Kanyi Henry

Kanyi Henry

Knowledge is Power.

Location Nigeria



  • 1. The most interesting part of managing people in my view is when they demonstrate a high level of efficiency in their tasks and when they achieve the desired results you set as a target for them.
    2. It's challenging when one has to consider the varying views of people and select the best ones that serve the interest of the group without offending those...

  • What I gained from this course is unquantifiable. It's loaded with a lot of insights. Thank you our team of instructors.

  • @JennyPesina Thanks for the question. In my view,transformation and innovation in the context of digital learning are interrelated because both deal with making improvements on already existing technology. A case study is the shift in making instruction more learner centered to achieve desired outcomes.

  • Corruption in my view is the root cause of the other problems highlighted. So when corruption is effectively dealt with,these problems will be eliminated but of course that's hardly possible.

  • @ismaSeetal. Oh thanks. I use mobile learning very often because I'm always online. This has greatly impacted my knowledge base because I regularly interact with very informed learners and instructors globally and especially on this platform.

  • The challenge is usually the funds to drive my purpose. The skill is there,the desire is there and the world needs this problem solved but the resources to achieve this is limited.

  • I'm very confident that the world needs my purpose,I have the skill to achieve it and it is what I want to do although for now the resources to achieve it are not enough.

  • In my context,security and good governance are my major drives for policy making because I come from Nigeria,a country completely devoid of these elements. The absence of these elements are the root cause of the complete breakdown of a country like Nigeria.

  • Kanyi Henry made a comment

    I'm delighted to be part of this week's study.

  • The principle that reads,"the capacity to know more is more critical than what we already know" resonates well with me. This is the idea behind creativity. Learning is a continuous process,therefore,the more we know,the more we can know.

  • Indeed I've been applying the 3Cs in my engagement with learners on this platform and my previous knowledge about learning has been developed by my engagement with other learners. I must confess that the social learning features of this platform are great in terms of getting learners and experts to share knowledge. There is no distinction between a learner and...

  • My experience with mobile learning has been very rewarding. Thanks to mobile learning I've acquired two certificates so far on FutureLearn. My learning online is flexible and easily accessible. Interactions on this platform are very professional and friendly unlike the traditional or offline way which is most times rigid and uninteresting.

  • Yes there is no shadow of doubt that with digital learning everything is connected to everything. A case study is our interactions here on FutureLearn which has been made possible by digital learning. There are no barriers to online learning.

  • All the courses I've learnt on FutureLearn such as Communicating Across Cultures,Communication and Interpersonal Skills at Work, Emotional Intelligence,etc have advanced my knowledge in the area of my communication style and my interaction with people from different backgrounds. All these was made possible via an online platform like this.

  • I'm more of an advancer because I take delight in developing new ideas or improving on existing ones. Self motivation is a principle that drives me to new levels of thoughts and practical development.

  • My motivation for learning is to be part of the process of developing our world.

    Digital learning has opened my mind to a lot of opportunities online especially having the privilege to learn on this platform, Future Learn,which has broadened my horizon of knowledge and has connected me with well informed minds that have shaped my perspective on a lot of...

  • Ali should have waited for everyone to finish sharing their ideas to make her input.

  • Kanyi Henry made a comment

    1. My first and second responses agree with the feedbacks, however,in the third scenario,I probably wouldn't have thought of requesting the contact's email or phone number for further follow up.
    2. Some times I feel better equipped.

  • 1. For tutors I'll choose the formal approach.
    2. For clients and students,I'll choose an informal approach.
    3. I'll want clients and students to be forthcoming and relaxed in interacting with me.

  • I like the tip on recording yourself communicate in a video and playing it back to see the areas of your communication that are weak and making corrections.

  • It's very important to be myself at work.

  • My communication preference is I like working with people to achieve a goal. Professor Casse's assessment is not accurate but close to it.

  • When I'm calm,I feel conscious of my communication and it creates a positive impact.

  • My name is Kyoive Henry and I'm a Nigerian. I've chosen to study this course to enable me improve on my communication skills regarding work place interactions.

  • @MrykaHB. Well unlike you, my view here is not an assumption but a fact. It is contextual not general because I live there and am aware of how the government in question manipulates figures to deceive the world but the truth is glaring.

  • The report card is a good idea of appraising a government,however,in my country Nigeria,corruption is so pervasive that these politicians don't care about whether any report card will expose them or not.

  • They're outstanding goals that if implemented can go a long way to address our current challenges but unfortunately some of these goals are achievable by only the wealthy nations while poor nations in the third world would have them existing at most on paper.

  • This "crisis in control" reflects my experience as well as hundreds of millions of others in my country Nigeria. Everyday the government gives us statistics of how the economy is improving and everyday poverty keeps increasing and people marvel at how corrupt the government has become. Things have practically got out of control as inflation is skyrocketing and...

