Judien Nell


I have a passion working with chidren and enjoyed helping others. I love to learn new things and take opportunities that is at times out of my comfort zone.

Location South Africa Cape Town



  • In my experience I would say teaching kids from different religions and so on was very nice as we all learn what each child value,believe ect and way it is important to them we learned to respect each other culture, religion and therefore kids will also be more confident in the society.

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    I agree with the others

  • Thanks for sharing your story and tips and grateful to learn from such a highly professional individual.

  • My name is Judien from South Africa I was a nusery school educator .I am currently busy with special needs education.

  • I believe that the roll is to help the learners to reach their potential in their own unique way.

  • Like to know more about the pallet

  • I think as a beginner I will start with whatsapp

  • Great ,Well this is new for me I need to practice.

  • I would like to explore as it is time consuming

  • Hi my name is Judien from South Africa and always looking for opportunities to improve teaching

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    I wish I knew about this course long before started teaching It would have been much easier understand the kids ,but will inform other about the course it was very informative and alot to take away.

  • We have elsen teachers and I believe we really also need to know the individual child , and would like to have workshops for the teachers on this topic and parents and care givers of the kids can also collaborate on discussions great start.

  • Well token of reward for behavior is key to me,

  • I remember with some kids I had sing,exercises,and there was a boy a had a safety jacket, googles etc and he will pretend that he is swimming when he burst out I will tell him to go for his swim and the other use to scream and get out of hand I use to ask him to several time to smile .This really help me and we would end up smiling.

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    Most schools in cape town have feeding schemes

  • I can definitely related to the stories very familiar

  • I believe we can make a difference by doing research on complex trauma so we have a better understanding and provide our students with support they need .

  • I totally agree with Arianne

  • I believe that it is important for us to give the child a sense of belong and in that way we gain the child trust and we will be able to comfort the child

  • I am familiar with this topic

  • This was very informative

  • Very well explained

  • Thank you so much and looking forward to get started

  • My name Judien Nell I am nusery Educator also completed inclusive education and reason for taking the course to gain knowledge and grow in my profession.

  • I use digital tecnology the apps of education
    Traveling ,making etc it great to use it as it make life much easier, but there is also the disadvantages

  • I am also old school in go to shop to look for what I what in terms of clothing feel texture etc because I had bad experience shopping online late and not what I was hopping for.

  • The alarm for my prayer time,schedule day for different things to coplete on phone.
    Lesssons plans for school .
    So much more.

  • So know we all know what digital means

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    Sometimes we need to ask how much do I really know? Thats why I am on the course.

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    Its a pleasure to learn with these professionals

  • Happy with results I found

  • Great to be back

  • I suggest you print this links and place in a file

  • Thank yoi for pathing our way forward in our caceer with this ussume course

  • Good luck to you all taking your next step and remember passions is required and consistency in your goal is the key.

  • I will sore myself a 9
    as what we learned on the course it basically practice that is inplace in the class already and have great knowledge ,experience and skills of barriers to learning and I really enjoy working closely with my learners that struggle with barriers weather it is emotional cognitive or cultural of nature barriers.

  • Green in all areas

  • I really like to work in small groups
    Has it allows me to identify the kids strength and weakness but teamwork is just so important as they learn from each other so it equally has kids still needs to development socially,emotionally,physically and cognitive.

  • For the little onces teachers do their their assessment and I always keep my observation book on a daily basis cery help to me
    Inform parent about the child progress and give guidace to parents if they dont knw what to do.
    As the school I had teach had an Elsen teacher I also spend alot of time learning from her and see what she was doing with the slower...

  • Yes parents have alot of concerns
    Abd like every other parent they do the best for there kids like we all do . I few years I meet a girl at the tkme she was 16 yr of age ,her parents felt not sending her to schoolfor a number of reasons dad and mum past on and now with suster she had no idea what do with sister no friends etc likely I could give her advice....

  • We heard so many problems and and the problems lack of experiece / or working with the students I think workshops for the teachers in critical to start with,having our parents that take care of there kids will also be great to support teachers in class as I believe they have the skills to help teacher .
    Staff collaboration with each other partnership...

