Michael Ferriss


Background in oil and finance.

Location Ireland


  • @SUATTANIR Creo de leando mi diccionaire, quando es un nombre (noun) usted quieren decir el significado por obligacion (ie a duty). Quando es un verbo (intransitive verb ie has no object) hay una obligacion: eg debe verlo
    Quando hay objeto (transitive verb) el significado es 'owe'.

  • @AzitaMoore Gracias otra vez - buenas tardes y no buenos tardes. Vivemos in oeste de Irlande cerca del mar en county Galway. No nosotros gusto Brexit pero el acceptamos.

  • Gracias Azita y buenos tardes. Aqui en Irlande is dies horas.
    Buenos tardes a tu tambien Ellena.

  • Creo la palabra por why es porque y tambien la palabra por because es porque.

  • ¿Que is una muneca? No veo esta palabra en mi diccionario - un pequeno diccionario.

  • un billete de autobus.

  • @KwongKooiBrianLow Por que despues usted gana la loteria usted tendro un million dolares.

  • Mas que un billion. Buen suerte. Es dificil

  • ¿ Cual precio es un billete por la loteria donde usted vive?

  • Mi diccionario mosta ellos son correctos. A billion is mil millones.

  • creo que usted estan correcto.

  • Muchas gracias por su responsa.
    y buenas tardes o buenos dies porque es el media menos tres minutos.

  • Su espangol es muy bueno Maria. ¿ porque esta aqui en una clase elemntal?

  • es dificil para me a escuchar el video. ? Es dificil para todos los otros estudiantes?

  • creo ustedes utilizan ? un signo de interrogacion ante y despues una oracion.

  • si donde porfavor

  • Por favor donde estan subtitles!

  • Can I register for Irish 101?

  • It was 1800 before the population reached 1 billion, 1927 it reached 2 billion and 1957 it reached 3 billion. Today the population is between 7 and 8 billion.
    The answer is obvious.

  • Listening to our professor today changed my mind about how we humans should face the future. To date we have focused on prevention and cease and desist orders or hopes. However another approach is to face the enevitability of a sixth extinction and manage the outcomes. As pointed out in this course the outcomes of all extinctions are not necessarily bad. If we...

  • There is but one solution to what we all see coming. Restrict the level of population.

  • Hope you are all surviving the fires. Thinking of you.

  • Extinctions, I have learned here, involve the destruction of 80% of a life form. Presumably the other 20% evolve and thrive. How will the human evolve in the coming 6th extinction?

  • Interesting. When one of my pine trees is growing poorly it puts out an inordinate number of pine cones - not increased diversity but preservation of its species.

  • Hello all.

  • What determines the difference between a moon and debris: size, orbit or what?

  • Know many cancer patients and want to ready myself for the day it happens to me.

    I live in Connemara

  • I have enjoyed the mental challenge but have not the time to devote going forward so wish you all good luck.

  • In the slide "reasoning by the absurd" Francis states that the squaring of 'a' means you are multiplying an integer by 2. I do not follow that. Can anybody enlighten me?

  • OK have just found the solutions PDF and have a rough understanding.

  • Exercise 3 (Gauss): Can somebody explain to me how the answer: n(n+1) over 2 was derived from what went before.
    Next & still in the same section: what does verifying P1,P2,P3 as 'true' mean?

  • I miss having a real objective in life now I am 75. My objectives have tended to be very selfish ones having been job or family oriented. Now I am retired from paid work and the family is 5000 miles away.
    I do sometimes feel we older folk have become takers and not contributors to our society and that we could be contributing more.
    Maybe a course like this...