  • I come from Nigeria where it has been a common practice for governments to focus on the GDP growth rate without regard for whether the standard of living of majority of Nigerians have greatly improved or not. Over the years since the early nineties,the value of the Nigerian currency has crashed due to very poor economic policies perpetrated by demonic...

  • Prosperity in my perspective can be seen in different ways including financial,health and relationships. In other words,prosperity in my view is the sum total of the satisfaction,fulfilment and freedom one gets in finances,health and relationships.

  • Everything is rooted in emotional awareness, therefore when we can develop the ability to be aware of when we are being controlled by our emotions,then we can tame it and behave appropriately.

  • I always make decisions based on logic rather than emotion because decisions based on emotions are most times counterproductive.

  • I'm Kyoive Henry from Nigeria. Sometimes I'm successful at managing my emotions,sometimes I'm not but it goes to show the human side of us which is normal. I remember a few times I was not in control of my emotions and it affected my relationship at work negatively. And I also remember a few times I exercised great control over my emotions and I was rewarded...

  • I don't recall my country Nigeria celebrating an inter country cultural event but locally,quite a number of events are held by several cultures to showcase their cultural heritage.

  • Cultural cooperation aims at promoting peace and harmony as well as mutual sharing of creative talents to drive development.

  • I believe the overriding objectives that diplomats pursue when using arts and culture are political influence and economic integration.

  • The hard power best describes the cultural actions of my country,Nigeria. With the widespread corruption, religious and ethnic chaos and intolerance,the dominant cultures always apply coercion to impose their cultural norms and practices on minority groups.

  • No business operates effectively without people powering it, therefore a business does not start on its own and run itself. It is people's ideas that manifest as a business.

  • She can take a loan to purchase another coffee machine.

  • She can take a loan to purchase another coffee machine.

  • I agree with the idea of emancipatory ontology because these profit driven schools are elitist in nature and offer little or nothing regarding emancipatory education. Their focus is more on generating profit without regard for who can afford their cost. This situation leads to the inability of low income earners to afford the required standard of learning.

  • 1. I half agree that the current education system is structured according to the past and outdated system because the current school curriculum in most countries of the world of which my country Nigeria is among is based on entrepreneurship rather than mere academics or theory which is in accordance with current realities of self empowerment rather than...

  • 1. In my opinion,education means training the mind to think and solve problems.
    2. Education should provide solutions to problems.
    3. Education should benefit everyone through problem solving.

  • Knowing yourself is very important for a manager because when you are self aware,you are able to demonstrate the style that is acceptable by the manager which will ensure a smooth working relationship with him.

  • My former employer is a task focussed person that always monitored how tasks where carried out and was not concerned about establishing a relationship with his employees. Whereas his assistant was a people oriented person who was friendly and cared to know about the employees' feelings.

  • Having a one sided style would certainly suffer setbacks for example if you are task focussed,how do you get people to do a task well if they are not motivated. And if you are people focussed and lose sight of the task,nothing gets done well. So there has to be an alignment of both sides.

  • I'm a task oriented person because when you get the job done,you achieve your goals. However,to get the job done as a team,you need capable hands to do it so I also focus on working with people as a team to achieve goals.

  • Kanyi Henry made a comment

    I expect to gain basic knowledge in business concepts as well as develop basic business skills needed to start a business.

  • I have the experience of running a recharge cards business which is very profitable because people buy airtime by the second so there is a lot of money to be made because of the high demand of the product.

  • Yes business can be seen in various contexts such as building relationships and offering services but they all have a common goal which is satisfying needs. Satisfying needs is the primary role business plays in my community.

  • In my view,business means building relationships,doing transactions that help to achieve a particular goal.

  • Yes I do agree that educational leadership is different. For educational leadership,bringing up a child in the way of discipline is paramount unlike other kinds of leadership that focus on results and down lines.

  • The Transnational Leadership Package although a western concept has a lot to offer on a global scale considering the shift from leadership in a political sense to leadership in a commodity sense. The world is changing and there's an urgent need for the kind of leadership that produces wealth for everyone and not the kind of leadership that formulates...

  • The idea of knowledge and leadership here also apply in my context. In my country Nigeria,people from certain tribes known as "major tribes"have this false assumption that leadership is their exclusive preserve because of their numerical strength. This assumption is responsible for the stagnation the country is facing because these leaders lack the knowledge...

  • It's about time the paradigm of educational leadership shifted from a functional managerial role to policy making especially in a country like Nigeria. I come from Nigeria and the standard of learning has declined over the years due to corruption,incompetence and poverty in the system. There's an urgent need for educational leaders to enact policy that will...