  • I agree with you

  • I think my resources of previous comment fit in with this

  • A lessonmay not work as well has you planned due to a number of extraneous circumstances.
    You should not be discourage it happens to even the mostexperienced teachers .
    At end of day focus on the questions we eork on now to make it easier to ajust to the the contingencies of class.
    Resourses fo refkect on
    .Student feedback

  • The blooms taxonomy

  • Fruitful week and looking forward to week 3

  • Kindergarten really enjoy protect work we once had a topic on buildings and class was devide in group( pull a card out of box)
    box) ask ask them to build their buoidings using any thing in class they must also talk about their building .
    It was great buidings and their imagination went wild we had an fnb ,hair studio ,engine garage
    Each learner had a...

  • Groups with diffrent abilities
    The students learn from each other and interact with each other communicate with one a nother
    So they learn new skills from peers
    Each 1 have his own time,idea it feel confident and proud of his work or contribution languages improve oromote social interaction
    Respect each other etc

  • Noted for the little games work great I liked to play the telephone,
    Simon says you can also have equipment base on topic /story Eg The big blue cat so students pic the pcture have picures of big small cats different colour of cats
    He have a red hat sit on the mat
    Kids can colour hat .
    The students can also listern to the instruction and put the cat...

  • Advances
    Involving the students to create the rules foster sense of responsibility among the students for thier own behaviour. If students feel responsible for their own behaviour and understand the expectation set for them,they will beable to act accordingly. Therfore having students to work together to make the rules for the class is to prevent ...

  • Chidren have the right to been taken seriously and the responsibility to listen to others
    .chidren have the a good education and responsibility to study and respect their teachers
    .chidren have the right to special care for special needs and the responsibility to be the best they can be
    .chidren have the to loved and protected from harm and the...

  • .Give children a sense of belonging
    .Being tolerant
    .Being aware ofsome restrictions of the inclusive student.
    .Our classroom is rooms shiuld also be clean and inviting .

  • This value I practice and cherish in my daily life. As a value inclusive education reflect that expection that we what all our children to be appreciated and accepted throughout life .
    As an educator I believe that 1
    should just also ajust and be flexible to welcome change to help our students reach the potential in their own unique way.

  • Thank you for sharing your life story, I like your postive attitude
    And you so funny.
    I believe that we should focus on what the learner can do and stop wasting time on the can't do ,I have done volunteering etc to educate myself and have a deeper understanding what disabled people faces in there daily life ,
    I can tell you that this people don't like to...

  • A medical
    B medical
    C social
    D social
    E social
    F social

  • This week was very informative we learned alot from each other

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    I have read the commands and here is some tips to try in your classroom.
    .Create lessons with conceptional understanding conceptual understanding makes learning easy and deep a student who wants to through the process andcan apply can apply it across various domains,especially the things they learned in class.
    .Provide time for peer collaboration....

  • Work in a school I am aware that we have or had students in class that have learning barriers or behaviour problems social etc.
    I have learned that you need to show your learners you there for them
    Clearify your expection by allowing students to ask questions if they not sure,listen to comment they have .
    Give students time to absorb information and...

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    This was an amazing presentation
    And also an eye opener note dont make consumptions and don't judge a book by it cover

  • Reading throw the commands I agree with all and also gain knowledge deeper understanding

  • Yes aware of language barriers resource etc but I guarantee you if you have your learners intrested by heart looking to help them reach ther full potential then the problems is less so focus on what we can do not what we can't do

  • I agree not assume put I believe if you see potional in the individual encouragement would hurt

  • Well I believe we all can see know we can identify difference between equality and equity

  • In south Afrika alot of pratice still needs to be put in action

  • We have our elsen teachers at schools I work very close with her to try ideas and strategies and I work on my lesson plans to ensure that all kids enjoy and participate in what ecer we do

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    I have volentered at schools and also visited people with disabilities it was a great experience to me to have a deeper deeper standing of special needs and inclusive education.
    The learning journey with you guy was remarkable as I also learned from you guys how shared their own experience thought and ideas

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    A really encourage all of you guys to read through the combination it is very interesting and informative as this inclusive education is still a learning curve for us .

  • This was a nice activity and yes you can start to biuld up a community of practice with them

  • Social capital is the value that comes from social networks,or grouping of people which allows individuals to achieve things that the were not able to do on there own.

