Shirley E

Shirley E

This is my first FutureLearn course. I thought it would be good to start off with an appropriate course as I will be celebrating with haggis tomorrow. I look forward to learning about Robbie.

Location UK


  • A good feedback video, definitely will eat a square of chocolate every now and again, it tends to be more in the winter months. I'm feeling sad that the course is ending as it's been an helpful reminder to continue with the mindfulness. It does work and I find the meditations keep me sane, kinder to myself and ultimately towards others too.

    Thank you...

  • It's that space in between, not procrastinating but allowing the mind to breathe, change direction and hover above to see a different perspective or idea emerge. It can also be something that won't work but leads me onto something fantastic, stepping stones to a better or more complete design.

  • I appear to be eating a good variety of fresh fruit, vegetables, fish and lean meat. During the summer I became aware of intolerances of wheat, gluten and lactose and some others, gradually I've taken these out of my diet and feel much better. Less gastric issues, more energy.

    I've stopped eating cake and don't miss it, as I'm feeling physically better in...

  • Being mindful about my own emotions, whether I'm rested, eaten properly or in pain can make the outcome communicating with another a lot more reasonable. If I can consider my own limitations it helps me have compassion for another persons plight. Instead of taking it personally I'm able to take a step back, although I'm a work in progress and some situations...

  • Really calming for me today as I noticed I feel quite fractious and my mind is whizzing around, creating a discourse and negative mind chatter.

  • I've finished a meditation with a group, something that's really helped me to continue meditating long-term and is a lovely experience.

  • I managed to catch up with so much going on this week but without pushing and shoving, much more relaxing and willing to go with the flow of learning. It feels so much better, calmer and fulfilling.

  • I'm choosing a mindful walk instead to clear my cobwebs, see you later....
    Back now and I enjoyed my 5 minutes meditation, refreshing.

  • I know I work better with deadlines, otherwise I tend to manyana, although having decided not to push and shove life, if it drops away, it does and it obviously wasn't so important.

  • @RebeccaGonda I write a daily diary and include things that I've done during the day, places I've been, pressed leaves from those places, anything personal to me. Reading it back brings comfort, increases my self esteem, resilience and zest for life.

  • @KarenMarks with you there Karen with a busy family and career, although I did meditate regularly, probably the only mindfulness part I did do and it kept me sane.

  • During our lock down experience in the UK I used technology huge amounts, keeping in touch with groups of friends by Zoom, checking in on single friends, neighbours and family members. On the other hand I overused it during 2020 and needed to ween myself off doing some fantastic courses on Futurelearn, Murder Mystery, Quizzes (raising money for good causes)...

  • I've done this experiment so I know I can't multitask and it's incredibly tiring.
    I know when I used to come back from a stressful job I would need to zone out for half an hour to regain my equilibrium or I would watch neighbours!
    This was way before all these other distractions.
    When I watch a program now my devices are away and I concentrate on the...

  • My 10 minute meditation was rather off this morning, I found it hard to scan my body, lots of external noise outside, I did continue and then my partner arrived home whistling to let me know he was back. It's not easy every time and I chose to accept this, tomorrow may be easier or it may not.
    I encouraged and decided to go with him to collect fence panels...

  • @DrSherelleConnaughton I've noticed that when I recognise myself slipping into negativity or unkindness to myself or others I can now chuckle at myself and even LOL at my minds ability to default, really not taking it seriously which shifts me out of a rut. Most times, not always though.

  • @UshaRao That sounds idilic, a Mango tree and swinging. I loved swinging, whooshing higher and higher, feeling the wind in my hair.
    I found it again this summer and it felt great.

  • @MargueriteM I can really relate to your written piece, may it become peace with time and patience for both of us.

  • I am accepting that this video won't load for me just now, I'll try again later. It worked without stress or doing anything, fabulous.....

  • @AnnVanderzwaag this happened to me last week on holiday and if we had gone with my expectations I would have missed out bumping into a friend who was also on holiday, serendipity at play.

  • I had a similar experience to your friends when my father died, we had a wonderful send off for him, morris dancing, he danced most of his life, singing and uplifting songs, a fabulous wake. I still felt bereft afterwards and the grieving was difficult, taking me time.
    I guess now though I have all those wonderful memories and choose to remember the joy of...

  • Starting week 3 after the distraction of our granddaughter being born, such a beautiful distraction and meeting her for the first time yesterday. I've been focusing on our grandson this week, uni-tasking.
    Now back to the course!

