Rachel Kelly

Rachel Kelly

Hi, I'm a Principal and Consultant at the Tavistock Institute and a teacher of the Alexander Technique.

Location London


  • Hi Rachel, thanks for your suggestion, we've included a link to another website which has visuals for power maps.

  • Hi Emma - thanks for your suggestion - we've now included one as part of the last step of the course

  • Hi Leslie, thanks very much for your suggestion, which we've now included

  • Thanks very much for your feedback Hana - we've amended the story with an example as you suggest

  • Thanks very much for highlighting this omission. We've amended and suggest you can search for a video online - there are plenty to choose from.

  • Consciousness as 'felt uncertainty' - this makes sense to me - we're acting all the time in various states of anxiety

  • I think we all have an unconscious/conscious-ness - the more we bring our unconscious to consciousness, the wiser we get. The unconscious is non-judgemental, it tells it how it is - whilst consciousness or the mind? puts on layers of meaning; stories; stuff we tell ourselves about what's happening, using consciousness. Perhaps consciousness is an awareness of...

  • Hi Lex - yes, it is a physical phenomenon, but the timing and the fact that they never happen in the same way before or since...

  • I’d like to explore something unusual. My contention is that my computer has a mind of its own. It’s easy to believe that humans, with our phenomenal building capacity, that we and perhaps other animals, are the only ones with minds. We know very little of our own minds and I’m reluctant to make assumptions at this stage in the science about what we actually...

  • Who's the big dog? For me, Max definitely has a mind, he might not have understood the words, but the tone of the words, and what you wanted. And he took his time. He granted you access. I would try to prove that he hasn't got a mind, not the other way around.

  • Definitely! I think it's both our subjectivities

  • For me, Eliza goes round in circles, rootless, however I did learn something from her, ironically.
    Love this - 'reality'/dreams: the Conductor Theory of Consciousness. "Conscious experience is not an experience of being in the world, or in an inner space. It is a reconstruction of a dream, anchored in the music played by more than fifty areas, made up from 86...

  • ask them how they're feeling?

  • I'm pleased to hear about this curiosity we have which means we can practice comparatively dangerous things (as long as they don't kill us), and get used to them - it's not that difficult to overcome our automatic reactions - it's a matter of bringing them to consciousness repeatedly - widening our consciousness, if you like, so then we have a choice - free...

  • I love this idea of the mind as breath - in ancient Greece the word psyche meant 'breath of life' - this has lots of resonances with Yoga (itself over 5,000 years old) where the breath 'prana'' is intrinsic to the practice (yoga is often mistakenly construed as just bodywork). And links to life force, energy, vibrations. Personally I'm not my 'mind', I'm my...

  • I suppose to understand consciousness it's necessary to study the unconscious, like yin/yang - one defines the other

  • This sounds like applying rationality, logic - thought - to the feelings we feel, in order to cope with what life throws at us, and in order to make the choices that we are constantly making

  • Computers are now able to learn and develop - much much further than the computer scientists are able to programme themselves. However at the moment computers are not conscious, they don't have a consciousness - so I suppose it really depends what exactly consciousness is. Interesting that Mario mentions soul, which could be spirit, life force. Now if we go...

  • We're only at the beginning of studying the mind. Curiouser and curiouser - what it is to "be" a mind - although of course we are not just a mind.

  • I'm not sure I want to be part of this argument

  • Hi, I'm interested in exploring what is my mind and other people's minds - what is consciousness and more interestingly, finding out more about the unconscious...