Dominica Izunobi

Dominica Izunobi

A hardworking and committed individual, all about making a difference on society and the world at large.
Change Maker making lasting impact

Location Nigeria


  • Being able to partner strategically with organizations that deal with gender inequality and education issues and get attention from the government

  • I will create awareness on the importance of gender equality and education

  • @JimenaBello thanks for the efforts really appreciate

  • Loved the way it came out looking so nice and professional

  • Nice piece

  • The part of Becca story I find really fascinating was the aspect of her getting those involved in violence to air their views giving their evidence directly by themselves, so she provided a direct platform with which they can be listened to and also collaborating closely with organizations that helped her achieve her goal objective.

    I would like to get...

  • In driving change it is important to note that it is a gradual process and is not something automatic. Just the little efforts overtime so I think its starts from building a conscious daily habits that builds up over time and rubs off on our community and other people around us . so in order to be a change maker you have to start to develop effective habits...

  • Its has really been a great journey so far.

  • Great week filled with so much ideas. Learning alot

  • Thanks Karl for sharing very insightful

  • I find the aspect of her consultation journey with several likeminds to get the best result applaudable because in policy formulation its not just about you because no one is an island so you seek other peoples ideas in order to have a detailed research backed up by evidence

  • In order to have a good policy you should be able to make good use of power in order to influence. Gossip is also important in policy making.Power is a skill that can be learned and this will affect my approach because I need a committed group to work with because if we are divided we can't achieve much.

  • Communication is a two way movement, you passing the message and the receiver so its important you put into consideration the people you are trying to pass the information to or communicate to

  • Really nice and informative

  • Practically for me overtime I have seen authority, liking, reciprocity and consistency play out and work for me overtime. Because people tend to trust and follow you when they discover that you are an authority and you are like able and consistent

  • All the Stakeholders mentioned are important but I think I think 3 and 4 are important to me to get the desired change I want

  • Growing up as a young girl in the society I was faced with situations where I always have men coming to me, this are people that I am supposed to look up too as Father figures but they all want to sleep with me so I think I have the experience and want to share it with young girls that you being a woman doesn't make you disadvantaged and that doesn't mean you...

  • To back up your passion you must have a strong knowledge, passion,skill and experience in order to influence effectively

  • I think now is the greatest chance to have influence for me because we are in the period where everyone is trying to be cautious because of the pandemic and the sudden rise of rape cases and violation of women, so this is the best time to make my voice heard and achieve that influence because lots if stakeholders are seeking for ideas to prune

  • All of the policy tactics are crucial and important in policy formulation. They are all interrelated because you need to identify the stakeholders that call the shot in line with what you want to do, and also learn the rules of the game and alongside frame evidence to fit the policy context

  • OK the challenges in think were associated with Lord Fowler policy campaign was basically human factor and attitude because you can't really force everyone to behave positively to the position you stand for or accept that which you have in mind so the human factor us a big challenge and also the environment, sometimes the environment has a way of influencing...

  • Very insightful thanks to Mahmoud adbelrazek. Learnt a lot

  • In reforming policy evidence and data is crucial and the quantitative and qualitative data are crucial same as observation and experiment

  • @KarlBelizaire wow thank you for sharing this great ideas

  • Learning great and new stuff, thanks for putting this together

  • He said evidence is not perfect because we need to take different context and situations into consideration.
    This lays more emphasis on the importance of gathering data to back up evidence because we can not base our policy on evidence alone

  • @IsabellaDeCamargoDottaeSilva oh really that's good to know that we share the same mindset as regards this issue. Guess we could partner and do great stuffs together in the future Wish you all the best

  • Many thanks @AldoRamirezLambros hope to gain great ideas and impact our World. See you at the Top

  • Oh definitely, really learning and unlearning. Looking forward to it, all the best

  • As regards my policy vision, the observational method is best because its neutral and you get the best data especially when the people do not know that they are being observed. It eliminates all forms of bias and allows them to be their self and not act in a certain way, in this case gathering the data you need will be stress less

  • For my policy vision I would employ the quantitative and qualitative method for my data collection because the quantitative will help me in getting the actual statistics of previous history with regards to gender Inequality, poverty rate, early girl child marriage and the qualitative will help address the human impact and get real past experiences that I can...

  • In view of this case study we can see that evidence is not enough in policymakers, there is need to appeal emotionally to the minds of the policy makers using qualitative data and tedtimonials

  • Evidence and data is important in policy making but it goes beyond that, the ability to influence others to key into your idea of change and to see it through fruition

  • I find case 3 surprising in relation to policy making because it points out the fact that In the achievement of a certain policy all hands needs to be on deck and its involves deep critical rationality. So in the attainment of the SDGs everyone needs to play a part, no one is an island

  • Very insightful really learning alot

  • I feel have the greatest capacity to influence policy is stage 1 and 2 which has to do with identifying the problem I am trying to solve and seeking divergent views as regards her.
    In policy formulation having strong knowledge of what I want to achieve is very crucial, according to the popular saying that when the purposes if a thing is not known that abuse...

