Masiasi Ronald Mushikoma

Masiasi Ronald Mushikoma

A weather forecaster who will never quit a challenge. Eager to know why natural disasters are occuring more often than before. Climate change mitigation system is on my radar and the time is now....

Location Uganda



  • climate models have helped to know much of the past

  • artificial intelligence course

  • given birth of artificial intelligence

  • Yes we can predict the future, however solutions on table without action is a waste of time.

  • i live in Entebbe Uganda, at the shores of Lake Victoria(peninsula), here we experience showers almost throughout the year because of the land-lake thermal contrast and the quasi-permanent trough positioned on the lake.

  • looking forward to week3. hope we are going to learn more about natural RF and the cyclic changes in radiation.....???

  • by composition of atmospheric gases,
    Nitrogen= 78.08%%
    Oxygen= 20.95%
    Argon= 0.93%
    CO2= 0.04%
    adds up to 100%.
    QN1: when CO2 increases in the atmosphere, what happens to other gases? do they decrease or remain constant?
    QN2: where do we account for CH4, water vapor, N2O and F-gases in this composition?

  • june 2010=393, now=415.16. difference is 22.16ppm

  • it takes us back to...who will be responsible(pay) for acceleration of CC?

  • I wonder how Africa produces 15 billion tones more than America....???
    Can man do without machines that use crude oil products?

  • what could have been the cause temp increase 400,000 years ago?

  • scientist use cosmogenic isotopes to come up with what we are seeing now regarding CC

  • Since scientist started talking about CC in the 17th century, i have come to realize that climate change is something political. people are making money out of it.

  • Vanessa Ombura, can man really do without machines? if yes, then we can talk about how he can do it......

  • in relation to deforestation and charcoal burning in mostly developing countries

  • Dr. Katherine,
    Kindly talk about:
    1. precession,
    2. obliquity,
    3. equinoxes,
    4. sun spots,
    5. volcanic eruptions and aerosols,
    6. Arctic and Antarctic cycles.......on time scales rather than millennial changes please....

  • bring on the topic, anxiously waiting

  • i wonder if what we are experiencing now in regards to wild fires, cyclones, flooding and drought is connected to the past CC. if we keep using the chaotic nature of the climate system, then very little will be done.
    we have four things at hand to discuss about:
    1. precession,
    2. obliquity,
    3. equinoxes,
    4. sunspots and maybe the maunder minimum.

  • Very interesting clip, however the leaders we have in different governments are the most causers of climate injustice. in my country, i have seen them(leaders) degrading forests with no one getting concerned. they are even protected by military....

  • speaking of developing countries having contributed very little toward greenhouse gas emissions in the past, but are being hit with the most severe impacts. What is IPCC take on that especially when they sit in COP? from the map, I'm seeing emissions are being spread all over African countries even to those that are much more less in industrialization....

  • Deprived communities are much more likely to experience severe impacts because the rich are carrying on with their business that accelerate CC more on expense of the poor. Therefore we must all join hands together...whether rich or poor to fight this enemy called CC.

  • One of the impacts of climate change is the global financial system. Kindly educate me more on that please.

  • From the images seen, it seems CC is cycle where the impact is both positive and negative

  • More information is needed to understand well about CC.

  • I agree with the changes happening to the climate system and the impacts these changes are causing, however, one of the biggest and yet natural driver is the sun which you didn't include here.....Some of the intense extreme weather events have impacted positively to communities especially those in semi arid areas like those in karamoja region(North Eastern...

  • I think warming is not evenly distributed around the world..... what will happen to the climates of the world if there's equal energy distribution?

  • CC is real, however, the way advocates are passing this information to the public especially the lay man is not proper with many questions unanswered.
    Should we blame the sun for the above pics?

  • As a matter of fact, over 97% of all scientists around the world agree that climate change is real, it is happening now, and it is caused by human activity, however, CC started way back before industrial revolution on timescale meaning the change is gradual.
    QN: Why can't we lay down both natural and human induced processes leading to CC and analyze each...

  • A group of gases in our atmosphere called greenhouse gases are especially good at intercepting this heat energy and trap it in our atmosphere before it can escape back to space.
    QN: Is climate change a naturally occurring process rather human induced and which one should we worry about most?

  • Looking forward to learning new and yet interesting things

  • Hello everyone,
    Masiasi Ronald MUSHIKOMA from Entebbe Uganda, a weather forecaster at Entebbe international airport. I want to know more about global climate solutions and how you can make a positive difference through action. And hopefully I will gain more knowledge regarding CCA

  • Wow.... looking forward to interacting with the best brains behind climate change solutions

  • Looking forward to the new era.... Thank you all.

  • Hello everyone, Masiasi from Entebbe Uganda looking forward to exploring more about global climate solutions and how you can make a positive difference through action.