  • The more employees continue to work cooperatively the more the corporate environment became prospectively beneficial, her issome ideas that I have knowledge of while I was working at school to make the environment more inclusive her is a few exsamples.
    Deal with low lelel description in a sensitive way.
    Drfine clear minimum standa6 for...

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    I agree with you Sherren

  • Thanks we need for teachers like you going the extra mile for your students.

  • It is important to let the child feel a sense of belonging with in your classroom ,you should label your containers with pics or the object itself on the container
    Make it easy for the students reach or to pack away equipment
    Your play area in class should not be close to your working areas
    You can display your daily routine on the wall,board or floor...

  • Thank you Emma for your tips

  • Build on the childs prior knowledge is key and observing in which way child learns best also important to know what interest the learner so you can make use of it in your lesson plan for the learner

  • I believe that if you have your learners intrested at heart the challenges you thought was so difficult is actually very rewarding it with no problem and the great thing is you learn from each learner ,so after reseach and leasing with parent other teacher and professional I really pratice what I have learned .
    I than reliased that I have skills knowlege...

  • Looking forward to learn some new.

  • Thank so much the articles and interviews was really great and I also learn from my collages here in class

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    The school have a hall can be used for events.
    Water distraction- learners bring waste water from home to wet plants.
    Children on streets after school-parents in community can help to assist kids in extra curriculum at school.
    Community workers - ask parents of diffrent provisions to talk our teach the teacher ,students and other about who to go about...

  • I aware of violence crime billing
    We also ramps or elevators to allow for easy mobility
    Chidren stay out of school due to lack of transportation.

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    We use to had a garden at school as atool to teach kids the growing and process of plants and teach kids about the environment who to care for it .
    Vegetables from the school were use in school kitchen and staff and other schools also use to buy from the vegetables.

  • Working hand in hand with your referral teacher is 1 of my best memories I use to spent hours with this teacher collaborating on real education issues I even work out my lessons plans to accommodate my learners who had different barries to learning and was very confident to work with this learners through her and experience I look forward to be came a...

  • Building a connected school community enhance learning outcomes and support collaboration and wellbeing of the entire school.
    Create an inclusive learning community a learning environment where all members are connected means the diverse knowledge and skills of all community members will be valuedand even those who may not be readily present will also...

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    A really great focuss make see each individuals needs ,change or enhance the policies etc to meet the children needs or make it easy for all to be involve happy not the other way around child need to meet the school curriculum

  • On this topic makeing a differece
    I am happy to say my at the school i was teaching we had a garden and food were use in the schools kitchen to feed learner
    parents also volenteer to assist when we had outings with school ,etc I believe the parents and community should be invited or give a change to them to see what we can do to better the school not just...

  • Looking forward to next week as this week was very fruitful

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    Teachers and parents learners and community should work together to gain a deeper under standing of disabilities invite people dailing with this people to share ideas .

  • What we need to realize that people with disabilities don't always like to be pitted I have meet people with disabilities that liked to be challenged that makes them stronger and also motivates them.

  • As a community and a school we should stand together to help each child to achieve his full potential in his own unique way thats why I sad in the previous comment that workshops forteacher and parents is required
    And we should also teach kids in school that we al are special and unique in our own way and bulling is not acept at your schools and community etc.

  • Thanks for sharing your story
    A note they say child need to meet the curriculum of the school but I personally feels the school needs to meet the child and that I maked a reality when I was teaching amazing results.

  • Family needs financial support
    Work-shops for parents in the community and work shops for teachers will be great .

  • All have different challenges in lives It is not easy dealing with a disabled child but one learns to adapt and most importantly to support the child and include the person with disabilities plans can be make to suit the individuals needs etc

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    I know it s still a challenge but I truely belief it is not possible.I was a nursery teacher and I had children and have knowledge of disabilities and inslusive education
    If you have your children intrest at your heart there is always away I speak from experience

  • I guess you all if seen the South African white paper, looking forward to see other countries policies too

  • Well I believe it means to include all that eantbto be part regardless race gender religion etc all have a equal right or opportunity

  • Judien Nell made a comment

    I am aware that we have many challenge to address this educational problems,but we should focuss on what we have and can do rather than we don't have or can't do

  • Great presentation

  • Thank for sharing your experiences with us

  • Very useful