Arturo Flores

Arturo  Flores

Location Mexico



  • Accuracy, data collection, convenience.

  • Im interested in the relationship of digital technology and health... and the possibilities of said relationship.

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  • I ear rice almost every day, either with tuna or salmon.

  • It was quite nice, can wait to visit Korea and try those dishes :-P ...

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  • Hi my name is Arturo Flores, from Mexico

  • It is certainly a dishonest action to take credit for somebody else's work but maybe Anna's contract stated that credits will go to the project manager (Brian)? Could the source of this situation be a legal matter?

  • Arturo Flores made a comment

    I can´t post :-/ It says it has to many characters... it does not.

  • The third scenario is definitely the best but not necessarily the most likely; software developers are under a lot of pressure from their clients and some clients even threaten to stop paying so it is not an easy decision.


  • Arturo Flores made a comment

    Computer Professionals should be held responsible for the services they provide/products they design. As professionals in the field they have more knowledge and skills that an average computer/digital device user; these knowledge and skills give them an advantage that it also carries an even greater degree of responsibility.

  • As it happens in these short scenarios it is difficult to know the whole picture, what if Rachel's manager was also using her a means to an end by giving her a work load that she couldn't handle? Assuming she could then she is in a difficult position between two duties: her job (updating the client's data) and taking care of a loved one.

    This is indeed a...

  • Arturo Flores made a comment

    Computing Professionals, meaning the ones designing digital devices, software/apps, managing the receiving, procession, storing, distribution of data and information should consider the ethical dimension of their job because we (society) use digital devices to mediate our interactions with other people and the implications can be very profound.

  • Hi all!
    I'm a High School teacher and I guide students into using multimedia software to create their content, it is important for me to guide them into using technology in a responsible way and for that I need to update my knowledge on the subject.

  • The content of this course is very good but the resources/links at the bottom are awesome!!! Thanks so much!

  • Tariq's situation is a bit complex since he cannot change his job schedule, neither can he move to a quieter area. So, on the Padlet I proposed a nightly-routine for Tarik to follow such as setting up the alarm (s), charging his smartphone, prepare breakfast (either something on the go or leave all ingredients handy), prepare his outfit...etc. He can have...

  • In this case we see what Tarik does and how he uses his morning-time previous to work but we need to ask him some questions; for example at what time he goes to bed? Does he have trouble sleeping? Will he be more comfortable with a different schedule? What is his pre-sleep routine, can he leave some things prepared (like clothes, breakfast-to-go, etc)

  • I chose redesigning the waiting rooms because physical space can definitely alter a person's emotional state but it could be even more effective if TV monitors showed waiting time, informed about bureaucratic processes, etc. and even more effective if personnel were trained into dealing with challenging circumstances.

  • I really appreciate the concept of a social responsibility in this section, that shifts the human-centered design into a more sustainable humane-centered design

  • I believe the biggest concern is privacy, more specifically consent.

    If Twitters users are given a choice to use their data/messages for a secondary use (such as contacting mental health professionals) or if there is an option that allows a close friend or a relative to be contacted in a determined situation then it would probably be less problematic. ...

  • Hi all,
    My name is Arturo, I'm a High School teacher and I truly believe creativity is the one skill schools are overlooking so I want to emphasize that in my classes.

  • Thanks so much, Neil! It was fun... and challenging :-)

  • Me, and it is sort of a "traveling" pain, sometimes it feels at the top of the shoulder (near the acromion some times at the superior part of the scapula). Apparently it is some sort of tendinitis :-/

  • I liked the quiz, I did not get a good grade though hehe But I made note of the concepts I'm getting confused with.

  • I really liked the videos, it made the concepts "come alive" :-)

  • Hi all,
    I'm a yoga instructor and even though, I have a basic idea of human anatomy I would like to learn more because it will be very helpful in my classes.

  • I receive very helpful feedback regarding target-audience demographics and metrics which I needed to detail a bit more.

  • Thanks for the "See Also" resources, they are great examples!

  • In Siobhan's case I see two stages, according to her goals (awareness and increase the number of inquiries), so first she needs to get her company's brand out there, increase the number of followers and reach. On the second stage, she can focus in converting those followers into possible customers, so then in this stage it would be more about the number of...

  • I've seen some campaigns here and there that I have found entertaining, attractive, inspiring even convincing but hardly memorable (I believe is one of the issues with social media, it is rather fleeting). What I find remarkable is that for a campaign to work is that it needs to be "honest", so brands need to work hard on the credibility if not other users...

  • Hi all, I'm Arturo from Mexico. I'm a High School teacher and I like enjoying guiding my students into creating their own digital media content.

  • Thanks so much! It was very interesting and challenging to make us question the role of technology in our daily lives.

  • I would re-design the fridge, since most modern refrigerators include a digital display I would use it to inform the user about daily and weekly electricity consumption, using colors: green when it is adequate, yellow when there is room for improvement and red when electricity consumption exceeds the recommended one. There could be a change to suggest better...

  • For me it is difficult to transfer an "ethical charge" on technologies, since as Mr. Verbeek mentioned on the video, it is humans who are free and intention driven. The technologies that make me hesitate are those related to AI because they learn "by themselves" and some even make decisions "by themselves".

  • The gun does not shoot by itself, it needs the human to pull the trigger. It is the human who has the intention, the control and the responsibility. ..

  • This pandemic has modified our way of life in many situations: our interaction with relatives, friends and coworkers; our shopping patterns, our entertainment habits... all through digital technology mediation. This shift in our relationship with the world would be very different with "old" (analog) technologies.

  • It is hard to think of technology without having a digital device on mind: Whether it is a smartphone, a computer a smartTV, a GPS tracker. Technology has shaped our society, they way we lear (like on this course), the way we make and spend money, the way we get cured and sick too. So we have solutions for many problems but we also have new problems, we have...

  • I definitely plan to use this information with my students, probably not get to all the details of the coding but introduce them to this field and encourage them to explore

  • I was totally lost but I went to the solution page and followed the instructions. I do not think I had enough information to solve it by myself but now I do have a better idea of how the syntax works on CSS

  • Mine was quite similar, except the table, it was centered and it had no borders. Did I miss something?

  • Hi all, I'm a high school teacher from Mexico. I know the basics of HTML and I would like to learn more and update my skills on digital content design.

  • Hi all, Im from Mexico. I'm a high school teacher and I guide students into evaluating the use of technology, especially multimedia; I'm looking forward to learn into tailor on-line content to users. I believe my favorite place is Paris, I love the vibe of that city, the converge of the old and the new, the French pride mixed a very multicultural and...

  • All four cognitive practices are quite challenging but I find the first two, perception and letting go, the hardest. I believe there are some aspects already wired on my way of being, that I need to take the time to really examine a situation before jumping into conclusions. And letting go ideas, beliefs and opinions is way more difficult than letting go...

  • We tend to live our life in "automatic" mode, curiosity gives us the chance to appreciate all the things we take for granted; we can also pay close attention to the situations or factors that stress us therefore we have more information to make better decisions and by being curious we can discover opportunities to bring your into our life and to those that...

  • True, sometimes, we tend to be harsher on ourselves than somebody else.