  • Been discouraged because I have failed to open the jupyterhub account

  • @CarlosFortunyLombraña ERROR! Could not create user! Please contact support....
    That's the message popping up whenever I try to register.

  • ERROR! Could not create user! Please contact support....
    That's the message popping up whenever I try register.

  • It’s not so easy for a remote sensing professional to precisely identify agricultural field crops from above, well, then you have to go and pay the field a visit, you have to get closer to the plants for the right interpretation; which is very tedious, laborious, cumbersome......
    QN1: Will you be visiting the crop from day one of its emergence till it...

  • Speaking of time series, how does AI manage to change the pictures of then and now in terms of quality and resolution?

  • it due time with my colleagues to play all the vid...though we gat a challenge internet.

  • tried to follow the link for this Jupyter Notebook workflow tutorial to go to the WEkEO Jupyter Hub but failed, what could be the problem?

  • Now that there's irregular urban expansion, loss of natural vegetation, decreasing open space and general reduction of spatial extension. which i suppose is posing a problem on EO data monitoring using AI,
    QN: How are you dealing with this problem and what are the future remedies?

  • Interesting clip. thanks.

  • @RuthLawrence did you capture a vid or pic of it? If yes, please share on Twitter handle

  • Kindly share it on Twitter please

  • @IainCameron missed that, kindly share the link please

  • @NICGriffin top government officials are in business. They are the ones representing different States in COP26; the best they will do is put on papers their discussions but implementation is zero why because they can't bring down their businesses.
    From COP26; I read somewhere that 40 companies have agreed to end coal extraction....this may take place in...

  • @CarolynPage wow....gone through the influence diagram briefly but it's some kind of survival of the fittest..... needs more time to master everything..... otherwise thanks

  • This depends on location and type of soil to mulch and the weather of that area....
    Minimum tillage or no-dig for gardens would be a good idea however this results in the development of a hardpan and percolation and root penetration would be difficult.

  • @CarolynPage wow you intended to meet the witch doctor, for what reasons? Those native doctors seem to be living in a different world....whereas guides are supposed to be educated and well informed about a place or something over some continents, here in Africa, it's vice versa to some and or many....

  • True that because the Mauna Loa data are being obtained at an altitude of 3400 m in the northern subtropics, and may not be the same as the globally averaged CO2 concentration at the surface. I wonder why CO2 data is so limited???

  • Do we consider defforestation as land use? if yes, then this is my next fight for.........otherwie great intro.

  • Enjoyed the lecture however hands on could add more value this otherwise great thanks to you all.

  • It’s very rewarding to work in this field. It is, it has such a dramatic impact in our society and human kind. I mean, nowadays, everyone is aware of the impact of climate change in our days....have loved that answer. Have a question to Joana Miguens..., Why do you only employ people from member states of EUMETSAT? No person from any African states. Even...

  • I want to know how weather data fused with AI to come up with a 10 days weather forecast...

  • Because the AI mostly focuses on perception and the direct recognition of materials, objects, and phenomena, debates will often be raised.
    QN: How have you dealt with this biasness?

  • Can i run these applications Python Libraries cocurrently?

  • gonna try out on Tensorflow library.

  • more insights about the K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) please....

  • What kind of Computer do i have to have in order to run a up-to-date model?

  • To set up machine learning workflow one needs to understand what their problem is. and then choose the appropriate data and the correct learning algorithm.
    QN: If i have collected data for temp, press and wind, can i develop a weather model?

  • @Carlos Fortuny Lombraña, i have failed to register on WEKEO. I'm getting failure messages whenever i try to. Kindly help to diagnose the problem please. I'm missing out on something important.

  • Good elaboration, however a separate set of training(hands on) is neded to understand this more otherwise this theoretical training may not help much.

  • Is weather prediction a regression problem?
    Kindly talk about regression problem as it was not mentioned in the clip....

  • My everyday examples of AI and ML that i'm using in my daily life are:
    1. Real time weather occurance,
    2. Traffic routes,
    3. Voice use while taking pictures
    4. Location identifier by google.....

  • a welcoming and fascinating introduction.

  • thumbs up.

  • have to download and watch it later, otherwise thanks.

  • Been interesting, however, i have failed to create a WEKEO account.

  • have failed to create a WEKEO account

  • after following the whole process to creating the WEKEO Account, a failure message showed up and this is how it read,
    ERROR! Couldnt create user.
    Then the boxes for 1. intended use of platform and data sets needed are blank and i cant access them. please help.

  • This approach gives users instant, direct access to work with the most up-to-date Copernicus data. Forexample i am in Uganda, do i have free access to this data or i pay subscription fee? And do i have to login to get started?

  • Speaking of predicting the outbreak of vector-borne diseases. Is that set of program or data available to the users on their smart phones or they just have to wait for warning issued? How do i forecast flash floods using ECMWF data?

