Esther Kalu Chinasa

Esther Kalu Chinasa

My name is Esther kalu Chinasa, a final year master's student studying Linguistics at the University of Buea. Linguistics is a field i am so passionate about and love so much.

Location Cameroon


    I tried Ukrainian
    It's a beautiful exercise! Now I understand better the challenges my students face while trying to learn a new language.

  • Hi everyone!
    I am Esther from Cameroon. I believe this course will help improve my skills on how to understand and work with refugees.

  • I'd like to thank you all for your hard work and for organizing such a great course. Well done for coming up with such great course.

  • Great!

  • In an attempt to answer the question, I will state relevant skills which I have and will be useful for the job.
    why do you think you are the best person for the job?

  • Yes I have had many job interviews, some turn out positive and others negative. I love the experiences I gained from them, because they helped me improve on myself and also broaden my knowledge on the kind of skills employers are looking for during a job interview.

  • CV: written record of your work in education and other information that employers are interested in.

    Covering letter: It explains why you think you are the right person for the job.

  • Hard skills: reading, speak fluent English and typing

    soft skills: problem solving, leadership and good listener

  • Internet search

  • I'd like teaching many students from diverse backgrounds and learning new cultures.

    I enjoy reading books and articles

    I'd prefer not to work with many people.

    I don't mind working for long hours

    I don't want to work during the weekends.

  • I'd like to have a well paid job

    I'm not interested in talking with people

    I wouldn't mind having a desk job.

  • Hello everyone, I'm good at teaching and I love reading.

  • multilingualism is the use of more than two languages either by an individual, or by the community.