  • 1. What do you d?. I'm a professional teacher and have been in the profession for 12 years.
    2. Why do you do what you do?I have a passion for moulding and shaping minds to help them achieve their goals.
    3. How do you do it? I apply educational theories and experience to instruct.
    4. Why are you interested in educational leadership. This course can help...

  • This course looks promising. I look forward to tapping from the wealth of knowledge this course has to offer.

  • 1,3,4,5 are my strengths while reflecting on intercultural mindset is challenging because sometimes I'm thrown off balance and forced to judge before evaluating behaviours. It takes careful self awareness to resist judgement.

  • 1. Catherine values content and people while Kapoor values time.
    2. They both use the collaboration style of communication.
    3. Catherine educates Kapoor on the need to involve the local managers in the training since it was going to be done in their domain. This will work best since the local managers understand the preference of the people they're dealing...

  • This exercise gives a sense of self awareness when reviewing my past experience of intercultural interactions. This exercise has enabled me to evaluate my past interactions becoming aware of the weaknesses I demonstrated and learning how to adopt the techniques that I've learned to deal with intercultural interactions.

  • I use demonstrating cultural empathy and practise problem solving skills in most of my interactions and they've helped me a lot to solve problems and deal with challenges with people from different contexts and perspectives.

  • Kanyi Henry made a comment

    While Maria used the competing style,Gwan used the collaborating style and later withdrawal style. The consequence of using the competing style within the context is the job wouldn't have been well delivered since it involved interacting with people from different cultures and different parts of the world. While the consequence of using the withdrawal...

  • Regarding their goals and concerns,Gwan apparently shows great commitment to achieving success in the program and is concerned that it's bound to fail if he doesn't create more time to get more good hands to help in the various locations that the programme will take place. Maria on the other hand shows less concern about the success of the programme and...

  • Just as we learned earlier,the major drivers of conflict are stereotypes and biases and I totally agree with it. I once had an experience where I just got employed in a college and the staff had this bias that as old staff of the school,they had better knowledge of instruction than any new staff. This created a conflict between me and them because I noticed a...

  • Nice perspective @SuzannedeWaard. I believe there's nothing wrong with the interruption technique if it's done moderately for certain clarifications but arbitrary and uncontrollable interruptions could turn one's client off. So for me,I've developed that ability to understand every bit of what I'm listening to till it ends. Although I do have my pen and paper...

  • I like the sequence of the processes. The sequence is strategically arranged to bring results. I remember I tried a few times to first evolve, then explore and finally engage which ended up disastrous. It has to be built from the ground up not from the top to the ground. The trust has be built first by understanding(engage) the perspectives of...

  • The importance of listening cannot be overemphasised. Since communication is a two way thing,listening must be employed to ensure mutual understanding. As a counsellor,one way of listening effectively to my students is by not interrupting until they're done. By listening I get more cues and ideas that equip me to help solve a problem.

  • Of course occasionally I did have challenging meetings similar to this. I had to contend with people who displayed annoying attitudes like the other man who arrived at the meeting and was rushing things just because he had another important meeting to attend. That's so ridiculous.
    Just like in the video,I've had situations in meetings where members...

  • I'm humbled @ShaliniThomas by your affirmation. Thank you.

  • I employ these strategies above very well. Beginning from the formal ground rules of punctuality, setting the agenda,giving members prior notice of the agenda and welcoming contributions to the informal ground rules.
    They help a great deal in achieving the objectives of the meeting and they also help in making meetings to be held in an orderly...

  • I always like to use my context as an instructor. One fundamental strategy I use to achieve my goals at a meeting is the strategy of "people centredness" which is another way of saying adaptation. First I draw an agenda and as members have the agenda in mind,I give room for brainstorming and sharing of ideas that can help implement the agenda. It is these...

  • Yes @PhoenixFry. That's very possible. Thank you for the observation. The chair in case study 2 might have lost what is called "class control" and unable to control certain interruptions by members which could lead to time wasting. This is a big factor in time management.

  • I work in an academic environment where team members have one goal which is to impart learners with basic cognitive,psychomotor,affective learning and moral skills. But since we all come from different cultural backgrounds,those members who are not morally sound lack the moral impetus to offer moral advise to learners. This affects their efficiency as well...

  • The situation in case study 2 is that of poor attitude to time. The members are time conscious whereas the one member who is selected to chair the meeting is poor in time management.

    If I were a team member in case study 2,I'll help the chair with her time management so that she could start and end meetings in good time.

    In the third case...

  • Exactly @PhoenixFry. Thank you for your comment. Positive energy drives a team to action that leads to desired results.

  • I'll comment on the elements of trust and attitudes to time. I work as an instructor in an academic environment,therefore in my context it is a task oriented group. My employer builds trust with staff who are competent and reliable at work irrespective of the personal relationship he has with anybody.

    Then on the element of attitude to time,the...

