Michaela Skodova


I'm Environmental Economist Graduate with keen interest in sustainability, agriculture & social enterprises.

Through my work, I keen to be a 'change agent', creating a positive change in the world.



  • - I`m hoping that the drive and subsidies will be provided mainly to eco friendly buildings, not just by the use of materials but also the way they are designed for life, or where they are built. I think we should adapt existing buildings as that`s where the most inefficiencies lay!
    - I would personally say that the changes in design and construct are mainly...

  • I haven't been in such an environment to see the functioning of these building, but Burj Khalifa was built having similar values in mind, Shard in London has utilized some of the aspects of sustainability. The questions is: there are three shining examples of buildings, but I don't see the construction industry falling over themselves to build in more...

  • I think yes, but keeping one of the recent talks in mind, they have build a zero carbon city on the outskirts requiring people to get there from their places of work and cities...

  • The three pillars are easily used and utilised in any project - especially when building with low carbon materials. You can then see the benefit how these contribute to the pillar of environment, by not depleting valuable resources and by producing less CO2. When it comes to economic aspect, using these materials and making the design fit for purpose utilising...

  • I think I one of the social outcomes that sticks out for me is the local employment and training.If carried out carefully, these can be tangible long term benefits that will further benefit the economy. These methods are already applied in wider tender environment - frameworks are required to be well thought through and detailed, they must include `community...

  • I came across modern slavery act, which doesn't fill me with 100% confidence. How many companies out there do check is as diligently as the video showed us? Slavery is never okay, but if we say no to it, many of the workers will lose their jobs, families lose their income. Are we really forcing the industries to change or are they just looking for different...

  • Yes slightly, but it is still a mans world. One women director to 8 ration, very few senior women leaders - still long way to go!

  • I'm shocked to be honest, didn't think its in billion of pounds. I agree with some of the comments of personal responsibility, as many people do wrongdoings and take shortcut thinking 'it won't happen to me' scenario, I have been doing this (without helmet/safety googles/etc) for 20 years, I know the best. The safety culture - no matter how driven, is not...

  • social sustainability for me at the moment is widely discussed topic of modern slavery, which I'd like to think that construction doesn't have that many workers being forced to work. Is the reality different and by employing small scale local subcontractors, are we essentially encouraging that? You wouldn't expect a modern slavery statement from SME's that...

  • - I think the challenges are that many sustainability initiatives (such as ESOS or TCFD) are only a tick box exercise for companies to comply. I think many challenges are that the upfront cost and small shorter term benefits are hard to get through the leadership in order for the progres to happen. I agree that incentives should be given by the government -...

  • I really the metrics they`ve established - I think it gives good tips on what can be measured through construction development and I shall use some of them in my line of work. The most impressive is the support of local SME`s

  • I`m not familiar or haven`t use any of the tools mentioned here (hence that`s why i`m joining the course). I don't know how would I explain the difference between SMP and LCCA, as both take life cycle into consideration. Does that mean that LCCA is looking at the cost more than SMP would? BIM is about managing digital information is easier to understand. I...

  • The principle barrier is that we are not using resources sustainably. All the depletion of raw materials, fisheries, climate change resulting in increases prices of lettuce or shortages just shows that for example the food market is economically unsustainable, both for producers and consumers. To achieve this, would we reallocate production to more sustainable...

  • I agree with many of the comments - sustainability is essentially reducing costs and although a side effect, enabling profitability.

  • As we know from 14001, the leadership has been added as a `mandatory part` for the standard. Unless we see a real commitment, that is driven by investments and proven by initiatives and strategy, leadership will help drive sustainability.

    Education and training is essential as until recently, sustainability wasn`t a concept that was widely adapted and...

  • I think green buildings and net+ are interested view but I don't really see the applicability in construction.. The challenges are that the project has already been decided / tendered for and will be paid for, so the main constructor is interested in getting the job done on time and profit. Anything sustainable or CSR benefits along the way are added bonus,...

  • I would also have to say solar panels myself, not really came across more materials/designs/solutions.

