Clinton Siegle

Clinton Siegle

Short film maker, and short story writer.

Location La Paz, Bolivia


  • genre categories vary per person you talk with

  • I failed at my comedy film this year. My dream film of 2023 did pretty good 12 film festivals. I would say my genre is what ever the film festival challenge is. I have created small films. No budget films. 118 film festivals 12 awards.. Not a genre of films I like. I did enjoy the historical fantasy film I created which does well in film festivals.

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    At first the hero journey would be the genre. Most action films are set up this way to show a lone person going through an epic adventure

  • Genre the ability to complete a tale or film all within a certain point of view.

  • I am hoping to make some ideas on how to make a film.

  • Hello, hope to learn more on filming genre.

  • need help in learning.

  • Clinton Siegle - I have issues with my sight. I have tried fortran, vb excel, vb ms project, python courses. Just something does not click.

  • Learning to code is something I hope for.

  • So - data is funny.
    India makes the most movies in the world yearly.
    There a lot more musical movies in India.
    Meaning? genre we see is a splice of reality as seen by England and US in this course.
    The culture or classes fixated on what is known to those who pay attention to the culture they live in.
    Not as a global market
    For there are musical tv...

  • drama films are interesting.
    war films are action.
    both films are deceptive -
    for they advertise what something should be like

    honorable war - when war is horrible
    honorable romance - when love and sex are different part of a relationship.
    Contextually money is spent by those who have money
    while the young spread their entertainment money...

  • Just watched Wonka - nice to see on the big screen - just it lacked depth.
    Meaning? The characters were nice. The tale different. The outcome expected.
    The sad part?
    You know if they would have put in 4 seconds more in building a characters background - Wonka - backstory of visiting the world for chocolate - or the island of the mysterious Lumpias coco bean...

  • Very useful information. I have yet to make a comedy. Must consider that. To realize drama is the best option to make is interesting. cheapest movie genre to make with the most profit is Drama.
    Genre Market Share Revenue Production Cost Profit Profit Ratio
    Drama 18.4 1840 35 1805 51.29

  • War and western decline - simply put the money to make a decent war movie is more budget than most have. Westerns - the customs and ideas behind the story are no longer being written. Meaning? War books exist but are not pushed by the publishing houses neither are westerns. Luis Lamore books all 130 of them could be made into movies that would be box office...

  • according to a rather famous director producer whose lines I am stealing here.

  • So rather than take inexperienced untalented directors, these legendary producers relied on a stable of experienced untalented fillmmakers. These untalented schlubs who are often not very good people changed the look, style and content of B movies for years to come. Instead of the gothic silliness and eroticism of the Full Moon Subspecies series, shot in...

  • So knowing a few a b and c actors - there are genre types - meaning a B movie with a late A actor making a film in a genre they did when they were famous but the directors actors are unknown and the film experience is lacking - ttps://
    B movies with females with...

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    reflection - genre seems to be just to be defining a storytellers narrative.

  • Genre is really a classification of a story. There are many different stories to be told.
    For every horror film - there could be a comedy or love or crime or romance tale intertwined within the story.
    For every thriller there could be in the story a different place, people, or idea to steal from dreams to things to conceptual thoughts.
    For every...

  • Did this for a film challenge. Quantum trainer - a time traveling agency that enters the multiverse stealing ideas, famous paintings from dead or dying realities throughout time.
    Meaning? Each parallel reality has its own ending.
    Why should a Mona Lisa of a reality that dies not get saved into another reality?
    Or an idea that is shelved in one reality...

  • Anything that can be thought of is possible a genre. Examples

    So new sub genre that of Tartaria IS it real?
    Time travel is real.
    Anything thought of under the sun is real. Per Solomon.
    Could everything you see be some sort of Steampunk reality where all of time, history etc is mirrored in yet different or better...

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    Tis a problem is it not? Why? By defining something you limit that something? In yet? According to Solomon everything under the sun has been done.
    Means we are stuck in an absurdity film called reality today. But if we are all time traveling which according to science we are.
    Means we are in a future. In yet our thoughts are 80 milliseconds in the...

  • Science fiction or Magic? Tis the question of Ender the pirate traversing time. Imagine if you will a dreamer - whose dream is stolen by a kung fu master and a scream queen from a c rated movie?

    Exactly. Is it magic? Or science run amok in the simulator which is called reality?

