Corinne Abraham-Wallace


I have a liking for learning. The studying is helping me stay focused on life not Corvid! My hobby is gardening I think Future learning is so valuable for mental health and well being.

Location Bedford uk



  • I have found it upsetting I don't quite know why. I have learnt and made observations but I don't feel comfortable. I think it is ( me) not the course. My boy is not a disease or an infirmity he is great fun and smart too. I failed him it feels bad.

  • My boy is the funniest person he sees life through different lenses. I know he was slow to read and slow to learn , but what an imagination he has! He is adorable and interesting he has quick mind and runs his own business in creative work. I was told he was an imbecile, he was impossible to teach, he was aggressive,He was not aggressive but frustrated. He is...

  • The child with any negative label has to live with it. My experience of teachers and GPs was that they were more dismissive than lay people. A kind neighbour did more for me in helping me understand myself and my boy.

  • Katherine's experience of ADHA was well described . This was a clear and helpful transcript of her experiences. That helped me to put things into perspective.

  • Hi Catherine I hate the disorder label too. We should call the differences of our ADHD " a gift" as well as a difficulty. We could argue it is boring to be ordinary, although there have been many occasions in my life time I have yearned to be ordinary and boring.

  • I cannot grumble it is excellent value

  • Esmat your food will also be much healthier. You are growing your own vegetables and fruit , food of quality!

  • No parent wants a negative label attached to their child. It may be well understood by parents and friends but overall there is a fear of being different. We all want our kids to excel in acceptable ways.

  • In certain places they may not be as fearful of extreme emotions as others. Some Britains can be rather contained people. To be contained and in control may be the aim. Where someone displaying symptoms of ADHD will be seen as extreme.
    Quick silver thinking ,jumping from one thing to another will be seen as more disturbing and in a more easy going society...

  • I recognise the physically hyperactive as being very useful and the million ideas a minute to help find solutions long before your peers can.

  • I am sure everyone deliberates before answering this question. What does ADHD mean to me ? Oddness.,difference, I know it is different, not as stable as other people.Is it being funny and humorous seeing another side of life?. I try to be direct and try to be straight forward. I have been impulsive and crazy at times in my life. My partner helped to ground me....

  • Well there is a useful lot of professors and doctors we should learn something from them. I think it is going to be good to explore ADHD.

  • I thought that ADHD was mostly a male problem. As a funny impulsive female I thought that I could not possibly have anything like that.I still do not know and am looking for answers on this course. I am hoping it is going to be fun.

  • Wow you have had more than your fair share of differences. Your description of family echos in my family I too want to understand them and support them.

  • Hello everyone I have always been thought of as 'odd' but smart. I have never had a diagnosis of ADHD I may be wrong I don't really know. I am a day dreamer and impulsive.Is this ADHD ? I want to learn? Perhaps at the end of the course I hope I will understand more fully.

  • Yes it is a free course and has been very good and I have enjoyed it enormously. It would have been satisfying to take the test but it matters not now. Thank you for your comments it has given me food for thought indeed.

  • I think you should have let us finish the last test . It has been top notch course but to remove the final treat was a bit disappointing. We don't all have unlimited funds. I understood it was a FREE course.

  • I didn't like the "holding us over a barre"l and not allowing us to do the final test unless we pay. I understood it was free and it has been good but a bit sour at the end .

  • Fat and fat quality are things I have changed olive oil to extra virgin olive oil . I do eat seasonal food more or less. Sugar is going to be my obstacle to overcome. It was given as a reward a sweet wrapped in silver paper so tempting. I am now aware that "frilly fuss" does not add up to good food. You have a smashing course and it will improve the diet of us...

  • I will definitely try some of the foods I have learnt about particularly the seaweed.

