Akriti Madhwal


I'm very happy to do course in this topic

Location Uttarakhand, Dehradun, Madhwal chowk



  • ok

  • I belive that having a better understanding in our schools would make for a clearer future as the planet is there future.

  • Thanks

  • Thanks

  • Akriti Madhwal made a comment

    I am Akriti Madhwal

  • For vectors and

    p + q

    p – 2q

    2p + 3q

  • X1= -1.5505 , X2= - 6.4495

  • First pair of the equation-(x=5,Y=4)

    Second pair of the equation-(x=2, Y=5)

    Third pair of the equation-(x=3,Y=8)

  • (1.) 5x + 5 = 125

    5x = 125 - 5

    5x = 120

    x = 24

    (2.) 5x + 6 = 4x + 14

    5x - 4x = 14 - 6

    x = 8

    (3.) 7(x - 4) = 35

    x - 4 = 5

    x = 9

  • (1.) 5x + 5 = 125

    5x = 125 - 5

    5x = 120

    x = 24

    (2.) 5x + 6 = 4x + 14

    5x - 4x = 14 - 6

    x = 8

    (3.) 7(x - 4) = 35

    x - 4 = 5

    x = 9

  • Okay

  • Akriti Madhwal made a comment

    I look forward to this

  • 0 is termed zero

    'Curly brackets' are called braces in mathematics - they "hold firemen's pants up and sets together" (how I describe these to learners!).

    The complement of a set is shown by e.g. A'.

    Mathematically, a special symbol called variant epsilon ∈ is used in set theory for 'element of'.
    thank you

  • Thank you

  • A = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}

    B = {0, 3, 6, 9} (note that zero is a multiple of every number, including 3)

    Intersection of A and B = {0, 6}

    Union of A and B = {0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9}

    element of neither of them (outside) = {1, 5, 7}

    Thank you

  • Akriti Madhwal made a comment

    I'm really very excited for the course

  • Pet ownership details and I think the total number of people surveyed is all the numbers added together - 200. Not sure if this helps me to understand the data any easier than if if was listed in a table. Thank you

  • Hello my name is Akriti Madhwal. I live in uttarakhand. And I like this course