    Meaning? Well, imagine Ender waking up on Sagittarius some eons or billions...

  • @IanWall been extremely lucky - being disabled I have no money but I have time. my problem is free things - meaning video editors, etc come and go and thus a lot of work I put into something and then poof it disappears.. thus I do shorts because I do not have funds for a feature nor the community to do one at...

  • @IanWall I use what I am given and create what I can.. Meaning? Dreamer is a disabled person film. 6 members - I got feed 2 scenes unseen and made them into what it is. I paid for Ernest hemingway film - I feel let down there because they did not tell the story as well as I had hoped. The others? I got...

  • A scream queen wondering the realms of film meets B kung fu master who happens to be known by a director. Both get cast into an absurdity film named Dreamer. All of them get introduced to a complete stranger in a 15 minute spill on a 5 minute film challenge. The challenge went well.

    The item to be stolen? A dream.. Dream stealing is awkward for what is...

  • The story teller opening scenes.. Money, script, who a person knows, where and what can be done with editing and special effects - make or break a story.

  • The genre is defined by the story teller. Thus each genre is or can be differently spliced together.
    Each genre has a story to tell - which could or can be different

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    The split experiment - mirror realities of films.. The question is nothing can not be possible in film - if it can or could or will be imagined. Which begs the question - could all of it happen in reality in alternative time or simulator?

  • Western films - I used to think were all the same.
    and now?
    I pay more attention to strange ideas / inventions that appear out of no where at times.
    wars and politics are all changing

  • Yes in money films a named actor makes a film. No in indie films - the story makes the film.

    So depends on the film festival. As for money making films - yes it does make or break a story as to who your characters are played by. However in the film festival genre that I work in no budget etc. I have found trying something new makes the story interesting.

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    Characters make or break a story.
    My films are about what I get. Meaning? I get throw away cuts from several actresses etc that few people would know. And I produce odd films showing what I have in a story fashion. Is it any good? 108 film festivals, 11 awards - on a no budget film is something.
    So I am very lucky in an unlucky way. I am disabled. And? I...

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    Thriller films depend on a type of storyline. Depends on what is needed from the budget to make it happen. Example - Alternative realities a short made with several wins shows that live action is not needed but only a vision of what is thought was needed for a short film.
    Western films with the idea of West World brings out the possibility that if we are...

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    The science fiction film was interesting.. From the photograph both time travdel, cloning, potential of space travel is all available in the story.

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    As a film maker I am learning.
    My quantum film - is Exploration of Humanity: This genre frequently explores themes such as the essence of humanity, ethical implications of technology, and the consequences of playing god.
    My romance film - Societal Expectations vs. Individual Happiness: These films may tackle themes of societal pressures conflicting with...

  • The text emphasizes that merely possessing vast amounts of data isn't sufficient for competitive advantage. The ability to extract unique and valuable insights from data is what sets organizations apart. Understanding the evolving dynamics of competitive advantage in the digital age lays the groundwork for discussions on how data analytics can specifically...

  • Accelerant for Transformation:** Data analytics acts as a catalyst for organizational digital transformation, facilitating the processing, utilization, and integration of vast quantities of data needed for successful transformation.
    - **Data-Led Approach:** Utilizing data analytics infrastructure, processes, and applications maximizes the potential for...

  • Barriers to transformation are reducing, costs are decreasing, cloud-based services are more accessible, and digital literacy is increasing, compelling organizations to digitally transform to stay competitive.

    These points underline the significance, challenges, and essentiality of digital transformation within organizations, emphasizing both its...

  • emphasizes the distinction between being **data-led** and **data-driven**. While being data-driven implies solely relying on data for decision-making, being data-led (or data-informed) involves using data analytics alongside expertise and intuition. This approach allows decisions to be holistically informed by both data analysis and business insights. It...

  • Narrative: Referring to recurrent plots, structures, predictable situations, conflicts, and resolutions.
    Characterization: Involving similar character types, roles, qualities, goals, and behaviors, sometimes falling into stereotypes.
    Themes: Covering topics, subject matters, and values depicted in films.
    Settings: Encompassing geographical and historical...

  • What genre does this film belong to? Godfather? -
    How do you decipher its genre? Highlight visual and auditory cues aiding genre recognition. Voice - and actor is from the Godfather.
    What might the entire film's storyline revolve around? Mafia.