  • To compare my diet with Mediterranean diet is easier than to compare with the Okinawa one. We do eat potatoes and other root vegetables carrots, beets, parsnips as well as greens, lettuce ,cabbage, and Kale. I particularly love the peas and beans as well. I buy In eggs and cheese as well as chicken. We eat less meat more eggs and cheese. I haven't eaten...

  • My husband loves butter and has eaten it all his life he is a fit 78yrs old. We do eat good olive oil. I will use extra virgin olive oil in future.

  • I use whatever is in season in my garden. Onions are a good standby. Potatoes carrots fresh from the garden are so sweet. I make a salad with greens lettuce spring onions and grated carrots and tomatoes. I love beetroot grated or cooked and add it to cooked meals or grated on salads. Potato salad is a favourite with onions sliced finely and a few fresh peas or...

  • Cereals were big part of my childhood but the use of them has been replaced over the years. I use them in soups but will pay them more attention in future. Now I have understood the value in more detail. Interesting transcript.

  • I like this quick and easy recipe. It looks colourful and is nutritious too. I would also try some of Christa's additions she talks about in her comments. Nuts salad leaves. I am definitely going to be more ambitious with my salads

  • Sea food is glorious, so good to know the cholesterol is not a major issue.
    I also remember a saying my family would recite when they had beans and flatulence. " Where ere you be let the wind blow free. For in was the wind that killeth me?

  • I saw the word cloud but I don't really think it helps that much. It gives a picture of words most used but it didn't bring me any more understanding for me. perhaps I am missing something?

  • I will certainly change my use of oil to olive oil. It was interesting to read about Loss of nutrients with chopping before cooking. They will be easier to chop after they are cooked.The tip about tearing food, lettuce namely, is also advantageous for nutrients. I have been cooking for years chopping carefully and now I learn I could have said myself time as...

  • Olive oil tastes good. It does not burn easily, a valuable quality. It has such positive health assets too. When I was a child the fats we used were lard and butter in the uk. Thank goodness for olive oil.

  • Cereals, flour ,bread, potatoes,

    Butter, olive oil, suet.

  • I suppose my cheese on toast and Beetroot is a bit plain and easy. There is protein in the cheese as well as high fat content . Beetroot is an amazing vegetable, sweet and filling also packed with vitamins, B9 and vit C also manganese potassium, and iron. I was told that beetroot improved the blood, perhaps an old wives tale for a bright red vegetable. It is...

  • Mine is not so much a recipe more like a good amount of food quickly made for a ravenous person. Wholemeal bread toasted with lashings of cheese a touch of soy sauce with a large cooked, and sliced, beetroot. When I was real hungry and needed quick food this was the plate I went for. Not specially healthy but vey satisfying for a greedy worker.

  • I loved meat and potato pie with tiny carrots in the pie. I think it was more potato than anything else but mum would make the most scrumptious gravy. She was good at spending a little and making a lot. I wish I had learnt more from her. We ate very little meat as children but lots of vegetables.

  • Good conversation is a blessing warm and friendly. In todays climate especially with Corvid tension is very much heard in voices . I find that worrying for us all.

  • Good social relationships are vital but some are destructive.

  • Simple recipe looks good too. I shall try. this one.

  • I will reduce my fish to two oily fish per week. It is so sad that we are killing ourselves with pollution of all sorts.

  • Good recipe a winter warmer for me.

  • Legumes ...Peas and beans I grow. I freeze some and dry others to take me through the winter. Soya beans,I buy dried also chick peas lentils and split peas. I use these mainly in soup. I love picking peas from the pod they taste so sweet.

  • Proteins are essential. My proteins come from fish eggs milk nuts and seeds. I like porridge for breakfast made with low fat milk and water. I add seeds and often a few raisins or a banana. Lunch perhaps an egg and salad sandwich with wholemeal bread. Dinner a piece of fish with peas and potatoes.

  • The health benefits are very clear for adopting a Mediterranean diet. I like all the food listed and enjoy the mediterranean way of life. I don't drink wine but I love tea so I can find the polyphenols there. It is converting other family members that is the tricky bit?