  • I tried this with curiosity and realised I need to have a nap, my body genuinely felt the most relaxed than it had all night. I owe my body some down time to rest and rejoin the course once I feel refreshed.

  • I had a wonderful quiet Tuesday with my Mindfulness group yesterday after an extremely hectic day. Unfortunately it didn't help with my whirring brain later during the night and early morning.

    Although I can recognise the benefits, I didn't stay in bed, got up and walked the dogs, cleaned up and started my course. I may have a 20mins nap this afternoon to...

  • Work in practice, still mindfully cleaning my teeth, some days are easier than others, bringing myself back to the physical. I've found practicing with a weekly group is most helpful but I would like to sustain this daily, and sometimes the experience is better than others.
    I'm noticing my relationships are developing, allowing myself boundaries but some...

  • My cat jumped up at me and tried to get on my lap, although it was distracting I found it easier to return to Richard and continue the 5 minute body scan. She's now pummelling her bed and purring like a train, so relaxing.

  • I know I need a certain amount of stress to get things done or try new experiences, when I have low stress it's easy for me to ride along. Having worked in a stressful job, bringing up a family for over 30 years it's so good to have a better balance within my life. I do consider how much better my life would have been, understanding this concept earlier. ...

  • Yes since doing these courses I've been more aware of my multi-tasking non abilities, especially listening to audible stories, having to follow the plot, characters and enjoy it. Bringing myself back to the story gently and kindly. Saves getting the pages splodged.

  • Learning to listen internally to my mind, gently bring it back to the here and now has had benefits for my physical health as well. I'm listening more to my physical needs, less pushing and shoving myself on when I really don't want to and I'm physically unable too. I'm having more compassion for my body and understanding it better.

  • I used a practice diary in the first course I did, in the 2nd I chose not too and found I practiced more, a very personal preference. It felt like an obligation in the 1st but I fully understand why people would use one.

  • @IsabelleA thanks

  • This definition Sherelle is extremely helpful, noticing the finer details and the bigger picture using the light analogy. I'm glad you asked the question @LukeHammond.

  • So good to take a breathe and feel what's happening in my body now.

  • Afternoon Sherelle, lovely to be back with you again, working on all things mindfulness.

  • Hi Shirley here from Salisbury UK again. As many on here have mentioned I always learn something new and helpful from these courses, especially on these forums.
    I've managed to join an online mindfulness meditation group and I have been doing this regularly over the summer months which has helped me in some stressful situations. Kept me remaining physically...

  • Oops

  • @DrSherelleConnaughton thank you, tongue in cheek really but it helped me not to panic about what was needing to be done.

  • @PiaNystad yes only momentarily wondered, good luck to you too :-)

  • Although I have taken this course for the 2nd time, I've relaxed more into this one, genuinely taking a mindful approach with the content, reducing my stress levels with the process and I didn't write down my daily meditation regime but allowed it to progress organically. I've probably meditated more day to day, not daily, during this course and I have...

  • Shirley E made a comment

    Thanks to the back street lads and lasses, lovely to acknowledge you all.

  • A good collection of resources to explore. Thank you

  • I'm going to join a Buddhist mindful group to keep my momentum going, i need the group connection for help and support.

  • I found when in my working life, if I quietened my mind, a solution would occur and usually not in the way I anticipated, the Universe is amazing creator when we're not pushing and shoving through life. Noticing the synchronicity when not in a mad rush.

  • Having an allergy test at the end of May, my intolerances have been highlighted, so I'm much more mindful of the food I'm putting into my mouth as it helps my gut to process the food. I love colourful foods, flavours and textures. I would like to be more mindful about where my food is coming from so I'll work on that aspect.

  • My husband and I made dinner last night together, we both really enjoyed discussing the ingredients, adding a few mushrooms to the sauce, which wasn't in the recipe but certainly complimented the dish. And then sat together at the dinner table and really enjoyed our combination of colours, flavours and textures. It made the meal memorable.

  • Mindfully keeping my emotions calmer, sensing my physical body slow my breathing down has enabled me to have more compassion for myself and those who I may have perceived as doing me psychological harm.
    It's keeping me present and less fearful of what if's, remember last time and the rumination that used to take place, usually at nighttime playing back the...

  • A gentle and nurturing way to start my day, thanks Craig.

