Kelito Brigante-Dooey

Kelito Brigante-Dooey

I'm the Bee's Knees.

That is all.

Location Glasgow


  • I think my theatre course covered the Alexander technique. Relaxation? I had very vague memory of the actual technique but I do remember that a fellow student sort of got rather confused and went wandering he was very affected by the Alexander class LOL I am not making that up.

  • I have a variety of experience - I am 44 now and have been into acting and theatre arts forever and then some.
    When my mother gave birth to me I came on stage with jazz hands {allegedly}.
    Lololol I do not come with expectations of the course.
    Love Ms Brigante-Dooey x

  • I like to use anecdote and challenge myself to thinking of allegory a lot (although I'm not very good at it..!!) in all communication.

  • I have not used it before but i certainly have noticed that it has become highly popular.

  • The Food for Thought Sandwich

    Is it possible to improve mental capacity by eating the right sandwich for lunch? Of course it is! These nutritional brain boosting delicious ingredients might give you some guidelines.

    Tuna fish and grain bread with plenty of salad, cracked black pepper, olive oil, chopped garlic and spinach. All fresh produce.


  • I have experience in person with a live audience in a variety of different situations when I was in theatre school but this was quite some time ago and I am completely out of practise. Nerves get the best of me :(

  • Sharing short, relevant anecdotes and personal experiences with the audience. Present your information in unusual and surprising ways. Know your own character and work with who you are, don't try to be cracking jokes if you are naturally a serious type and vice versa.

  • The subjects I have researched are unusual. I bring some humour in to it. Provide audience with other ideas outside the incessant mainstream narratives

  • Being well researched and organised and providing beneficial information rather than churning out the same old same old or being entertaining.

  • Not saying that about the video by the way, just a general thought.

  • The line between professional and phoney is hard to gauge because in reality, noone actually has professional as a character trait. If you get me

  • Theres always photoshop

  • No it is actually human nature to feel a nervous energy when getting up in front of people. The confidence builds from controlling this energy. (IMO)

  • Background in theatre arts but out of practise

  • Google is a brilliant tool. The company is out of control now though...Just stick to the search thingie , Googles!!!

  • Kathleen Morgan
    What is the reason for the reader even beginning the first paragraph? You need to find a way of pulling the reader in, with the first paragraph, and dragging them all the way through that feature.

    Kevin McKenna
    Not so Good
    Obviously, a feature writer, you will have a little bit more latitude to describe-- maybe to embellish,...

  • I would call the psychic detective as I am now convinced that this is the global poltergeist of one of the Rockefellers or summat

  • 1. The 3-year-old was found dead by police at 4pm on 26 September after he was left home alone at 1300 Brown street for up to 11 days.

    2. His brother, 4, and sister, 6, were found in two bedrooms within the luxury mansion which was bought for over £400,000 in 2012.

    3. Figures released by the government today show that unemployment stood at less than...

  • Takes me too long to do these tasks :(
    Am a slow journo....

  • So you have to, when you hit those roadblocks, you have to be creative and inventive.

    ~ and ~

    You really have to learn to dig and dig deep.

  • I ran out of patience and submitted a lot of nonsense.
    Apart from that , I had no problems atr all with this assignment !!!!

  • The lack of communication from government is interesting considering there must be an office or authority who can oversee the entire network of power in the UK.
    This is where I am drawn to ...

  • I would like to interview -
    Scottish Gov representative Energy dept
    Scottish Power
    Glasgow Council
    general public

  • The main reason people visit Stiring in Scotland is for the various historical attractions. Stirling is very much like a little version of Edinburgh, because of having a castle in the centre of the city. Both Edinburgh castle and Stirling castle are built on extinct volcanic rock and are very picturesque. Other historical attractions in Stirling include the...

  • There is an ancient castle in the middle of the town.
    There are many other historical attractions.

  • Discuss reasons why watching television is bad for young children.
    Discuss reasons why you should not vote.
    Discuss reasons why we live in an artificial environment.

  • The family structure in the past is very different from how it is now in Scotland. The wider family - grandparents, aunts and uncles - were more integral family members in the past. They would have helped raise children and they might have worked together, farming their own food. Knowledge was passed down through the generations. The modern family often...

  • The paragraphs are fuller in detail. The paragraphs are linked and flow. Grammar and spelling issues still remain.

  • Good content and structure. Attention must be paid to language - spelling and grammar.

  • I live in Scotland. I would include differences within the family, differences in how we feed ourselves, employment , religion.

  • I have written essays for a uni course and realize that I need to improve my ability. Academic writing is a style of writing.

  • Appeal to emotion is all over the place in the news. Instead of providing factual information, emotional material is used to evoke an emotional (non critical thinking ) response from the viewer. It is also common in advertising.

  • Hello I am Kelly from Scotland. Everyone should learn about logic and critical thinking!

  • It was interesting to see the degree necessary to go regarding getting the data.
    There is plenty work out there for journalists who are comparing how a system is supposed to work against the reality!

  • There were no massively valuable sources but you could perhaps build a picture of what was going on by cherry picking information from each interview


    It is newsworthy because it is a local road accident in which there were fatalities - a young woman and a boy.
    The values relevant to this story are the tragic , bad news - the location - it was unexpected -

  • The way news is presented is causing major dangers and problems in our democracies of the West. The past decade shows rapid decline in the integrity of the old establishments of journalism - for a variety of reasons.
    I do not trust BBC or our mainstream UK tv or newspaper whatsoever. The Iraq war coverage made me do my own research online to stay...

  • Cancer cure reporting does not do anything for me - what I have almost never heard in the mainstream is what is the CAUSE of cancer. There is a story. Hard and soft reporting. There are hundreds of light ,soft stories and hardly any hard , expose on cause. This is not because there is no information to report on of this nature but because it involves big...

  • The news is so powerful itis difficult to comprehend i think

  • Noam Chomsky has some superb work on media manipulation and influence etc. The news outlets woould gain respect if they were open on how their stories come in and go out. Most people are not aware about this - but it is very very interesting , they would be into it if it was presented to them at all, in context.

  • Integrity in journalism would respect the public by presenting as raw as possible facts and allow them to make up their minds. Bad , but extremely common, is news intended to shape public opinion or agenda setting.
    I think the news landscape , on the whole , must self reflect and reorganize - otherwise due to the internet - shall slowly but surely become...

  • ....otherwise how can one form an opinion on a conflict? I would say stay informed by taking in a variety of coverage , do not trust the old faithfuls, they are not faithful to the people ...ok enough ranting ...

  • Hard
    Will deal with issues such as corruption - economic, political - the more power and wealth in those involved in your expose, the harder your journalism. An example is WikiLeaks - who publish raw leaks of secret , confidential information. Classification within the US and UK government has enabled massive abuse of power to take place. Mainstream news...

  • Integrity and individuality and courage in confronting the powers that should not be.
    It is evident when politics have interefered with a story and even more so when money and power causes omission or censorship or prevents the path to the truth being the motivation in the report. Sounds a wee bit conspiratorial - in reality, rather than journalists being...

  • ....but inform the reader of your bias and why and work withhonesty and integrity !!!

  • The current style of reporting (that really puts me off mainstream outlets) would report on the closest thing to a death or any death caused by the blackout and would not push enquiry into any authorities involved - local government and power supplier and maybe national UK gov. This is not reporting , it is repeating. The news always goes full steam ahead...

  • Good Afternoon !!
    I am in Stirling, not far away from Strathclyde University.
    Bold, exciting journalism is close to dead.
    Democracy is only slightly able to breathe.

    Hope this MOOC encourages truth to emerge