Maria Colome Tatche "educator"

Maria Colome Tatche "educator"

I am a researcher at the European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing, University of Groningen. I am interested in the role of epigenetic changes in ageing.

Location Groningen, The Netherlands


  • Dear JAK,
    thank you very much for all your comments! Here you have a point, and this is what the whole "healthy ageing" thing is about: better quality of live, for longer time. Thank you!

  • Dear Denis,
    as Emma pointed out there is a lot more information that you can find on the Supplementary information from Steve Horvath's paper. In particular, in Supplementary file 2, you can find a description on how the model was fit, and how the formula can be used to predict age. Briefly, an elastic net regression model was used to regress the transformed...

  • Dear Christopher,
    this is indeed a very good observation! We also discussed this with colleagues in the lab. I would be tempted to agree with you and Martin: it is a reflection of mitotic age. However, Steve Horvath has the following statement on his paper, which instead contradicts this relation between methylation age and mitotic age:
    "(...) it is a...