  • Sugar, flour and butter are all used in cakes and we eat these as treats or give them as a reward? They are not treats ,they are harmful, eating too much of these sorts of food cause the body harm.... The issue is they are nice to eat and difficult to refuse....At my workplace we used to take it in turns to bring in the cakes at the weekend ,there was often...

  • I like the fact that the things I like ie. cheese olives and yogurt are full of lactic acid bacteria all helping to keep our gut healthy.

  • The diet is very different in the uk. Porridge for breakfast with seeds and fruit, a filling meal. Lunch a baked potato {many more carbs than Okinawa} with salad and cheese. Greater fat level too I imagine. Dinner would be chicken curry made with vegetables and chicken. There is Turmeric in the curry but I guess that is where the similarity ends. Biscuits...

  • I eat fish twice a week sometimes a chicken portion. Bread and potato and sweet potato . Especially sweet potato, they are a lovely food. Now I know they are a healthy addition I feel better. Something I like and eat often is good for me. So often the "nice" food is unhealthy not good for us.? I do seem to like those things not so good for us. Chocolate, who...

  • I am learning and understanding the need for a better way of living . Good food helps us stay healthy but we need more than just food. I like the all round approach of the Italians and even more so the Japanese. I want to be healthy but I want to be an all rounded person as well.

  • I haven't always eaten good diet probably ate at my worst when I was busiest.Not having time and eating in a rushed way took its toll. I sometimes think that life is topsy turvy. I have all the time in the world now and never really feel hungry.
    When I was busy bringing up my boys and working long hours ,I was always hungry. I ate rubbish a lot of the time I...

  • That was so nice of you to say. thank you@EileenRogers

  • Water is important it is so ordinary we forget about it or take it for granted.

  • The Okinawa diet has impressed me not because of its contents although I like sweet potato. The diet seems to be part of their attitude to life and discipline. To eat until 80% full that is difficult and calls for self discipline. I admire that. It has been an interesting week.

  • The Okinawa diet works for so many people . I observed how the people looked old and still working and joining community exercise. All good for health.. The uk in the south I have observed has a more personalised life style. The Japanese seem more communal and sharing. This as well as the super diet. It seemed to me that Japan had a better life style as well...

  • This has some appealing factors . An overall healthy life to old age for large proportion of the population is impressive. Sweet potatoes have their appeal. The lack of illness and longstanding European disease makes their diet very interesting.

  • I love food. I do not like alcohol at all. (I know what a killjoy) I would be the one to eat cherry cake at the top of the Pyramid! I am skinny and eat a lot more than my siblings who are both fat. Yet I have heart disease and the both older sisters do not. Life does seem unfair sometimes. I do eat like the pyramid. I am also very active but not healthy. I am...

  • I eat porridge with seeds and nuts sometimes a fruit for breakfast. Lunch is usually a sandwich wholemeal bread salad tinned fish or egg and whatever is fresh.(Today red lettuce and onion with tinned pilchards.) Dinner will be. soup of beans and whatever I have in my garden carrot beet onion with potato. I eat fish three times a week chicken perhaps once a...

  • This sounds good. I want to know about good food and how to improve my diet. I also very much want to improve my health. Iam hoping that this course will go someway to that.

  • The frugality of the Mediterranean diet is that food in season is used fresh and healthier. I have spent time with an Sicilian family. Their meal times are very different. Lunch is not a quick sandwich and drink but a two hourly family experience. Food, salads abound and fish fresh from the sea. The difference for me was the friendliness and closeness of the...

  • I very much liked the conviviality in Italy were meals were eaten in the company of family and friends. The difference in culture is widely different form the uk.I confess I eat most of my meals alone. I also liked the colour and variety of foods. In the UK I see very many ready made foods in the shops the temptation to buy them and make life easy is tempting...