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    Certainly! In the world of filmmaking, storytelling, actors, writers, directors, and themes all collaborate to define and shape various film genres. The interplay between these elements often determines the genre of a film, creating diverse cinematic experiences for audiences.

  • Key Takeaways on Data Analytics: Reflect on the fundamental concepts covered—descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. Consider how these concepts contribute to decision-making and understanding data.

    Application in Real Life: Think about how you could apply these concepts outside of the course. Identify potential areas or...

  • **Role in Present Decision-Making:** Data analytics plays a pivotal role in the present, aiding in daily operations and strategic decision-making. Combining data analytics with business intelligence tools is crucial for optimizing business operations and achieving organizational goals.

    6. **Transformation of Data into Actionable Insights:** The journey of...

  • What has happened? Understanding the past.
    Why did it happen? Analyzing causation.
    What is likely to happen next? Predicting the future.
    What can we do about it? Taking action based on predictions.

  • What is the difference of data analytics and earned value management documents? ransforming Raw Data into Actionable Insights:
    Question: What sequential steps constitute the transformation of raw, unprocessed data into meaningful insights within a data analytics framework, and how does this method contribute to enabling informed decision-making processes...

  • What certifications - do I need? How many certifications are needed for this?
    Can I get help on learning R, Python, Jupytenr notebook, Apache spark. Data analytics - question can they do work remotely?
    Also is this part of the subscription - meaning if I purchase the follow year - what certifications do I get out of this course and others?
    thank you

  • @IanWall will do

  • minute that has happened before and what how can this happen then?

  • @IanWall not an expert. Just past two years - noticing that a lot of history from wars, to when people state things happened change.. IT is called the Mandela effect.. And if you are part of it.. you realize that a lot of history is a lie.. Which is the statement the story of history is told by the soul of a nation. Thus if you look and find you are being...

  • The Siege of Masada: The siege of Masada by Roman forces and the mass suicide of Jewish rebels in AD 73/74 was initially reported based on the writings of Flavius Josephus. However, modern archaeological evidence and reassessment of Josephus's accounts have led to debates about the accuracy of certain details and the timing of the events.

    The Battle of...

  • @IanWall other small items of history. The Coronation of Charlemagne: Charlemagne, the Holy Roman Emperor, was traditionally believed to have been crowned on Christmas Day in the year 800 AD. Recent scholarship has suggested that the coronation might have occurred in 799 or even earlier than 800.

    The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus: The...

  • @IanWall governments use false flags all the time. The "Lavender Scare" and False Security Threats: During the 1950s, the U.S. government pursued a campaign against homosexuals, labeling them as security risks. Various documents and reports were used to justify this persecution, but many of the claims and supposed evidence against LGBTQ+ individuals were...

  • @IanWall some 100 million people believe this - Book of Mormon: This religious text is foundational to the beliefs of the Latter-day Saint movement (Mormonism). It claims to be a record of ancient inhabitants of the Americas and their interactions with God. If archaeological evidence were found to support the historical accuracy of the Book of Mormon's...

  • @IanWall The basis of Catholic rule of europe is a lie. Donation of Constantine: This is a forged Roman imperial decree by which the emperor Constantine the Great purportedly transferred authority over Rome and the western part of the Roman Empire to the Pope. It was likely created in the 8th century and was used to justify papal claims of temporal power in...

  • @RajaChoudhary you are defending a serial killer - WHO funds the looney bin where he keeps his prey and then releases them on the public when he is bored. If you were a detective look at the following. 1. WHo pays the taxes for the loony bin in New York? Wayne Enterprises. - If there is a security breach - who paid for the lack of security? Wayne Enterprise....

  • @IanWall history is a lie from my perspective. Meaning? After a review of all wars the US has been in. Greed is the only rationale reason for those wars. Even today Israel stealing Gaza oil field off the coast of Gaza shows that- while Ukraine of how Obama funded election fraud in 2014 shows history is about greed. When you go back father in time. Look for...

  • @IanWall depends on the director - meaning I produce short films just because I got photos from rather famous people who allowed me to use them in short films.. - meaning my audience was a horror 15 second film festival but the whole concept etc was more of. well I go this photo and this concept lets make a short film. if that makes sense. meaning yes the...

  • @IanWall maybe - maybe just how the storyteller tells the story. Meaning - a good tale in evil hands can be turned into a evil tale.

