Francisco Roldán

Francisco Roldán

I'm a language teacher & travel blogger, I do love the world where I live and I intend to discover it through the language, the people, the culture.

Location Mexico



  • My experience on this course was very satisfied, this course was more that I was expecting I think, the useful flashcards, short conversations with audios, the videos related to the topics of the week, exercises very challenging, and interesting facts about Norway, this course has everything a new learner needs in order to discover such an interesting and...

  • I found myself a bit in trouble with the indefinite and definite form of nouns, of course I need to practise more, I just find it as a challenge, the rest just find, even the pronunciation I don't find it that hard.

  • Francisco Roldán made a comment

    Jeg er født fjerde October nittennittiseks (:

  • It was very challenging this last quiz, 12 parts and each part with a lot of things to do, fortunately, there was a good introduction with videos and excellent explanation in articles so I wasn't so worried to give a try and see how it goes. :)

  • Jeg skal studere norsk i dag. :D

  • Tusen takk! :D

  • I personally use brainscape, it's an application very useful to create your own flashcards so you can edit them or study them in computer, phone and tablet at your own pace and times.

  • Jeg heter Francisco, og du? :)

  • I do love the flashcards, It's my practise of everyday !

  • Francisco Roldán made a comment

    I'm so happy because I upgraded this course, so useful information and now with the certificate it can be a good support so my students are aware that I have some knowledges about teaching online. :D

  • I'm so thankful with this course and everyone who make this course to be a real thing, thanks a lot! I just can't believe now I'm full of tools to apply with my students, I was using the same tools for all my students but now I just can share more with them.

  • I think you need to get an upgrade if you want the certificate, in fact there's a promo code given by FutureLearn so you can get 30% of discount until December 3rd thanks to #blackfriday. ;D

  • Can you please advise a bit further about the terms and conditions? I found this topic quite important at the time to have some stablished rules, so the student is aware of what to do or don't, how to schedule the sessions and when is the best time for it, I'm in the best disposition to teach and I want respect for the time I give to teach and to be ready for...

  • This is very important to take into account, considering that sometimes we ignore this sort of policies.

  • For my students I've been using the official one of Cambridge and it's quite good because it show the potential level that the student has and also the score, with this measure I can determine in which level my student can start.

  • I'm speechless! Here it's the answer to my problems! I sometimes have some issues with a couple of students who reschedule our classes quite often, and I don't mind at all, but they even do that a couple of hours before, which is quite frustrating because I can spend that time for other things but nothing, now with this advise about terms and conditions in a...

  • I agree, social media has a huge impact nowadays, therefore, it's important to have presence there and to be clear about what is offered.

  • I'm impressed with all the information provided, I just think about my following lessons with all those tools and I'm very excited ! :D

  • It's so sad that this course is about to end, I've learned a lot of tips and resources online that I can apply as soon as possible to my lessons, I'm so thankful with all the people responsible to bring this course to this community.

  • I do love "Write & Improve" my favourite here because most of my learners are adults.

  • I've had exactly that scenario with my students, when a student speaks and I notice a mistake I immediately want to correct that specific mistake and it can be much better to wait until the turn of my student is over so then I can show which mistakes were taking place and to ask to the student to correct them :)

  • I'm so thankful with all the information provided, it was very useful for real, just to know about all the tools and ideas that I can use in my classroom as soon as possible! :D

  • Wow my favourite one from here was the lyrics game, the best! :D

  • It's amazing the areas we can explore when we talk about listening skills development in class, totally agree with the video.

  • I do prefer the ones found in Cambridge Assessment, very useful and according to each level! :D

  • 1. TL <
    2. TH <
    3. TL <
    4. TL <
    5. TH <
    6. TL <

    I have all right :DD I think with this exercise I'm more confident.

  • It's so useful this conversation, I think sometimes I struggle when to share with my students the texts in class or to give that text as homework in order to check together some activities about that specific text, now with this explanation I have the clear idea of what to do.

  • Teaching online brings new possibilities to us as educators, I think we can get advantage of all the tools we have at our disposition online, we just need to take a look and check what can be useful for our purposes.

  • It was so helpful for real, I just didn't think some of those solutions for groups, because sometimes it can be quite challenging to keep the students to participate in the classes.

  • Which platform feature(s) do you think you would exploit the most? How?

    I think I would like to give a try to breakout rooms, it sounds quite interesting thing to do, also the interactive whiteboard, I'll implement them in my lessons!

  • I had to move away to an area where I couldn’t find teaching work in
    local schools and also I wanted something flexible and which fits with my schedule, plus I do enjoy teaching.

  • I do prefer to teach teenagers and adults who study and/or work, I want to teach learners in my own country and also around the world, and I prefer to have my own business.

  • I'm so excited about this course! :D

  • I'm so thankful with those articles, they were so amazing with lots of details and important information about Norway, in my country we don't know anything about the Scandinavian countries, so this is the first time I read about Norwegian history!

    Tusen takk!

  • Answering the questions above, in my country Mexico we count with more than 80 indigenous languages (mixteco, olmeca, maya, náhuatl, etc) spoken by minorities in some far regions from the cities, they can be in mountains and so, those indigenous languages are not taught at school so easy.

  • Francisco Roldán made a comment

    Tusen takk!! :DD

  • Hei! Jeg heter Francisco, og jeg kommer fra Mexico. Jeg er meksikansk.
    Hyggelig å hilse på deg!

    Hva heter du? Og hvor kommer du fra? ;D

  • God dag! Jeg heter Francisco Roldan.
    Hyggelig å hilse på deg!

  • I love the flashcards, so useful! :D

    Tusen Takk!