  • Healthy anger is so underrated, it's such a helpful tool, especially when used mindfully and within a context. It really does depend whether it's coming from the ego or the higher self, which can be a fine line. Having used both ways it creates space in the future when it's done mindfully and engages different opinions to be valued and explored.

  • @NatashaHardy like cultivating a garden, always work in progress.

  • @LarisaUlkina I enjoy adult colouring books, keeping the pen work within the picture, choosing the colours to work with, it's relaxing and not competitive.

  • @SarahJaneAnthony making this information available for head teachers and parents is a non brainer.

  • @SusanTyler yes me too Susan initially, not any longer my 2nd time on the course and my phone is either down stairs or switched to silent.

  • I was able to listen carefully to Craig's video this time round and not get distracted by other noises continuing on around me, it felt positive and reaffirming that change is possible.

  • Letting go, when challenging bad behaviour and is directed towards myself, coming out of the blue? Not sure if this makes sense? I suppose it will help me from over thinking a situation or confrontation. Letting go of frustration for my perceived waste of a week as I've been unwell. I found today the 10 minutes was spot on, although my mind wandered off...

  • It was great to focus on other parts of my body today, very relaxing.

  • Shirley E made a comment

    Any learners on here with any good bee jokes?

  • @BillDrayton exactly something I did today, very helpful.

  • Shirley E made a comment

    I had to accept I would not be able to start the course on Monday as I anticipated, meditating helped me let go of the minds incessant need to berate my decisions around my ill thought out perception. I was kind to myself by watching the tennis through one eye, or closing them both and listen to the commentating.

  • Shirley E made a comment

    I've let go about my poor perception at the beginning of the week. It meant I was able to watch tennis at Queens without guilty thoughts, an outcome I hadn't expected!! :-)

  • Shirley E made a comment

    Interestingly, I had an experience at the beginning of the week being stung by a bee, my husband keeps bees and had been taking honey from their super, my perception was that I could overcome the sting by meditation? I completed week 2 of this Mindfulness Course and did 2 meditations to remain calm soon after being stung. I also did an hour long meditation...

  • @KristinaBondyas those few will benefit but you may have planted a seed for those other children and then it's all about timing, watering those with your wise experiences.

  • A great week, I can see I've moved through this weeks content mindfully without pressure and reflecting upon the last time I did this course. More gentleness and compassion for me learning and practising meditation.

  • I am noticing when I'm trying to multitask which brings me back to the present, less time spent on the phone or watching TV has been great. Instead watching our kitten playing with our dogs, her own tail is fascinating. I actually went out out yesterday evening, listening to live music, seeing folk and feeling grateful that life is moving forward. I will no...

  • @ElaineMorris such a brilliant way of thinking and feeling about your mobility scooter. :-)

  • Shirley E made a comment

    I love walking mindfully, listening to the birdsong SkyLarks around here, the gentle breeze, we're now in Summer, the lovely colours, scents, cow parsley and warmth from the sun. It fills me to the brim.

  • I find that having less clutter around my home is more inviting and creates space, I really love fresh flowers around and house plants. Sunlight in my home is important too, I don't like dark rooms.

  • Shirley E made a comment

    I do enjoy driving and pledged that I would never have an automatic car, except I was curious and tried it one day. I would never go back to a manual driving car, I love the effortlessness of automatic driving and for me takes some of the stress out of driving. I have passed my advanced driving test even with another car going into the back of me!

  • I have been mindfully cleaning my teeth in the morning and evening, my teeth are in great shape, my dentist was very pleased with my care of them and they have noticeably improved. I hadn't been to the dentist for over a year due to the pandemic.

  • Being curious adds colour and texture to my life simply and effectively, allowing me to slow down and feel complete. I have always been curious about others behaviour what makes others tick helping me to get to know myself better.

  • My breath felt like the ocean, rolling in and out when the waves reach the shore, this kept my mind from wandering too much and I felt extremely peaceful and quiet.

  • Being curious is a delight, keeping me young at heart, especially when we have our grandson to stay, it's comes so naturally to little ones.

  • Training my puppy encourages me to be less critical, more self aware and respectful to me, this equates to being compassionate to others, situations and listening with kindness with less prejudice most of the time, not all. Creates more energy in the long run.

  • @SusanTyler Interestingly I noticed Richard's breath this time, can't say I did the last time, maybe I was trying too hard. It's all a good.

  • My favourite part of the course, it's been so helpful since starting these courses, contributing to me to continue, work through my bias's and stay on track in a kind and loving way.