  • Good example of planning would be reusing leftover wooden pallets onto a different site or project, instead of putting them into a wooden skip. Main reasons for positive impact is clearly to reduce waste and perfectly usable material is used up on a different task. Putting them into a skip is a lazy, bad and costly solution.
    On a different note I think even...

  • Using low carbon materials and products would help tackle the 15% of CO2, while in use there is much technology out there we could use as an industry - the downside is that many is very expensive and their benefits are not widely seen across the top management. BREEAM and other certification is in some cases just a tick box exercise which I think is a shame -...

  • Absolutely possible! It's all about better planning and design, which should be embedded into the project management plan...

  • My understanding hasn't really changed,and I would appreciate some UK or Europe statistics.. But considering the air pollution levels, for example in London, now its crucial that sustainable construction is adopted

  • Build sustainably, build to last

  • It kind of grew on me over the past few minutes! :-)

  • Hi @SamJohnson , speaking about straws, I read this interesting article how people will lose jobs over this cultural shift! you might find it interesting.. http://imveloltd.co.uk/2018/09/12/what-will-the-straw-companies-do-now/

  • I have recently been to a talk about Waste aid and they raised some important points how in Africa, they simply don't have the facilities to dispose of waste / or even treat it. This impacts the wider pollution tremendously as many of the waste is washed away in the sea and oceans locally, pollution their food and ecosystem. The charity do their bit to help...

  • No surprise, what is more shocking is that some countries live not within their means more than other - for example US consumption is shocking, so is their waste etc. We need more cultural shifts within society to highlight that culture of 'buy and dispose of' is no longer the norm..

  • The UK has had the warmest summer weather in the past 7 years, which is purely due to climate change. I have to say I'm enjoying that part, less of the difficult weather conditions and changes!

  • Q1: It is a common theme for discussion as I'm fortunate to work for a company that =embraces sustainability, even on the leadership level. I mean, realisticaly, not everyone, which then comes in as my job to drive behaviour change within departments and people.
    Q2: My role is key within the company I work for - as I'm in charge of implementing our...

  • @FrancisMcShane @JamesBonsall I agree it is a cynical view, but so true for some companies! Unless it's embedded within their core, it is simply a tick box exercise...

  • Clear link between the political and historical events after 1990 on obesity in Europe for women! I'm quite shocked..

  • I think UK based diet is highly encouraging of high fat, junk food diet - just look around in the supermarket on what food is in the low price range. Malnutrition is a term, which not many families will be familiar with, but for sure is happening.

  • I'm all for innovation - but isn't improving the yield gap essentially just genetically modifying organisms? Are GMOs the way forward with food security?

  • Hi, I'm looking to develop my professionalism and career in this area. I come from an environmental /agricultural background with MSc thesis in Sustainable diet. I like to keep myself updated with current issues in food security and looking forward to some insight from lectures from this course.

  • 2.76.. that's all the flying and fact I rent out a house!! :/

  • Great answer Oliver.

  • I think the message of this campaign is to show the positive side, mainly to inspire. It's probably not day to day activities of regular people.... I think in the UK people are not struggling as much as they would in their original country. Maybe that's why the message comes across a little 'staged'.

  • @Salvattore Sustainable behaviour change takes time. Little practical examples - some research shows, that if you show to 'stakeholders' the economic value (for example not wasting food each week saves you £50 per month in the UK) they are clearly more motivated, and there are additional benefits for the environment! But good luck, it took a lot of time for my...

  • Like the motivational video. Do you know the statistics about how much recycling is done at campus?

  • Very interesting video message!

  • I couldn't put it better myself. Well said!

  • Yes, it revealed my personal interest in the environment

  • It's the first time I'm hearing about this 4th pillar - interesting!

  • need is an urge to satisfy a certain discomfort, whether its physical or psychological

  • sustainable development is a development that takes all the aspects into consideration - environment, economy and social

  • @Ian Chute-Manning - I assume not all Muslim's are keeping up with the rules.. I know a lot of them who aren't praying 5 times a day!

  • @Helen Crossman I think its difficult to stand up to any peer pressure & media, faith or no faith...