  • I've visited France for about a month and even if I had some knowledges in French the beginning was a bit challenging, it's just question to start to try even if there are some mistakes in the process, it's ok!

  • I do recommend you tandem as an additional application to practise your Norwegian skills with native speakers, this community is quite friendly and helpful. :)

  • I would love to visit Norway someday, to see those wonderful lights in the sky, to meet some nice Norwegians and even to visit the amazing nature there!

  • What has been the most rewarding part of the four weeks?
    I can say it was the grammar section and lots of quizzes about topics that we saw in previous course and this course, very useful!

    What would be your top recommendations for the learners in the next group?
    Be constant and play the videos as many times as you may need in order to understand at...

  • I would love to learn more about how to create some texts in Norwegian with the proper order and using all the learned topics, adverbs, prepositions and so.

  • I found very useful the article and quiz of prepositions, my challenge was when the part where I had to write a text in Norwegian, I was in white!

  • So sad this is the last course made by UiO, I really enjoyed the course 1 and 2, a really fresh and innovative way to teach Norwegian and I love it!

  • This is very useful!

  • My child has developed an incredible patience and determination to do the things, it can be a game with his toys for example, how he coordinates everything to make an scene.

  • What makes you feel emotionally well?
    The support of my family, the hope for a better day and a clear mind.

    What makes your child feel emotionally well?
    To be with the family, to feel welcome and appreciated and also to feel part of the family helping in the needs of the house.

  • 谢谢 ;D

  • My creation was about a model of how my cousins and I used to play in our childhood creating some improvised "houses" with some blankets and chairs, to watch some movies inside or playing with our toys it was just amazing!

  • Totally agree with you Mostafa.

  • Takk Erik!! :D

  • It was such an useful week in regards of new words an grammar, I found the topic "Det som subjekt" as my favourite! :D
    The hardest part for me it was the "Leddsetninger" cause I still don't feel enough confident to know when to use each one. :/

  • Det er mange trollene i Norge

  • Hvis du liker en troll, bør du komme i Norge.

  • I'm impressed about the use of mye & mange, no doubt I'll take them as part of my vocabulary in Norwegian very soon ;D

  • Hun har en troll.
    Liker hun det?

  • Mange lærer norsk, vi lærer mye her.

  • Jeg liker å skrive :D

  • It was such a nice week, I learned a bit more about the typical Norwegian food, also about questions and short answers, many useful things here! I feel quite proud of myself with the quizzes, moreover the last ones about sentences. :D

  • -Leser trollet god?
    -Ja, det gjør han.

  • Jeg vil gjerne å spise flatbrød og norsk honning. :D

  • It was such an useful recap because all the quiz were so necessary to remember what we learned in the previous course, a bit complicated for me the first adverbs quiz though.

  • Hei,

    Jeg har studert mange språk, Jeg har jobbet for reisebyrå, Jeg har bodd i Cancun i Mexico.

    Da jeg va likte å lære vikinger historie.

    Jeg har lært norsk i seks uker.


  • Hi all!

    I am a brother of two children, in addition to this I'm teaching languages to adults, teenagers and children!

    I found the opportunity to take the course and I'm quite confident this amazing team will share with us some useful and interesting tools and guidance about how to support our kids during this hard period in social history.

    Cheers! ;D

  • Hello All!

    I'm Francisco, I've been studying chinese by my own for 4 months, something challenging in my life, no doubt!

    I'm using the HSK 1 book for grammar and exercises, something useful, anyway, I need more knowledges and techniques so I can develop myself with this language.


  • Takk Erik! :)

  • Liker du å gå på bruktmarked?
    Jeg liker å gå på bruktmarked. :D

  • I am so happy that I can learn how to say times and numbers, very useful tool! So challenging the quiz about nouns, without any dialogue as support, only to write nouns, it was some pressure on me but useful!

  • Jeg var født i 1996(nitten nittiseks). Jeg feirer min fødselsdagen med familien min.

  • Klokka 9 står jeg opp. Klokka 9:30 dusjer jeg. Jeg kler på meg klokka 9:45. Jeg spiser frokost klokka 10:00, og etterpå pusser jeg tennene. Klokka 10:20

  • Regneoppgave:
    Åtte tusen seks hundre og femti sju pluss seks hundre og nittifem to er lik...

  • Hei!

    4750 + 1340 = 6,090
    2817 - 914 = 1,903

    Takk! :D

  • Hei!

    Jeg heter Francisco og Jeg har lært norsk i fire uker.



  • Hei!

    I will miss this course, I can't express how thankful I am thanks to this 4 weeks lessons, full of activities, pronunciation, funny and useful videos and some grammar articles so explicit and clear in my opinion, maybe it could be nice to have a bit more practice and feedback in regards of grammar. :)

    Tusen takk! :D

  • Very odd situation, anyway, it's a very useful tool, isn't it? :)

  • hahaha totally agree! ;D

  • Jeg har lært norsk i fire uker.
    Jeg har begynt a lære norsk.

  • Jeg møter et troll.
    Trollet er sjarmerende.

  • Jeg drikker kaffe.
    Du kan ha på deg det samme som nå.

  • Jeg liker å spise sterk mat

  • Jeg spør om jeg kan kjøpe en troll. ;D

  • Han sier at jeg liker å studere norsk. ;D

  • Jeg lesser her.
    Kom inn trollet mitt! :D

  • Hva pleier du å gjøre hver uke?
    Jeg pleier å studere norsk.
    Hva kjøpte du i butikken siste gang du var der?
    Jeg kjøpte kaffe.

  • Takk Erik!!

  • It's incredible that this third week was finished, so useful articles and exercises so now I'm able to create some sentences in past as well ;D

  • Jeg så Frognerparken og jeg drakk kaffe. ;)