  • Engaging with children mindfully, explaining why they aren't to use technology endlessly can be difficult to engage with when they see their parents using all forms of tech, especially during the pandemic for work, socialising and staying connected to family and teaching children. It certainly has it's place in society and we can't go back.
    When looking...

  • @NatashaHardy and a lot more pleasant too ;-)

  • Lovely to hear Thich Nhat Hanh talk mindfully on the East to West and From religion to Science, listening to his voice and watching the green trees behind him move gently in the breeze. Extremely relaxing.

  • I'm looking forward to week 2 but I shall return to the meditation before starting, good call Sherelle.

  • I started my journey in March with the Monash Mindfulness team and wanted to give myself every opportunity to help me with all my passions and goals using Mindfulness as a stable foundation, using daily meditation.

  • I feel good to have completed week one with a great bunch of learners. Melbourne back in lockdown, it's a strange time we're living in, except there is more time to explore interesting topics like Mindfulness, which will help with adapting, accepting and acknowledging the pandemic situation.

  • @DrSherelleConnaughton I did this and suddenly two bundles of energy rushed up the stairs and into the room, our two dogs. I stayed steady and they looked and wandered out again. It felt easier and I felt less distracted by their intrusion.

  • @KarenMarks I agree with what you've written, my own profession nursing would have been a kinder place, being at home too. Although I did my best and I wouldn't be who I am today. Having the tools now is a great asset.

  • I'm enjoying reading other learners responses about default mode, many of us recognise the difficulties of doing this but continue on regardless, I know I do.

  • Everyone is on their own journey, if I was magnificent with this I probably wouldn't be on this course....I start out with good intentions, having better relationships with myself and others, and then life kicks in, increased stress or problems. This is when I could use Mindfulness and for some reason I don't?

  • I did keep a record last time, I thought I'd see what happens if I don't?

  • I've noticed too, that if a stressful situation may be unavoidable my breath slows down, calming my reaction, I'm sure the Comma and other meditations have helped me with this process.

  • I am a work in progress and Mindfulness has helped me in so many ways over the past few months with a difficult relationship, seeing the benefits helps me to continue working on myself, lessen the guilt and be present on my terms.

  • I'm looking forward to a refresh Sherelle.

  • Morning Sherelle back for another go, it feels good to be doing this course again and to find some different learnings to help my meditation practice, keeping it relevant to me.

  • I'm returning to the Mindfulness and Wellbeing Course on Monday, it's great that people are able to do it again......

  • I started today with the choiceless meditation, this really helps me to bring my puppy back, and stay present. The section of learning the difference between empathy and compassion really opened my eyes and I can see where I sometimes get lost in anothers grief and how to be compassionate instead, reducing the entanglement and losing myself in the process. ...

  • Shirley E made a comment

    Thank you for contributing to the overall professional, illuminating course, your input has created a slick, interesting and enjoyable experience.

  • Thank you for all the interesting extras but doing it is the key, it's very easy to read all about it and stay in your head. That's how it's been for me this past few weeks. I've had to go with this conditioning and really use self care to keep me going, only doing the basics. Luckily I'm in a position to be able to do this for me. I'm not pushing to...

  • This feels rather overwhelming at the moment, I'll come back here when I have more energy and stamina. Even the values exercise was undoable today.

  • Shirley E made a comment

    I am interested in the next section to delve deeper into my core values, maybe reconnect to me.

  • @SheenaGilby thank you

  • I really enjoyed reading many of the learners posts for this section. It's meaningful for a discussion about death and mindfulness and how the two fit so well together. Many in our society tend to push this huge topic under the carpet which often leaves a permanently residual of anxiety, gripping onto various delusions and never truly experiencing living...

  • Gorgeous Lorraine.

  • Reducing my TV coverage was extremely helpful and I chose to look at informed and helpful coverage. Something I did do whilst in the thick of the pandemic here in the UK was to light a candle every Sunday evening for those who had died and their families. We also came together within our streets with A WhatsApp group with helpful tips, help for one another...

  • I have noticed my sleep patterns have improved whilst being on both mindfulness courses and that's with having a new kitten who now likes to sleep in our bed. I woke at 5:00 this morning and used the choiceless meditation and I went straight back to sleep and woke at 8:00.

  • Shirley E made a comment

    Eating more mindfully has enabled me to digest my food slowly. I need to think about how the food was grown and how I will benefit from a variety of colours that I enjoy to eat. I like the notion of tasting wine mindfully.