  • I have observed that the children in my care, develop their English language skills very fast, and they pick up words naturally. At the beginning of each school year they understand their mother's language well, but barely speak it . After 3-4 months, almost all of them starte to understand English very well. The younger children mix the two languages when...

  • I support and challenge the children in my care by showing my interests, motivations, praising and engaging in whatever activities that interested them. I am working with a very young children (2-3 years old), and I need to find an effective ways to capture their attentions most of the time, so I used to engage them in every day activities that are based on...

  • A partnership between parents and practitioners is very important, because it improves children's learning outcomes. So I think it might be useful for parents to be open when sharing information about their children with us, because we need to know about children's home environments to apply for their needs, and plan for assessments, for example: a history of...

  • 1- my favourite color is red.
    2- I slept last night at 9pm.
    3- I live in Khartoum / Sudan.
    4- Ice age part1.
    5- My God and my family.

  • 1- What is your favourite food?
    2- how do like your coffee?
    3- Where are you planning to go in the future?
    4- When's your birthday?
    5- who's your best friend?

    Can I sit beside you?
    Can I dress you?
    Could you dance with me, pleas?
    Could you give him another chance, pleas?

  • We are all one. The country is for all, and the religion is for God.

  • What is your plan after Corona?

  • I understand.

  • I understand.

  • I understand.

  • Okay. Thank you!

  • Joan needs Ahmed's deposit, a copy of his university offer from admissions, and his bank details form .

  • False. Ahmed hasn't checked his bank balance.

  • false. The text message is from Ali.

  • Okay!

  • What Anne-Marie Rackham said was very interesting. Now, I have a better understanding about what assessment mean in early childhood. In the previous years I thought assessment meant asking children same questions about things that they have already taught, for example animals names, sorting shapes by colors, or by sizes, identifying letters and numbers,...

  • Be in touch. God bless you. Take care bye!

  • My surname is Araia.
    A R A I A.

  • Ahmed was born in Damascus /Syria. I was born in Asmara/Eritrea. I am living in Khartoum/Sudan. I left all my friends in Asmara.

  • My best magic moment happened last school year before the lockdown. We had a 4 years old child who doesn't like teachers to touch him. We liked to welcome the children every morning with a high five or a hug, but with this child, as soon as he got to the school through the gate all the preschool teachers used to get off his way, because if any one of them...

  • He was born in Damascus\Syria.

  • Yes I do. Personal information like: name, age, gender, email address, house address, married or not.

  • Okay. Thank you!

  • I am watching my friend's son. He is 3 years old. He is playing with his cars alone, and he chosed a bule truck. He keeps pushing his small truck from side to side of the room, and then round and round. He makes a car sound while pushing it roooooooooooooooo haaaaaaaaaaaa tototototototttoooooo, fast, faster, and quiets, and again roooooo, tototoooo. Now he is...

  • I am not surprised, I have learned a lot since the first week of this course, but I can say I liked what she said about celebrating successes is a great way, not only to motivate children, but to motivate the parents too. Yes she is right, Because we play an important role in our children's life, and they do the same for us too.
    I think it is very important...

  • I am agree with the observation, assessment and planning cycle. As a teacher assistant observing the children is my essential responsibility. Through watching the children in my care while they are playing, eating, engaging in different activities I try to know that they are safe, happy, healthy, their changing of interests, behaviors and make sure they are...

  • I agree. We can measure young children's progress, by observation and a meaningful interactions.

  • Through observing and recording down regularly each child's achievements and interests, as well as his emotional and social interactions with us and with his classmates. At the end of each day we sit with the lead teacher and talk about them, and find out the best way to help.

  • That is great. Thank you so much!