Sebghatullah Wardak
Location Afghanistan
Sebghatullah Wardak made a comment
You should repeat your lessons every day.
Sebghatullah Wardak made a comment
My name is Sebghatullah, I am from Afghanistan with a bachelor's degree in environment
Sebghatullah Wardak made a comment
Sarah has read books a lot tired
Hello, all of you, good time, Sebghatullah.
Sebghatullah Wardak made a comment
SimarHe wants to remember The Gospel.
That's right.
Sebghatullah Wardak made a comment
Sebghatullah Wardak made a comment
Sebghatullah Wardak made a comment
I want to remember the international language.
DVery nice
Sebghatullah Wardak made a comment
International climate change causes more deaths
Sebghatullah Wardak made a comment
My name is Sebghatullah wardak I am frome Afghanistan I am a student