  • @IanWall if you are saying that all history is a lie - I would concur. That culture is a lie here too? I concur. People claim they want good to win. In yet? All wars are deception or a lie. And thus almost all industrial corporations are a lie. Meaning? 30 percent of US culture is built on building, selling, supplying, and killing. it might actually be more...

  • @IanWall of course. I agree with you. Just would you agree that almost everything would be considered a thriller at some point in time. Meaning heroes are the thriller for the villain, propaganda for all wars paints one side as the villain while the other sides paints the other side as a villain. Even in romance everything seems to come down to some mystery...

  • @GraceHales I concur. propaganda is all films are.. rooting for the "good guy" when you realize the hobbits broke into goblins layers slayed their king - making it a thriller for them. or dorothy gile of kansas manslaughter for driving her home into one sister then stealing her shows. conspiring with the government to steal the broom of the other sister and...

  • @HikariI question for you.. in looking at the wizard of oz.. would you say it is a hero movie or a thriller? Meaning thriller is crime, and murder.. Girl directs her house in the killing of a lady. Whose shoes she steals. Then she plots and plans with other to break into the ladies sister house and steal her broom and then kills her.. would you not say that...

  • question for you.. if you looked at say the Hobbit - would you say that the heroes of the story hobbits are the villains of the goblins? meaning the hobbits broke into their caves, killed their king, destroyed their bridges.. would you say that the hero is the thriller for the goblins?

  • question for you. if you looked at the opposite side of the story. would you say all hero movies are a thriller for the villain in the story? meaning batman - killing superman - who is the good guy?

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    Only idea I have come to realize that hero journey all depends on the perception of the story teller. Whether they are throwing a ring into a volcano or the goblins just living a life at a castle where the hobbits kill them. Both sides could write the story as a thriller or a hero story.

  • Thermonuclear war scene is what I have been watching ever since December 12, 2017.
    Say what? Being Mandela effected I assure you Hawaii was nuked in some reality I passed through. And now?
    Every day I see we edge closer to the most horrific thriller of all. Thermonuclear war. So what do I do? I write asking for no war....

  • - [Spain's involvement in history](
    - [The salvaging of the Lusitania](
    - [Germany's role in historical events](
    - [Japan's...

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    after relooking at the stories of life..
    I tend to wonder if thrillers are just heros accepting their story line as being quote the villain in the story.
    Makes sense that in reality there are no heroes and hero stories are only made to make the masses believe that someone mysteriously will come and save them.
    Tell that to anyone suffering diabetes from...

  • I think everyone wants to be the top bad guy to be honest these days.
    Thus the sooner you pick what type of bad guy you are the better your story will be. Example Disney they have animals as super spies breaking into a scientist home on a daily basis and stealing his projects which they then li·cense and use the...

  • So here is the difference in thought.
    1. Batman is a serial killer. He remediated murder of Superman should get him the chair. His clashes in comics he has killed 15 known villains and countless unnamed henchmen.
    This goes along with his insurance fraud being part of...

  • Thriller stories are made to tell the unexpected or div-ant art form. Horror, crime, a story that in public might not be acceptable.
    Hero journey the quest and the journey to create a better character or finish a quest.
    Both genre are made to make the mind realize there are stories we like reaind watching but not being part of.
    Example the hobbit - thriller...

  • Genre of films is how the story is told. Meaning? Grimm tales can be told with the original story line. German example Little Red Riding Hood the tale was more do not get off the beaten path. And in some versions the little girl after being eaten cuts her way out of the wolf. While the British version is more along the lines that someone Woodsman or other...

  • @IanWall so I think the people you have in the film portray a genre type. Example - horror - most of the people I knew were or are movie producers or actresses from the genre horror or thriller. Why? My story of how I became blindish in one eye, deaf in one...

  • @IanWall to be honest prior to 2016 - I would say that was a great fictional tale about how society is controlled by THE MAN. After 2016 - forgive me I now believe a little more in magic and that the matrix is real. We live in a simulator and whether all realities are happening at once or together something is happening that did not happen before. For the...

  • @IanWall so that is just it. Big corporations are using AI all the time. It is the indies that are questioning it in the film festivals. Meaning - Easterseal challenge they will not let you use it. Other films and writing contests state no AI products. In yet when you watch almost anything Disney, or Netflix you realize that most if not everything screen...

  • @IanWall it is not what I think that matters in this case. What matters is those are the categories given for film festival selection. And yes format matters for film festival selection. Meaning - RED, 35 mm, digital, are all categories in which different film festivals are for or include or exclude a film. Same with...

