Hangama Habibi


Location Kabul, Afghanistan


  • ok thank you so much teacher.

  • The video does not open for me, I cannot see the image of the video, please help me

  • Hello, I am Hangama Habibi in Afghanistan and I live in Kabul. I am a general dentist. For now, I studied dentistry for 6 years, but now that the Taliban are in our country, they do not allow us to work or study. I have not worked anywhere, I hope. To achieve this dream of mine.

  • Thank you! This course was so helpful. By listening to the experiences of dental students and dentists, this course gave such a valuable insight into the dental school application process and the many different dental careers.

  • 1. What's your favorite color?
    2. Where is the park?
    3. Who knows he?
    4. When do we have to meet with him?
    5. Which country would you like to visit?

    Can I help you?
    Can I take the message for you, if you like
    Could you pass me that?
    Could you close the door?

  • What’s your favorite song?
    who’s your biggest sponsor?
    where do you want to meet them?

  • The Accommodation Officer need a deposit and a copy of university offer from admissions to Ahmed. Then Ahmed has fill in the attached form with his bank details, to include his bank account number, sort code, IBAN and the address of his bank.

  • false

  • False

  • See you soon
    have a good day
    Nice talking to you

  • My surname is Habibi.
    It’s H-A-B-I-B-I
    and I can spell the other’s surname too.

  • I was born in Kabul Afghanistan, I live in Kabul, My friends live in Kabul , Germany, Iran.

  • Ahemd born in Syria

  • She lives in South Beirut.

  • Yes, I bought a case phone and it is not much my clothes.

  • Her phones had problem, she can't hear sound.

  • Yes, I have a modern phone, but it’s medium sized, my phone color is white .

  • Heba pay by card .

  • I live in the 1 street,project Taimani ,Kabul, Afghanistan.
    first walk along to the Matab hospital and continue the 1 street of the project Taimani and right hand side bakeshop next to the bakeshop is my house.

  • Prepositions: at, on, to, left, behind, right past, along, next, through, cross, from.

    English place name: post office, park, Woodley Road, Park Road, restaurant, Market Lane, school, train station, library, car park.

  • 1-To
    2- on
    4-next to
    12- near
    13- in
    14-next to

  • 1-Round

  • 1-Right

  • 1_past
    3_turn left

  • Hangama Habibi made a comment

    Mosque next to the school,bookshop between the bank and the pharmacy,post office is to the left of the train station.

  • It’s between the large bookshop and the coffee shop.

  • yesterday, I woke up to 9 am. l had lots of work to done and l had very energy to did my works.

  • It’s fifty five past seven

  • Hangama Habibi made a comment


  • Ahmed misses his family.

  • Mo was sick and had a cold.

  • I spoke with her.
    You went to supermarket.
    you didn’t make yourself.
    Did you make yourself?

  • Did Nadia meet you?
    Did Nadia listen to the news?

  • I cleaned the kitchen yesterday.
    you called me last week.
    He said something last night.

  • I’m not busy because i’m in the Afghanistan and Taliban don’t let us go out.

  • Mo went to cousin’s wedding and he danced , listened to music and food spoken with family and friends, he was really enjoyed.

  • I am a guest today.

  • My name is Hangama Habibi,I come from Kabul, Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan , and in my free time i learn english language.

  • Hello
    My name is Hangama Habibi , I’m 24 years old, I’m from Afghanistan and I live in Kabul. l love to learn english and travel to different countries.

  • Hello guys
    At the moment,I learned the english language course in the future learn.

  • People are at the market and buying vegetables.

  • I am reading a history book.

  • Issam called to his boss but he didn’t answer and he writes a massage for his.

  • He works at the market.

  • Mo said to Nadia i didn’t read our presentation because he’s sick and can’t going to the class tomorrow.

  • Mo has cold so he is sick and he can’t going to the university.

  • I graduated from stomatology last year.

  • l like to send massage in the social media.

  • She doesn’t tell anything.

  • My favorite subject is dentistry.

  • They are at university and they are going to the library.

  • My name is Hangama Habibi, I’m 24 years old , l live in kabul, Afghanistan.
    I’m engaged and now l live with my parents.
    I’m a dentist.
    l love my job because it’s so interesting job.

  • she tell about her life and likes and dislikes and her hobbies

  • l like comey films. and romance films.

  • she hates romance films.

  • In my free time, l like listening to music, playing games.