  • We live in the south of the uk. I grow my own vegetables and share them with the family. We eat fish two or three times a week and occasionally chicken and of course seasonal vegetables and fruit from my plot. I like Porridge for my breakfast in fact I have had it every day since childhood. I have osteoporosis and a keen to learn more about the food we eat and...

  • I crave sweet thing especially chocolate even though I know it is not good for me. I use a vegetatarian meal as an excuse to eat chocolate. I need to learn more and change my direction. I am hoping the course will help me .

  • That was promising beginning . I am eager to learn . I know about the outline of the Italian diet but little about the Japanese food. it is an interesting duo.

  • I love all the wrong things such as chocolate. I need to improve my health. So I am choosing to learn more about two healthy eating cultures. I want to feel better and learn the good way to eat.I have a friend who is Italian she is slender and beautiful. I know that won't be me, but I want fo feel healthier. I am hoping I will learn how to eat well from this...

  • It has been a good learning experiencing and has had a significant impact on me as a person. Thank you for your efforts.

  • It has been a thought provoking period of study. I have changed my acceptance of my life as it was and have realised it simply does not come up to the mark. I have changed my thinking over the period of the course. it has been uncomfortable at times but most beneficial to me as a person. What is important is how to choose a new path for the right...

  • We have learned what elements are important to add to the QOL. What people need to enjoy QOL. To recognise others in a fair way and development of conversation brings warmth and understanding adding to our QOL and to developing our Happiness and feelings of security.

  • We have a comfortable Coffee House it is popular not just for the superb coffee but the warmth and the relaxing environment. We meet there and talk about the weather (I am English). There is a buzz in the place we sit at tables outside in the summer and friends share their news. Its a feel good place.

  • It most certainly is. Life is miserable without conversation. Conversation can be fun ,caring, loving and scolding too . It is essential to our feelings of being heard and understood our views and likes and dislikes. Conversation brings understanding and clarity warmth and acceptance. All things that are essential to feeling warm and human.

  • It is courtesy to learn the language another person you are visiting. It clearly strengthens relationships.Language is a must for learning about a person and understanding them. This is the basis of friendship. To understand what makes someone tick is important to develop trust and affection. Socialising is impossible without the understanding of conversation.

  • School groups, working together in office groups led to firm friendships developing. Being able to trust and depend on others was a good feeling.The same situation may not exist in the same way, but contact is easier with others than it has ever been. In place of physical daily contact ,there are systems that help maintain those close links. The new technology...

  • I voted for the existence of scenario of uncertainties. I wonder if this could mean an exciting future rather than a fearful one. Is there going to be more astonishing developments, will it be more interesting, more unpredictable.

  • In the last century life was confined but understood. This century there is amazing widening. I am using a computer and talking to people in a country the other side of the world. People have wonderful opportunities for new sorts of relationships. They are different but so many opportunities to meet people not in the close sometimes suffocating ways of last...

  • Fast, inconsistent, vibrant, progressive, smart. alarming, optimistic

  • I have enjoyed this weeks course, thank you

  • "The only way is up baby. The only way is up....".. This is from a song that meant for me that one day things will be better and I will soar. I didn't soar but things did improve.

  • I was sad in childhood. I felt it was difficult to understand things. I remember my dog was my best friend. I seem to have spent a lot of lonely days with my dog. I remember trying hard and failing to please.

  • Lonely, bad.sad

  • I do think that good relationships add to a happy life. There is also the other side of the coin when relationships wobble. There has been times when to much friction in friendship sours the whole.

  • An interesting week. Much appreciated.

  • I am looking forward to analysing the current societies and social relationships. I hope I can do it justice.

  • I have lost friends in the last year that has affected my life much more than I expected. I so miss those long funny telephone calls and the laughter. People are so important sharing their lives is a privilege.

  • Corinne Abraham-Wallace replied to [Learner left FutureLearn]

    I am with you Joanne I like my tea cup too.

