Martin Fisher

Martin Fisher

I'm the Knowledge Content Manager for the new Courts & Tribunals Service Centres at HMCTS.
My team has built and manages the internal Knowledge Bank.
KM is King!

Location Birmingham


  • We have used focus group - type meetings.
    It can be a challenge to know how 'wide open' to leave/ allow the discussion here. Will perhaps be useful in future to concentrate on more targeted areas/ operations (need fulfillment)

  • Like many others here, user research: how? when? how much is enough?

  • These are a great idea. With my current team, we have gathered a lot of feedback (focus groups) but I don't think we have graphically mapped our users' journeys. We do map the journey of those citizens whom we advise however (our own users are all internal) .... we actually need to do this over two levels, ideally - and use one (external) map to shape the...

  • It sounds like you need knowledge and maybe experience, but is going to school the best or only way to get it/them?

  • Not great. Pretty unclear!

  • As someone with unfamiliar heath symptoms, I need to get medical help or advice ASAP

  • I think my team has a good handle on this - we have a lot of communication with our visitors (I hate the workd 'users'...) & work har dto get feedback - even so it is difficult to elicit from people what they need, outside of the very second when they need it!

  • Yes - we are clear, luckily. Our audience is our Operational staff, chiefly 'Agents' who in turn deal with service users (citizens or thier personal representatives/ legal advisors) involved in relevant aspects of trials, tribunals or fines.

  • Researchers, journalists, students, Government departments, members of the public, foreign governments, journalists & researchers

  • I'd say definitely #2 - Ability to build and maintain good relationships with colleagues.
    (At least that's for me as a manager, whose team members probably rank as their #1 understanding of the topic. I'll ask them!)

  • This is reminding me yet again that nature of the actual content that is the stuff of our job is where the least of our challenges lie.
    The difficulties and complexities mostly arise from relationships & clunky or absent communication; that's why developing a holisitic approach to knowledge management is so important.
    Roles certainly do blur and simply...

  • Sharing & translating complex ideas/ content/ procedures etc. is a common challenge & requirement that I think is central here - making clearly understandable and actionable content out of them.
    That's certainly what my team has to do.

  • Hello, I'm Knowledge Content Manager for the Courts & Tribunals Service Centres (CTSCs) within HMCTS and my team is building & maintaining an internal Knowledge Bank for our front-line Query & Case Agents.

    I've worked in a variety of sectors & settings and written a lot for and managed various websites & content-sharing platforms, mostly internal. My main...