Levina Orwa


Levina is a an all round and passionate professional with a bachelor's degree in special education. Always looking for room to learn and sharpen my skills.

Location Nairobi, Kenya


  • Levina Orwa made a comment

    Thanks so much,I learnt a lot during this week.

  • I have learnt a lot this week,one of the most important thing I've learnt is that the nervous system is enough,so we should not stress, and the gap before response is important and one should be relaxed in such moments.

  • How would a startup online teacher know how to minimise on the few resources to make it economical; which resources are a must have for the new teachers?

  • The best technique I have used,and that has worked for me is singing a song that incorporates collaborative actions among learners,t the end of the usually short song,they have had comfortable contact and can be free and more comfortable to collaborate with other learners.

  • I have been practicing this technique without knowing,I can attest it's awesome

  • In order to build confidence as a teacher in both face to face learning and virtual learning, preparation is paramount;it makes you master everything so that you are in control of the class as required of an instructor.

  • Amazing,I've learnt so much.

  • Hi Gina, great to be in this course together,also here to get more insights on online learning.

  • Hi Iveta,it's nice to be in the same course, hoping to peer learn and get more ideas on teaching since I'm a beginner in the teaching profession.

  • Hi Deborah,I feel it would be fun learning with individuals with experience like yours,kudos and looking forward to a great learning experience.

  • Hello,I'm Miss Levina from Kenya,I'm a certified special education teacher, hearing impaired option,I also teach English literature in high school, currently I'm teaching at a special school but I wanted to learn more on online teaching so that I can do it online for extra income, I'm hopeful for a great learning journey ahead.

  • Levina Orwa made a comment

    Can't wait to learn on the five stages of dealing with difficult situations using self awareness and compassion

  • Levina Orwa made a comment

    Insightful, looking forward to learning

  • Self care to me is taking care of one's physical, mental and spiritual well;well being is a state of balance and health;this course is important because it will expose us to techniques of self-care.

  • Hey Reena,I'm so sorry for your situation,I was in your shoes sometime earlier, just take heart and don't get tired looking for your dream career,you'll be there one day,and all the best

  • Hello,I'm levina from Kenya,I considered taking this course to know more on how to stay calm even in trying moments,I'm a trained special education teacher, although due to my delayed graduation,I ventured into a customer service role that I feel somehow drained me emotionally,I'm trying to refocus and regain my mental health, hoping that the course will be of...

  • Levina Orwa made a comment

    I manage my thinking by staying calm when in a discussion and also giving others time to speak out their thoughts,after listening carefully and also making my contribution,I chose the best thought; generally we grow when we we are open to criticism and are aware that we are not right all the time. I hope to learn more on how to maximize learning with...

  • I'm super excited to start this course,it's day one and I'm already learning a lot,the lifecomp learning framework has been illustrated so well and has been easy to understand. I hope to learn more and more.

  • Thank you,we also look forward to learning on how to make life balanced and more meaningful using the techniques

  • Levina Orwa made a comment

    Nice to meet the team ☺️,I'm Levina from Kenya and I'm looking forward to learning, especially on how to cope with mental care post COVID times and also how to incorporate others along the way. I hope it's going to be mind and eye opening. Cheers

  • I think climate change is a human rights issue because it's one of the major contributors to the achievement of the individual rights,take for instance right to education, which is a fundamental human right,in most sub Saharan African countries, currently learners are unable to attend classes or even concentrate in the classrooms incase they go,some even pass...

  • I am glad to be here and I hope I'll learn so much on the inter connection of climate change and human rights

  • Human rights make human beings live in a comfortable and humane manner,but considering the current financial situation, most humans are not living upto the required standards,what climatic change initiatives can be put in place to ensure enough in the economy?

  • Levina Orwa replied to [Learner left FutureLearn]

    Climate change is a matter of great concern in the contemporary world,and it impacts directly on human rights,so many human rights achievement has been jeopardised by climate change. I'll be so glad to take on this course to explore and expand my knowledge on it and most definitely take action.