  • I like china cups of a specific shape. My cup is a dark blue with tiny pink flowers and leaves. It is a good shape and rests lightly on my lip when I drink my tea. I can see light through my cup and love the ping sound china makes when it is flicked. It is a simple item, but it is beautiful, practical and a little bit of luxury. Yes it does improve my quality...

  • I feel secure if I have my patchwork bag. Inside I have my phone and my neat leather purse. My red note book , they all are part of me. I like to use things of my choice. We all feel comfortable with our individual items. I think they do improve quality of life.

  • The people experiencing the hardships and inequality of life in this city are the very people to be included and listened to. They know what they need to improve their quality of life. Sometimes simple solutions are there if the people who understand the difficulties are consulted. Is there the desire to understand and make the improvements needed? In Sharing...

  • I think it important to have a good quality of life but it is also important to be in a place where you 'fit in'. Where there are people with similarities of ideas likes and dislikes. Where people care about each other.

  • I live in a town that is a described as a desirable place to live.

  • I live in a spacious warm home. We have large gardens and comfort. The town is good town in a pleasant pert of the country. There is a mild climate and little crime. the roads in the suburbs are quiet and accessible. There are numerous parks and fitness areas. Good schools and community services. These qualities all add to a good quality of life.

  • Moving to a new place improving your life quality and ease of life is important but it is not always the case. The practicalities of life might be met good housing ,transport, accessibility to good schools, recreation. My experience of moving has been a mixed experience, there has been superb improvement in facilities but an intense loneliness and lack of...

  • I live in the south of England uk. The quality of living here is very good we are comfortable. In my earlier life I lived in Durham north of England. The conditions were not so good it was cold in winter but dry. Housing was cheaper and land more easily available. The people of Durham were very friendly and had good community responsibility. I miss the...

  • I chose the second picture of tall flats with little light and small windows adding to the lack of light. This fact in itself is providing a poor quality of life. There is no greenery and life must be difficult to live in a tall building and all the difficulties of taking shopping up to your home. Fears of lifts not working or worse getting stuck inside a...

  • The place I live has a good climate and lots of sunshine. It is a good neighbourhood with little crime. There are parks for football and children play areas and nearby tennis courts and bowls. The area is well cared for grass cut streets cleaned, and rubbish removed. There are three different churches and a neighbourhood activities centre. I feel fortunate to...

  • Thank you forgive my lack of knowledge You took time to tell me I appreciate that.@SUNDARASEKHARRAGHUNATHAN

  • Active ageing is good for us all. Do we all achieve it?

  • The quality of life belongs to us all.

  • People who age well are the ones who are healthy and have at least one good relationship as well as friends. Being active and able to keep the brain alive are also bonuses. The reality is not always like this there are lonely depressed oldies. Families move away, friends die and depression creeps in without knowing it. In these situation help is vital but not...

  • I can understand what your complaint is Sally. I think it is wonderful that they have that sort of confidence. Have you ever thought that you should have had some of their opportunities. We are improving our world by bringing our children up to be more assertive and thinkers for the future. There will always be some irritation I feel it myself with my...

  • The world has changed so much and dramatically as the last few months have demonstrated? The young have more responsibilities and fears about the future than we have ever known, how does it affect these children? I seem to see around me children or young teens rising to the challenge on climate change and many other issues that affect their lives. They are...

  • I think that children should be respected and encouraged to speak and say what they think. It is their world and their future. I want them to make a better job of it than we did. I learnt from listening to my children they taught me more than any book could do. Their simplicity was illuminating their logic so straight forward.I am not advocating that children...

  • I want to say good words about childhood but I would not be honest .

  • I know the feeling Janet .

  • The first four years were good . From eight to twelve I would like to forget. The teens were tolerable. The twenties were tough, Thirties I cannot remember, Forties took a turn for the better. Life has been pretty good since then improving by each decade. Life became easier in every respect as...