Ivan Edwards

Ivan Edwards

Location Hertfordshire


  • I'm not a content designer, but I've been working in journalism. I think the most important transferable skills I have are the ability to understand complicated topics, write about them in a way that's clear, pay attention to detail and think things through.

  • I'd like to know more about how usability benchmarking is done.

    "Setting users a series of tasks that span across a journey and seeing how easy the tasks are for them to complete"

    Is this something that's tested with a focus group, or do you test real website visitors, giving them different tasks to compare the results?

  • I've seen many websites with 'what's missing?' and 'is this useful?' buttons, and I've hardly ever clicked them. In fact, the only times I can remember clicking a button like that are when I've been annoyed because the page didn't tell me what I wanted to find out! So I think this would raise concerns about whether the feedback from the buttons is reliable, or...

  • I'm interested to know whether it's a bad thing if page views are much higher than unique page views. I can imagine people coming to this page, clicking the holiday entitlement link, then coming back to the bank holidays page. I don't think this would indicate bad design. What does everyone else think?

  • As some other comments have said, I would like to know the bounce rate and average time spent on the page.

    Presumably the page has been designed like this because research showed that what most people want to find is when the next bank holiday is, which is why it's at the top in a big green box. Therefore, the bounce rate should be high and the average...

  • This is a my attempt, which got down to a grade 4.


    This is the new system for when the registration of a design lapses because of a mistake. If you're applying for restoration after 1 October 2006, you have to follow the new system.

    If you did not pay the renewal fee because of a mistake, you need to provide evidence. You may be asked for...

  • The news company I worked for had a style guide, which I took for granted without really questioning why they're important. The main reasons I would say are to look professional and avoid confusion for the readers.

    It's interesting to see what happens when new vocabulary comes up and gets used in different ways, with no style guide. For example, over the...

  • It was very interesting to read the NHS style guide. One that stood out for me is that you cannot use contractions when talking about a negative, as "do not" and "cannot" are clearer than "don't" and "can't", which can be easily misread. Something so simple that I've never even thought of before, but so important in making sure people get the correct...

  • @MaryWhiteside thank you!

  • Maybe there would be an even earlier start point, for people who haven't heard about the change yet but will be affected. I don't know if this counts as the same "journey" though. Thanks for the example

  • It's interesting that the acceptance criteria for the register to vote service does not include: "It's done when the user has registered to vote", even though the user need is "I need to register to vote." Does anyone know why that wouldn't be part of the criteria?

  • @StephenGill Thank you!

  • Product manager, service owner and delivery manager all seem like very similar roles to me. Does anyone have an easy way of telling them apart? It also seems strange that this whole content design team includes only one "content designer"!

  • Hi everyone, I'm Ivan and I've just finished an apprenticeship in project management, for which I worked at Bloomberg News. I love writing, so I'm hoping to learn more about content design and decide whether to pursue a career as a content designer.

    My favourite place is the park near me, Stanborough Park. It has two large lakes and a river, and it always...