  • Great question, my Policy idea which is geared towards gender Inequality, poverty reduction and good education for all which coincides closely with my passion, my policy idea was born out of my Passion to see that everyone is treated equally and given equal chance to life because we were first human beings before we became members of any class or society.
    So ...

  • My Policy Vision is to bring Gender Inequality to its minimal and prevent poverty and self awareness enlightenment.
    Hypothesis: causes of gender Inequality?
    How do we prevent early girl child Marriage?
    How do we empower this girls/women?
    Major causes of Poverty?
    How to create other sustainable source of income?
    What is the essence if me living?

  • @GenevieveOtieno amazing good idea you have here, guess when you are working on it we could partner together

  • I find the second point compelling because Evidence acts basically as an influencing tool. For you to get people to the point that they take action you must be willing to present quality evidence which there by influences them and also cause them to act in a certain way.
    And in other to effect change there are definitely stories that doesn't resonate well...

  • I strongly agree, this weeks course helped me grasp my Passion properly and its opening my mind to various ways where by it can be implemented

  • Thanks Karl Belizaire for sharing this amazing insights, really learning a lot. I need more motivation in order to implement my Passion's policy.

  • I am passionate about ending inequality and giving people an equal and fair chance to live and succeed. And also my Passion is giving the less privileged the opportunity to go to school and be better because I believe everyone deserves equal chance to life and can be anything they want to be needless of their background

  • All the policy stated above from their passion is geared towards making a change in their environment and in the lives of others and I can see a lot similarities because most of the policies is channeled to achieve equity, education to other and guarantee equal opportunities

  • Wow she is indeed an inspiration. So from her shared experience,I think the role i can play to see to policy change is in the area of inequality because we were first humans without any bias or restrictions before we became members of any group, class, religion, tribe etc and its important to hold strong to this virtues before we let go because of conditions...

  • What fascinated me the most from the video is that people ,media,etc can influence policy. So in other words anybody can influence policy but you have to be relevant and have a good platform

  • All the listed options are important to me and a major cause for concern, but I would prioritise education because that is where the crux of the matter is, a lot of people at a young age are denied access to this there by reducing their access to opportunities from the first place SSO if their foundation is not properly handled how will they be able to be self...

  • I find the third definition interesting because in my own idea policy is a framework of ideas, actions, rules and principles. Which can Sometimes this can be expressed in the short term or a ‘catch phrase’. In relation to my purpose/Passion,policies can be set up and agreed upon and we use it as a guide in driving the thoughts and intents of all the...

  • As a student of political science in School. We learnt about this terms without taking note of the fact that it can actually be connected to our purpose /passion. It so great to know that my passion/purpose can go in relation Policy and the process of policy Making

  • How I define my purpose is that no matter the hurdles experience that there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel so its important not to give up or settle for less.
    An example of someone with a very clear purpose is myself. Despite the hurdles and difficulties experienced throughout the journey of my life I remind myself that I can't give up. I am far...

  • The passion has always been there from the beginning but one of the major constraints I have I finding a good network and platform to connect and learn how to launch out professionally and also the resources in which this goals can be sustained.

  • And I am more confident in steps 2 and 4 be cause there is a thin line dividing what I can do and what I love to do. So for it to relate well as my Passion. I must know how to do it till it gets to the point where I love to do it.

  • About my Passion I stated earlier, I am confident about creating a voice for the voice less and also inequality for the girl child . I think I need to get a source of income that is sustainable to follow through with making poverty a thing of the past and making people believe that they can be anything they want needless if their background because in real...

  • My passion is having a society where the girl child is treated equally and the idea of early child marriage is forever a thing of the past. And also where poverty is a past event , allowing everyone freedom and right to resources. Where the child believes that she can be anything with consistency,determination and hardwork without resorting to I'll means and...

  • Thanks Mr Karl, looking forward to learning more and gaining insights on how to be a better reformer and impact my world

  • From the poll so far its obvious a lot of people understand they can influence policy change . but its one thing to understand and its another thing to truly apply what you understand to bring the desired change. So I guess that's where the problem is we want to be able to effect the policy in order to bring about change in our various communities and...

  • Awesome i must commend!!
    Looking forward to having a great time and connecting with like minds In this place.

  • So as a Graduate of political science, I look forward to learning how to practically create policies to impact my works positively and see to the achievement of the sustainable development goals. And also to being a great change maker.
    And also looking forward to gain insights on policy making to improve my career

  • My name is Izunobi Dominica Amarachi. I am a Nigerian from IMO State, I am a Graduate of Political Science from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka .
    I am an articulated individual committed to making a difference in society and the world at large. I am a volunteer with Slum to School and also love to help good cause as long as it helps humanity. Have a strong...