Fasil Kebede


Location Ethiopia


  • How can we get the certificate for this course? Is this course sponsored or we need to pay $49 to upgrade (if we qualify)? Please advise on next steps.

  • I have received instructions to earn my Certificate through my email. Thank you!

  • Thank you all educators and the sponsors of the course.
    I have enjoyed the course and learnt a lot.

  • Thank you for the valuable information. STHDA is superb!

  • Q1. All produce the same output
    Q2. Option 3
    Q3. facet_wrap(~Species, scale='free_y') +
    labs(x = "Sepal Length", title = "Petal vs Sepal Length")

  • Beautiful graphs for publication.

  • data=iris (NOT data=Iris)

  • boxplot(iris)
    boxplot(Petal.Width ~ Sepal.Width, data=iris)
    boxplot(Petal.Width ~ Sepal.Width, iris, col="#add8e6", border="#2f4f4f", main="Boxplot Peal.Width
    vs. Sepal.Width")

  • check <- test.col == FALSE

    check2 <- test.col$Test == FALSE

  • setosa1 ==setosa.sub1

  • x <- c(3,10,30)
    m <- rep(x, times=2)
    n <- c(x,0,x)

  • #Create dataframe
    Fruits <- c("Apple","Banana", "Orange", "Mango")
    Price <- c(4,3,2,8)
    Nature <- c("Local", "Exotic", "Local", "Exotic")
    dataframe <- data.frame(row.names = Fruits,Price,Nature)

    #Checking dataframe
    dataframe (Ctrl+enter)


  • Data visualization is a blend of science and art. It should be trustworthy, accessible and elegant. I like the philosophy and the three principles.

  • I found the bash scripting in week 2 very important. The contents are generally good enough for an introductory course.

  • Definitely I will use the concepts I learnt to carry out study. I am preparing myself to work on a remote server (HPC) and this course will no only allow me to prepare my own scripts, but also help read and understand those which have already been written by experienced bioinformaticians in a collaborative project.

  • All principles listed are valuable. I wonder if it is possible to document somewhere type/version numbers of the most important software used in the analysis.

  • #!/usr/bin/env bash
    #wildcard for all.bam files
    for file in *.bam
    #produce error log such as if file is empty
    set -eux
    #use loop to count number of alignments in each .bam file
    alignmentsthree=$(samtools view -c $file)
    #return filename and number of records to user
    echo "number of alignments in $file=$alignmentsthree"

  • Very useful.

  • Fasil Kebede made a comment

    The ShellCheck is cool.

  • When we work on high performance computer clusters with big data, tracking our progress and identifying errors early may help reduce cost.

  • Fasil Kebede made a comment

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    #Define a function to declare availability of a file
    function file_exists() {
    if [[!-e$1]]; then
    echo "file does not exist:$1"

  • Fasil Kebede made a comment

    if [[ $i -eq 2 ]]; then
    echo "fizz"
    echo "buzz"

    #To avoid syntax error near unexpected token 'then', there must be a space between if and [

  • #!/usr/bin/env bash
    read -p "Please enter a diamond cutyou want:" quality
    #If user enters Fair or Good, return Insufficient quality to proceed
    if [[ ${quality}=="Fair" ]] || [[ ${quality}=="good" ]];then
    echo "Insufficient quality to proceed"
    elif [[ ${quality}!="Ideal" ]] && [[ ${quality}!="Very Good" ]] && [[{ $quality}!="Premium" ]];then

  • #!/usr/bin/env bash
    case $animal in
    echo "Here, moo"
    echo "There a baa"
    echo "Everywhere a quack"
    echo "Old MacDonald had a farm"

    #in the terminal
    chmod +x farm.sh
    ./farm.sh camel

  • #!/usr/bin/env bash
    #a variable called temperature
    # variables called minimum and maximum temperatures
    #returns too hot if temperature is greater than 30
    if [[ ${temperature} -gt ${maxtemp} ]]; then
    echo "Too hot!"
    #returns too cold if temperature is less than 10
    elif [[ ${temperature} -lt ${mintemp} ]];...

  • Fasil Kebede made a comment

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    #create a bash script with .sh file extension fruits.sh
    #the list of fruits
    fruits=("pineapple" "peach" "raspberry" "plum" "apple" "kiwi")
    #number of fruits
    echo "number of elements are ${#fruits[@]}"
    #last element in the array fruit
    echo "the last element is ${fruits[5]}"
    #then to execute the bash script
    bash fruits.sh

  • I liked the course contents for week1. Looking forward to learn new concepts and skills in week2. Thank you!

  • The lesson is very good. I had to watch a couple of YouTube videos to understand it better. I expect it will have many applications later on.

  • A very good tutorial on creating a soft link in one minute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NXQF1IoViw

  • If you are running ubuntu, you can download data by using Firefox web browser directly with this link ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/resources/coursesandconferences/Online_Courses/BfB_Linux_Bash_R/

  • Q1. Four file contain the word 'difference': ghandi.txt ghandi.txt.out ghandi_2.txt
    grep -F difference ghandi.txt.out
    Q2. The word “Premium” occurs 13791 times in the file diamonds_fix.txt
    grep -o -i Premium Diamonds_fix.txt |wc -l
    Q3. Out of a total of 53940 lines in the file diamonds_fix.txt, 41858 do not include the phrase “Very good”

    Total no. of...

  • sort fruit.txt | uniq -id >repeated_fruit.txt

    Then to print what is inside this file:
    cat repeated_fruit.txt
    To open and see the new list in nano:
    less repeated_fruit.txt

  • I checked: man sort
    and found that we need two dashes before random:
    sort -R fruit.txt - -random-source=/dev/random
    Am I correct?

  • Very valuable

  • I think the role of bioinformatics grows in the future even more when wet lab preparations of things like tissue samples get more and more automated. I'm also more interested in bioinformatics. I liked the analogy between bites per day and empty petri dishes/day in the above story. Nice transition.

  • I guess you need to first unzip your file with:
    tar -zxvf All_data.tar.gz

    For more, please read https://www.pendrivelinux.com/how-to-open-a-tar-file-in-unix-or-linux/

    Alternatively, you may go directly to the unzipped file by: cd Week1_Data
    Then type ls to see what is inside.

  • What will happen when you lock your file in a windows environment? It cannot be opened and read by others. Similarly, when you work on a server, for example, you can only read/write/execute a linux machine when you receive those privileges by an admin. You can also protect your files in the same manner.

  • If you write the below, you can get the course data
    wget -r -np ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/resources/coursesandconferences/Online_Courses/BfB_Linux_Bash_R/

  • It is good to introduce to fellow learners how they can install ubuntu virtually for example on their windows machine:
    and add extension pack (additionally) if they wish to use flash drives on their virtual machine https://askubuntu.com/questions/661414/how-to-install-virtualbox-extension-pack


  • I want to take the course to analyze biological/agricultural data as part of my graduate study requirement.