  • subsets of genre - are there stories outside this list? Action
    Science Fiction

  • Genre an artistic form-
    A difference of a genre - even a different color or way to film something in film festival selection.
    Film genre broken down in film festivals from events, types and film colorization.
    Genre for film selections -
    Film / Video
    Music / Songwriting
    Photography / Design
    VR / XR / Immersive...

  • Film genre adds to ideas that come into view of the public. Art is formed - AI a new genre of film.
    However AI the question is since it is just variations of what has already been inputted into its system of things. IS the output anything but a derivative of someone's elses work?

  • Art forms all seem to be the similar to the ideas, tragedy, drama, comical. The telling or the setting of the scene in film or television or in photos tells the story genre.
    For what is a crime story without the plot being romance a lovers cruel or an adventure story without a heroes quest dramatic ideas and back stories?
    Or how is life to be taken seriously...

  • Genre for film challenges- specific climate change, etc.
    Specific films requested for dates or events or people - historical documentary or event documentation.
    Specific types of romance films.
    Foreign language films about ideas commonly not known to the west or filmed differently from concepts western.

  • adventure.

  • Fantasy genre is what I write or blog about. In my fantasy genre script which I have written the character is a time traveling pirate.
    The events surrounding his travels, the places, people he interacts with. Ender the pirate lives or I live vicariously through my fantasy which someday I hope to turn into a movie.
    Got the character, got the script. Just...

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    As of late the genre of time travel has gotten into my mind. Why? Because I believe I am seeing time change daily.
    People call it the Mandela effect -
    Me personally I call it time travel or more specific closed time curved loop travel.
    However, what that means specific to movies?
    1. Time travel movies have made me re evulate what I see is going on around...

  • Genre - a category of artistic composition.
    Learning more about the word. Makes me realize I need to figure out who I am writing for. Verses I write my stories with what I am provided to use.
    Meaning? I knew or know some rather interesting people and at times I get clips or portions of their films and use what I get.
    Thus genre for me is experimental...

  • I enjoy fantasy film escape movies.
    AS for Thriller genre - I have done a a few horror films. The idea of the stories I did are around the people I know.
    Meaning? I got permission from some rather famous people to use their photos for a rather short horror film contest.
    The sad part is I do not typically watch thriller horror movies. However, I have...

  • I am looking forward to taking an actually film class. I have taken another script writing class on futurelearn. This would be my first film class.

    I hope to learn to understand what genre of films people are talking about.
    The genre distinction is something I am not familiar with even after years of reading people's post about their films on line....

  • Editing is something. I find myself having issues finding an outline that I can use. Meaning? I often forget details, or sections of a story. And need to remind myself. Ah, after a scene, I should move on onto this section of the story.

  • Looking for feedback on this story. please provide in the comments. thank you

  • If you are interested please post your stories here -

  • The time traveler revisited his journal, noting time's subtle shifts since his last check. Where did it all begin? Maybe in Journal 1, from a realm where whispers of godly seeds were mere rumors. Earth existed as a peculiar cloning center, a fragment in a complex time-travel saga.

    Mysteries abounded—when did it start? The galaxy spanned 377,000 light-years,...

  • I noticed that novelettes are now 80 to 130 pages long. Thus a great short story should be expanded to a long short novelette. Do I have such a tale? In a sense.
    The question is really any of this real. And if not real. Is there anyway to survive?
    Yes is not that the purpose of life?
    To survive...

  • Intriguing the time story continues. Why am I here? Because I am evil? Must be. For hell is earth. And? I am on earth still.
    But that begs the question. Have I seen heaven in all these years?
    Does that make heaven real or imaginary?
    The point being in a torus of realities.
    The path to heaven is narrow. And probably not easily found. But...

  • Clinton Siegle made a comment

    My first few short stories took place in a bedroom. Why? That was where time shifted dramatically. Some people laugh and ask what?
    Imagine going to bed with one set of people. Awaking to a completely different set of people. So similar but so different that you actually start telling them hey. I aint from here.
    And that is the event in my story. ...

  • I find sentence structure hard. Along with following an outline. Meaning? So fart this has been a character development class. Where is the ideas of the outline of the story. A scene, a dilemma, a question a mystery an event to push to the next step in the plot. A push towards some sort of outline. That is what I need to remember to outline my story....