  • Do you like dancing?
    Do you like listening to the music?
    Do you like reading books?

  • I love reading books because I get information from them.
    I hate cooking because it’s not interesting for me.

  • I like listening to the music.
    l don’t like cooking.
    I like cleaning the house.
    l don’t like cleaning the kitchen.

  • yes, l like listening to the music, i like to hear pop music.

  • I like sports, My favorite sport is fitness because it is a great sport.

  • playing football,reading,dancing

  • I don’t have any best friend because all of them have a Destination.

  • you’re serious.
    I’m a dentist.
    they’re students.
    we’re intelligent.
    she’s good girl.
    he’s not creative.

  • people’s personalities

  • My husband is hardworking, he is very intelligent he likes work in the hospital.

  • she likes to reading.

  • I am Hangama I am intelligent student and l like hardworking.

  • My name is Hangma Iam 24 years old, i’m from Afghanistan,I am student in English course.

  • my brother is a doctor in the germany
    he likes his job.

  • Samir is a mechanic.

  • l like study in group because give more information at the other persons.

  • what’s this?
    How old are you?
    where are you from?
    who’s this?

  • Are you a teacher?
    Are they teachers?
    Are we teachers?
    Is he a doctor?
    Is she a doctor?
    Is it a dog

  • I am not a teacher.
    you are not a doctor.
    He is not a mechanic.
    she is not a nurse.
    it is not a table.
    we are not teachers.
    you are not doctors.
    they are not nurses.

  • I am a doctor.
    you are a teacher.
    He is a man.
    she is a woman.
    it is a picture
    we are muslims.
    you are students.
    they are teachers.

  • I played football.
    you help her mother.
    He work at the hospital.
    she is a teacher.
    we are students.
    you are doctors.
    they are children.
    It is a cat.

  • Amena is a doctor, Maya is a teacher, samir is a mechanic

  • His full name is Samir Aziz

  • I want to learn English because i’m a dentist in the Afghanistan it is important for me.

  • Maya is a teacher in the Amman and Amena is a doctor at a hospital in the Madaba

  • My name is Hangama Habibi, i’m from Afghanistan,I want to learn english in this course because Taliban don’t allow for us to go the english courses.

  • Hello My name is Hangama Habibi from Afghanistan,I want to learn english

  • Thank you for your opportunity.

  • Hello, my dear friend, Kainat, I participated in one of the online English courses and I am using the opportunity that the world has provided for us, and I want you to participate in this course because the Taliban currently do not allow us girls to attend the courses. We should continue, so we should not be silenced by suppressing them and use the...

  • genre: Favorite,popular
    discipline:academic, effective
    community:large, small , important
    lecture:important, great
    peer: group, pressure

  • essay: a short piece of writing on a particular subject.

  • professor Gardner talk about the definition of dome word
    Linguistic: the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.
    Genre: a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
    Discipline:a branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education.

  • Yes, I had a seminar at the university, which I passed very successfully. It was great. The professor called me the chocolate girl until I graduated from the university.

  • Yes, I participated in the lecture, and during the lecture I noted down important and significant points, and if I had any questions, I asked the professor and received the answer.

  • Re’flection

  • 1. refl/ə/ction
    2. Lect/ə/re
    3. Gen/ə/re
    4. Independ/ə/nce
    5. Auton/ə/m/ə/s

  • Resilient: flexible, pliable
    Peers: a person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified person.
    Community: a group of interdependent organisms of different species growing or living together in a specified habitat.
    Interactive:influencing or having an effect on each other.
    Dependent:requiring someone or something for financial, emotional, or...

  • yes, I’m agree with omer, this is the best choice dictionary.

  • I used dictionary and guess the meaning of the word

  • I watched the video, i don’t understand any words in this video because I have problem the translate . i want to learn English because i needed.

  • The best way to succeed is to follow all the instructions and read the lessons consistently,And in order to learn better, the lessons must be repeated so that they are not forgotten.

  • Hello, I’m Hangama Habibi from Parwan,Afghanistan.
    I love my country because my country is necessary for me and I have to build it and I want to build it with hard work and effort.
    I’m a dentist student, and this is my hobby because i love it,I want to improve a lot in this field.And I want to learn English because it is necessary for me.
    Thank you

  • Hangama Habibi made a comment

    Hello,I’m Hangama Habibi from Afghanistan, I want to learn English because i’m a dentist, Thank you