Carole K


I am a welfare benefits worker. I spend a lot of time filling in disability forms.

Location Newcastle upon tyne


  • Well whats the outcome going to be

  • Very helpful. Sleep impacts on all parts of your life.

  • If I get a good nights sleep I can function better and longer. My mood is better. I find that if I have slept badly, or not at all I am snappier and definately suffer from brain fog.

  • Scored 3. Nearly always fall asleep when passenger in car, but dont even get tired when driving.

  • I think it is very hard to get a nights sleep because of lack of routine.
    I personally work from home now, instead of the office, I now don't drive, I don't hardly exercise, so frequently I am not tired at bed time.

  • With working from home there is no cut off from work. This is leaving many people with anxiety and thinking of work when they should be resting, exercising, hobbies and getting on with normal life.

  • That is so true. Everything is wanted now or yesterday. Rest doesnt exist.

  • I agree. Life has totally changed. It is hard for anyone to get a full uninterrupted nights sleep. People are worried about jobs, income, children, even food in some cases.

  • I get to sleep through reading a book. A good book but not exciting so my mind gets tired and I forget all the days problems and events. I also don't think of events in the future. I read that book and my mind stays on the book. Unfortunately this does not help me at 3am when I usually wake up.

  • Sleep deprivation affects your whole life, the period of time following is really wasted because you are so tired. Your health is bad, you do not particularly feel like eating so because you sleep then you're sleeping pattern for the next night is then altered.

  • Carole K made a comment

    Hi, Im from Newcastle, UK. I work with carers. I hope to help my sleeping pattern and others especially in this terrible time.

  • Sleep is really eluding a lot of the population especially now.
    Learning anything to help is a bonus.

  • It will be interesting.

  • Autism is a big part of my job - disability benefits. Im doing this course to understand autism better and therefore give clients the best help I can.

  • I am particularly interested in the symptoms women manifest. I apply for disability benefits for both sexes but mainly men. I dont think women are getting diagnosed quickly enough or at all which makes them very confused and their lives very difficult.

  • Hi Im Carole. I work for a local authority carers association. I spend a lot of my job helping people to get disability benefits. Numerous clients have children with autism. I need to know more about the autistic spectrum especially about the differences between boys and girls , their symptoms and the way they display them. I am looking forward to learning...