  • Naturally I'm a quiet type of person but when I get to work,I automatically become vivacious because I'm surrounded by people and won't want to make them bored around me.

    Sure anytime I find myself in two similar situations,I'm bound to make different choices depending on the kind of people I interact with.

  • Kanyi Henry made a comment

    Thank you very much. I'm delighted to begin week 3 and learn more.

  • My experience in the second week has been more engaging and interesting than the first as I've gained more momentum and knowledge in my study. I must confess that Future Learn is one of the best things that has happened to me in 2021.

  • It's interesting to realise that most people I meet adopt the people oriented style of communication whereas I'm so conscious of time because I'm quite business minded. Therefore, people who spend more time analysing events and people find it difficult adapting to my style.

    I'm precise and direct in my style so if adapting to other styles don't feel natural...

  • Thank you @MarishaR for your appreciation.

  • My adaptation depends on the context. When I realise my communication style is not appropriate given the circumstances,I'll have to adapt to the other party's style. On the other hand when I notice the other party's style is not appropriate,I'll engage them to see the need to adapt to my style to achieve the desired result.

  • I'll use the adaptation strategy with my friends @KathleenVaughan by engaging them in a conversation for them to adopt the appropriate style of communication that suits the context.

  • I see Alex's style as an adaptation @KathleenVaughan because he engages Lin in a conversation in order to get his cooperation on the most appropriate way to deal with the situation.

  • I interact frequently with friend A,B and C.

    Friend A is simple minded,friendly and vulgar in his communication.
    Friend B is authoritative in his communication and very quick to judging characters and complaining about people's weaknesses.
    Friend C is very friendly but has a know-it-all attitude when communicating with people.


  • Of course Alex's communication style reflects he's relying on people to do the job whereas Lin believes in more time to prepare rather than people to get the job done well.

  • I'm so humbled by your appreciation @ShaliniThomas. The insights I've gained in this course so far are one of a kind and have added greatly to my store of knowledge.

  • *Claire is an action oriented person that wants things done fast whereas Min Li is slow and prefers detail.

    * Claire can be more patient,polite and explanatory in her communication with Min Li while Min Li can be more tolerant with Claire's communication style or better still advise Claire on how she prefers to be communicated to.

    * In situations where...

  • * Coming from a country where the average lifespan of an individual is 50years,time is of the essence to get anything done before it's late.

    * The strength of communicating in this style is,it enlightens people on the need to make decisions and take action in good time. But the challenge of communicating in this style is when one meets people that have...

  • The assessment was accurate about my preference. Things work best for me when they are done in good time.

  • Action-19

    The scores above really reflect my communication style and my preferred one is time. Time is very critical to achieve anything and I believe everything revolves around time.

  • *I would describe my style of communication as friendly, relaxed and objective.
    * Some of my friends communicate in a friendly but subjective way.
    * The difference in preferences which is their subjective communication as against my objective communication impacts our interactions in the sense that they look at what suits them first instead of mutual...

  • These A's strategies I must confess are very effective in reducing biases thereby creating a relationship that promotes collaboration.
    When I take a look at the Align strategy,I realize that it would have helped me a great deal if I had applied it in my case years ago. I once worked in a school where a few things were done wrong. I felt with my vast...

  • Certainly the previous case studies fit very well into the five A's framework in the sense that if this framework was applied,both teams wouldn't have felt awkward about each other's communication style.
    My suggestion is first to interact and build a relationship before making any form of business transactions.

  • Exactly. In case study 1,the narrator and his team dominated conversation on how to work together with the other team and the other team turned out to be passive observers and less interested basically because no attempt was made to establish a relationship which is what builds trust in any partnership. The narrator and his team,therefore, felt...

  • To build trust,I'll have to establish a friendly conversation with the person so that we both can understand each other. This is courtesy and the person will feel respected and will naturally try to reciprocate.
    Making demands and being unfriendly is a bad impression and this breaks trust for me.

  • Ok Claire obviously flouted the rules of marketing which is build a relationship first and gain the client's trust before the client will buy. It's simply a sales technique. Her approach was transactional. Claire was too quick to get down to business before establishing a relationship with Min and this doesn't work in business. Relationship comes before...

  • I've practised developing my attitudes and this has helped to improve my CQ in profound ways. I used to underrate the views of people from the younger generation any time I had a brainstorming session with them but through constant practise,I've come to realise that their perspective maters a lot if we all have to work together to achieve a common goal.

  • Of course I've been using it @KathleenVaughan although unconsciously but thanks to Future learn and your team for educating me on how to consciously apply the LENS technique.

  • I must appreciate your insight @KathleenVaughan as it has opened my eyes to the fact that the platinum rule does not mean giving someone "unbridled free will" as you put it but creating a harmonious environment to co-exist.