Sharon Wright

Sharon Wright

I have recently retired from health visiting. I am an avid reader, particularly of modern novels, but also appreciate Shakespeare. I have an open university degree and an MSc in Addictive Behaviour

Location Camberley


  • I did an As level in classical civilisations. We studied Greek architecture and Roman literature. I have visited Pompeii and Herculaneum. Keen to learn more!

  • Surely every 59 milliseconds?!

  • It is not your senior moment! This has not been mentioned

  • Quiz spoiler alert below! Sorry, didn't know where else to write this comment

  • I thought redshift was increasing as seen from earth not decreasing as stated in the quiz answers. Isn't that how we know that inflation is increasing, by the increase in red shift? Confused!

  • I too cannot get my head around the idea that the big bang happened within an infinite universe. Surely both time and space were created at the moment of the big bang, and didn't exist before? How can something very dense be infinite? Finite and unbounded, yes. Please explain! Thanks

  • Excellent point. I hope a mentor can explain this.

  • I think many over eaters have an addiction to food. Overcoming an addiction is hard, and not a straight forward process. At least smokers can try to stay away from other smokers. Humans have to eat, mothers have to cook high nutrient meals for their children, and in this society we are surrounded by advertisement s for foods. I am surprised that some...

  • I remember at primary school, about 50 or more years ago, the teachers would try to make us eat everything at lunchtime. If you wanted to leave anything you would be exhorted to 'think of the starving children in Africa ' !

  • I have worked as an Nhs stop smoking advisor. Many people would be reluctant to give up smoking as they feared putting on weight. This particularly seemed to apply to women, and in fact the only demographic group showing an increase in smoking rates is young women.

  • I am starting rather late! I am a health visitor so am interested in all public health issues. Personally I am interested in obesity as I have struggled with keeping weight down since my mid 40s, having been effortlessly slim up until then. My 30 year old daughter, son in law and two school age boys are all skinny, but I am concerned that social pressures...

  • That should be 'worldly' !

  • 1 fact, 3 fictions
    I was flying back from Cyprus after a relaxing 2 week holiday. Looking idly out at the view from my window seat, something silver and gleaming caught my eye. Was it another plane? No! It was shaped like a cigar, had no wings and was speeding straight at us. I screamed 'oh my god'. Suddenly the object veered off at an impossible angle,...

  • I found the 20th century drawing of bottom wearing the assws head evocative

  • Sharon Wright made a comment

    The laundry basket was called a buck. Is this linked to the phrase 'passing the buck '? Enjoying this course very much.

  • Just finished the future learn course on hamlet. Hoping this one will be as good as that!

  • Sharon Wright replied to [Learner left FutureLearn]

    Jimmi said let me stand next to your fire.

  • I misspelled it, sorry! Thanks for your comment.

  • I have had to look up the definition of hediadys, despite having an Open University degree and grade A English literature A level! Have bought the version of Hamlet with David Tennant in the title role, having never seen the play performed in the theatre. Heretofore my favourite Shakespeare plays have been Othello and King Lear.