Juluis Visnel Foyet F


Location Cameroon


  • So far so good. :)

  • Just so inspiring. Can't wait to learn how Nextflow works.

  • No experience in the use of wfms, but it sounds very useful as it helps to gain time and improves reproducibility (which is very important in science and very challenging most of the time).

  • The command `bcftools stats ERR5743893.vcf.gz > ERR5743893_stat.vcf.txt` found in some comments has been so useful.

  • @MwangiDenis I used the command `samtools faidx MN908947.fasta` to create my index file.

  • I succeeded to perform all the steps.

  • Wow, the number of duplicate reads is just so high in both fastq files.

  • PCR discovery

    RNA vaccines

    Breakthrough in the study of evolution

  • Using Ubuntu as virtual machine

  • Ruth I'm blocked here. When I run the last line in your comment, I have "Collecting package metadata (repodata.json)" turning a bit, but after approx 2 minutes, my terminal closes by itself. I suspect the performance of my computer. Or is there any other reason? Any alternative?

  • @RuthNanjala Thank you very much for the clear answer. I verified figures in your last paragraph using the formula you provided and it matches. Very happy for that.

  • It is written there that bases with qualities 20 and 30 have a probability of 1% and 0.1% of being an error. Please how is this calculation done? How do we have the Phred score when we have the quality?

  • Hello, I'm a student in Parasitology in Cameroon. I'm a passionate of data analysis and I have a good understanding of the R language. I've always been looking for opportunities to learn bioinformatics and I hope I'll apply it in my Ph.D research and others works.