Caspian Priest

Caspian Priest

Edinburgh based junior doctor with a background in statistics, and trans education with RCPE & SGUL. Special interests in Emergency Medicine & Young People's Health.

Pronouns: he/him

Location England


  • "Joint camp" sounds pretty awesome

  • Thank you all so much!

  • I do agree that communication should be anonymous until both families agree, although it's wonderful that that's an option given that connection can mean so much to the bereaved family.

  • The first link ("diagnosis of death by neurological criteria") is broken I'm afraid!

  • It's really reassuring that there are few contraindications. I do wonder how this was affected during covid though!

  • Definitely helpful to know about specifics involved in eligibility - that HIV point was key!

  • My NOK is my Jehovah's-Witness-grandmother. By virtue of how organ donation is approached in the UK; if I die before her, she will need to decide to overrule my decision for donation, or be excommunicated by her congregation. Having overruling as an option sometimes can make things trickier than needed.

  • This may be discussed later but does anyone know the place of estrangement in this? If the parent or child is estranged do they still get approached and weigh in, and would this be highlighted to the professionals orchestrating donation in the first place?

  • Guidelines and adequate consenting are important factors in ensuring rights are protected. But when our education system gives so little thought to discussing organ donation and we don't talk about it until it's a personal matter, can we truly say that it's actually an informed decision when people don't want to donate?

  • Some of my dear friends are only here because of organ transplantation. One of them even had it halfway through medical school. It really helps make you pro-donation when you see the impact.

  • You're so cool, amazing gift! :O I hope you get awesome birthday presents

  • It's really interesting to hear about the HIV part, I never even thought about all the people with HIV who may need organ transplants. I bet HIV+ patients as organ donors barely get considered in most cases.

  • We love a keen bean :)

  • That's incredibly cool, Claire! Thanks for sharing!

  • This is part of my course but something I find really interesting - I know lots of people who have been recipients, and donors. I'm on the register and am interested in living donation later on. Hopefully I can learn lots to make some good choices and help others make them too :)