Durriya Anjary


Am an Ortan Gillingham practitionar.Have been working since 9 + 18 years and have seen changes in their reading habits.Learning and teaching is my Passion.

Location I live in Karachi.It has lovely beaches.People are friendly and humble.However much work needs to be done on educational side.e


  • Thank you for meaningful answers. In my school there is a boy who stay very quite during class activities. When I asked him the the names of shapes drawn he was able to answer.However he has difficulty to blend cvc word but knows the sounds ,how should I help him.

  • what should be the strength of a normal class for teacher to handle.I am from Pakistan.

  • i would also say you are a good climber but this furniyure is not ment to climb,lets go and do some climbing activity out side.

  • 1a , 2a , 3c

  • Right communication is important for all age group .Positive words help even the child who have disabilities to well and the growth and love to learn is nurtured.Serve with love

  • Empathy is an important factor toward teaching a child of different age. Parents and teachers both a very important roll in child's development.Children only learn through play ,communication and repetition the language skills and much more. THANK YOU

  • Play based activities are less threatening and child feels motivated.In this video they learnt new ideas and words about camping.

  • Durriya Anjary made a comment

    Thanks a lot. I 100% agree to ,give time and space to children to speak. Motivation and encouragement can do wonders.

  • yes ,thank you.

  • I had a child who had speech issues and had dyslexia.She use to go for speech therapy since she was three. She came to me at the age of five as she was unable to recognize any letters. The only language she spoke was her native language.She was able to take instruction in English to some extend ,she was never asked to speak in English.Suddenly after a year...

  • Don't worry children learn lots of word by watching cartoons and when someone is reading stories to them,so Keep speaking ,its your learning point too.

  • children often love to rock chairs while sitting. Therefore i feel funiture should be children friendly also children must be taught safety rules through play .

  • Thankyou for sharing different settings ,on padlet wall.

  • proper pace and place for each ativity to take place.prehand hand made item were allocted for children to use and see. Teacher initiated and free play thing were at her hand level.

  • play is very important for learning all sort of knowledge ,science,math or Literature.Vocabulary and comprehension is introduced through repetative usage.

  • teaching synthetic phonics is very awesome development .Explicit ways have shown better results .

  • Shakespear said ' the whole world is a stage of play. Loved That pharse.

  • Puzzle is a manipulative play therefore all kinds of play have an end goal to be set.

  • Agree to all the statements.Thanks

  • Durriya Anjary made a comment

    Children learn to explore environment through free play,where the teacher lays variety of things for them to manipulate ,explore and ask, the objects name and more to know what is it called?

  • play is very important ,it help children to remember, retain and retrieve ideas learnt. All kinds of plays help in child developmental need of learningt.Plays should set to benefit and those who do not reach the objective must be catered to benefit their learning.

  • I have come to conclusion that all these kind of plays are equally important at every stage.Teacher programs in such a way that child is benefited in learning and reaching the point of understanding.

  • you are a wonderful observer

  • Agree ..as all kinds of play help them to move one step forward.At every stage child plays, soliditry to parallel to cooperative where adult can initiate the learning .

  • All the children have an ability to learn.They learn in various ways.There surroundings must be engaging and comfortable for them to grow cognitively as well as physically.

  • Thankyou for the articles and resources

  • Reasearch shows that context isimportant in learning language because it helps to retain and in order to avoid 'systematic forgetting'.

  • using tools is one kind of adult initiated play towards learning .

  • one needs to capture the child attention in order to teach him a L2 language.

  • All the children have the capacity to learn but grow at different rates.

  • block building ,some can do it at 1.3yr whlie some at 1.5.years.

  • children through variety of ways. Some are auditory .visual or Kinesthetic approaches.

  • thanks

  • Observation journals are indeed important.thanks

  • am a remedial teacher and work with children +5.iam interstd how younger children learn and there development.In teaching reading i use symbols /sounds and stories related to letters recognisation .Multi-sensory techniques is inculcated to give them first hand learning experience.

  • Early childhood games were imaginary like making the bed as boat and singing the song Row Row your boat.....

  • Play is very important for the cognitive development of brain and mind. Research have shown that animals also play. Usage of five senses stimulate our brain.At birth babies can gradually hear different sounds ,Mother sounds and the feel of her touch.All these lead to lauguage development in later years.

  • learning to share is a very important lesson ,In return child become reponsible and learns to adjust in its own sourroundings

  • Living in an aparatment ,i had lots of friends.Our next door neighbour had huge collection of small fishes which was inspiring ,so usually we became a take carer and a buyer and seller of pet fishes.And seller work was to explain what food was to be given and how much.

  • Loved everything which i have learned and will surely apply .I totally agree with all the recommendations and now know that parents and teachers have to wait at least 3 years before labeling children and saying that they cannot understand the language just because the child is not speaking.As long as a child follows instructions in active play,is good enough.

  • point 2 and 5 does not apply to children ,rest is true.Point 5 is applicable for adults learning.

  • In this way children will feel more secure and will understand that its all right to make mistakes.I usually make silly mistakes and make silly faces and they will correct my error and I tell them thank in return.
    ,gaining their confidence.

  • thx

  • parents can be assigned some work to help children in theclass for an hour and the child settles she moves away.

  • I am a remedial teacher and usually children come to me at age of 4 to 5 .I teach them using multisensory techniques.This course has given my an insight like mime and gestures being so important means of encouraging learning in a fun way. Makaton sign was a new News to me so i googled it up:).I am thankful to future learning to provide apportunities for...

  • I will use more mimes and gestures to encourage learning.

  • very useful..thx

  • for 15 days we did it with the parents,then the child was asked to attend on her own as she was a big girl now ...it worked

  • HOW will a teacher know if a child has delayed speech if he is able to follow instruction or the child has issues and therefore cannot speak?

  • picture vocabulary development is a good technique to enchance new words learning

  • I totally agree because my daughter spoke at the age of three.Her personality was on silent side. Force must no be applied. but child must be assessed on weather he or she follows instruction or Not. The hearing must be tested speech delays must be taken care, professionally

  • mother tongue is naturally acquired as child learns by listening to other individuals who are surrounding the child. Teachers need to create an active language enviornment to teach a second language

  • what do you mean by code switching...