  • So much interested in learning how ECMWF works and interpretation of its data. And how do i start using the new application?

  • Each of the Copernicus Sentinel missions carries state-of-the-art technology to deliver a stream of imagery and data tailored to the needs of users,
    QN: What is the spatial coverage of each and can i get data of say two days back?

  • Speaking of the Copernicus programme and platforms like WEkEO helping to bring artificial intelligence within our reach, do i have a chance of getting detailed traing regarding Atmosphere, Marine, Land and Climate Change? And life beyond......

  • CloudSat is an experimental satellite that uses radar to observe clouds and precipitation from space.
    QN: Which type of Radars are intergrated with CloudSat?
    Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) - A new era in weather and climate monitoring.
    QN: Does this cover Africa as well or limited to Europe as seen with Copernicus Sentinel-4 Ultraviolet Visible and...

  • Very useful....downloaded it already.

  • Speaking of hands-on would be the best idea however coding the workflow means very little to learn. otherwise thank you.

  • Speaking of getting data closer to the people and storms coming, monitoring storms from satellite and integrating that information with the other information from Radars.
    QN: Since weather has no boundary and now that most LDCs have Radars, do you have a set program(apart from this one on Future Learn) to train the young scientists on how to run these...

  • Happy to be part of you....hope one day we shall have hands on???

  • Wow.... Very interesting as the course is in line with what I deal in.....

  • @CarolynPage thank you very much for sharing the link please.

  • Wow....glad that we are meeting here....
    Some of you look like film actors and actress.....smilesssss

  • Glad to have been part of this course.... learnt a lot and hope to learn more however, some questions need to be answered by the educators themselves. otherwise thank you very much every one who helped me to understand more about weather. thumbs up.
    Provide an option to upload pictures and or short videos of events regarding the topic we are learning rather...

  • All types of weather have their own beauty and joy however some or most are disastrous especially the mesoscale one here within the tropics.
    QN: How do Azores, Libyan and Arabian ridges influence the East African weather?

  • Reduce the use of petrol-powered tools and instead use energy-efficient technologies such as solar-powered garden products and automatic irrigation and light timers.....i wonder if this is only limited to the UK only or the gospel as well action is spread across other countries particularly LDCs....???

  • I wonder what leaders discuss in COP when they meet. I'm second guessing that whatever discussions, all end on action takes place. So as the less fortunate keep singing about CC, the fortunate are manufacturing coal, more oil fields discovered and drilling, more pollution, more production of dangerous fertilizers and less attention is paid to...

  • As you talk of advancement in a number of plant and animal species in the northern hemisphere particularly UK, with butterflies and flowering plants appearing earlier, here in Uganda we are witnessing extinction of such animal and plant fact coming to a year now without seeing butterflies and or moths.
    Speaking of a rise in sea levels around...

  • Something doesn't connect GHGs give positive or negative feedback?
    When did climate change start? Before industrial revolution or after?

  • @CarolynPage oh what an interesting tour....try Uganda (pearl of Africa)this time round.

  • Here in East Africa, the we use the movement of the overhead sun to locate direction as it rises from the East and sets to the West, by so doing, North can easily be located.....

  • The emission of hygroscopic particles from cars and heavy industry act as condensation nuclei, leading to the formation of cloud and smog, which can trap radiation.....this leads or opens another topic to discuss regarding global warming and climate change. We need more than this to understand to the whole concept of climate change, global warming, burning of...

  • Never been to The UK but it has got me thinking a lot about what kind of weather and or scale systems she experiences..... Don't know if I should regard this as "local weather effect" in terms of convective activities, orographic lifting and land and sea thermal contract or global, meso, synoptic scale systems?
    How's the topography of UK generally?

  • @CatherineJohnstone been crossing fingers over that...
    Assuming over the mountains, clouds are nsearer to the ground and vice versa to low lying areas.

  • The direction in which your garden faces will have a large influence on the temperature...
    QN: How's this possible??? Please provide a scientific explanation.

    Different parts of your garden will face different directions, so there will be microclimates within your garden...
    QN: Define what a microclimate mean in a lay man's language.

  • Why?

  • A microclimate is the distinctive climate of a small-scale area, such as a garden, or park, valley or part of a city.
    1. Does a UHI(urban heat island) be termed as a microclimate?
    2. Are these small scale systems so disastrous to cause flash floods for example?

  • Yes, i have had wind and hail damage in my garden. And as was driving at night(2100Z) in a hilly area when visibility rapidly dropped. That made me park because even even full lights couldn't help.... pictures and video clip shared on #FLLearnAboutWeather.
    QN: What caused visibility reduction at that time?

  • Thunderstorm and lightning can be dangerous, but they can also be stunningly beautiful...
    1. Are there any types of thunderstorms?
    2: Can we experience thunder without lightning?
    3: As technology advances day by day, is there a way of tapping energy from this kind of storm?