Steven Samuel


Always been interested in human behaviour. Therapies such as counselling and CBT

Location Wales


  • @NakishaParmar I have worked with victims of this terrible crime, I have seen the destruction it causes as I am sure you too have.. however, when the public see people at the top getting away with fraud, then the motivation becomes quite simple - ‘if they can get away with it then so can I’. It’s so sad

  • Look forward to completing the course. Should be interesting.

  • Excellent course!

  • Restructuring is the key. Getting the mind to look at alternative thoughts.

  • Steven Samuel made a comment

    This course is excellent. Well done

  • The course is excellent in its explanation of anxiety and CBT itself. However, and this is just an opinion, I do feel that counselling sessions have a way of reinforcing the situation. When you see someone drowning, you take dynamic action. My own life and survival has taught me to self help is about assertiveness-moving forward rather than wallowing in the...

  • Simple and effective. But how do you deal with panic? When the mind becomes illogical and finds it difficult to see alternative scenario.

  • So interesting. My current anxiety is that I have been offered two jobs at the same time, both very different, each with its own challenges. I have weighed up pros and cons of each and come to a conclusion. The mild anxiety is in the question, have I chosen the right one?

  • Very comprehensive video.

  • Anxiety is very prevalent at the moment because of COVID - not just the illness of course but also the threat to work

  • Our society teaches us from an early age to ‘know our place’. We see this with fraud and crime. We are now seeing these divisions with COVID 19. The social elite are treated differently by the law, it’s a fact that we cannot change. The reality is the there is a section of our society who are above the law.

  • It’s so simple. Our behaviour/thinking coming from an interpretation of events...brilliant!

  • The illustrations are brilliant, highlighting exactly how depression is not seen as a ‘real’ condition. Well done

  • I think I answered most of the questions from a mans point of view. For example, I assumed that men suffer with depression more than women. The quiz highlighted some very interesting points.

  • My wife said that if you have. Brain then you have a mental health issue

  • CBT is an amazing therapy, however, I have talked with many who don’t see it’s worth. The key to CBT is to understand and apply it to our thoughts.

  • This is an incredibly interesting example of special awareness

  • Perception - interpretation. Also interested in our side influence on our perception such as politics, media, social media. I think that the majority of what we perceive is influenced by outside forces....

  • I believe that sometimes our senses are also influenced by our social background. Of course everyone’s depression/anxiety is personal to them (unique) but I think these feelings are amplified by our social environment.

  • Steven Samuel made a comment

    I am simply interested in CBT and how it can be utilised to work with anxiety and depression

  • There is no justification for committing fraud. However, the people at the top seem to get away with it time after time. The police usually go after the people at the bottom not the top. As one police officer once told me, the high level fraudsters are not called the ‘untouchables’ for nothing.

  • Motive can be summoned up with one word ‘greed’.

  • From my own work, I have seen the cost of fraud emotionally on the individual.

  • Simplistic table of the types of fraud

  • Notice that political fraud was not mentioned

  • It’s more in depth than my explanation and focuses on the movement of money. I did like the inclusion of the ‘psychology’ of fraud.

  • Steven Samuel made a comment

    Fraud is the act of convincing a victim to part with their money/property through ongoing manipulation of the emotions.

  • We counter fraud by understanding it. Also understanding, if possible, the motives of the fraudster - those At the bottom and those at the top. From my own experience of working with the police, it is also about knowing ourselves and our own emotions, this gives us some protection from those who would manipulate these feelings.