Nishat Saleri

Nishat Saleri



  • This is the last course I am to complete in the program. So far I have had lots of fun with the previous two courses, and got to learn loads. I look forward to this course as well.

  • With my first test I learned that my presumptions are not going to work and users like to follow their own journey of navigating the app. I only added a button or two per screen at first but then I had to add extra like home button, back button etc. I am now on the third revision of my prototype! :)

  • I am a bit confused about the buttons, whether I have added the appropriate buttons and/or the user will be ablate identify their purpose.

  • My steps have evolved at every stage. My screens made me revise them the most. I pretty much have a clear idea of the critical user journey at this stage.

  • I have 4 journey steps and three optional steps. I had to change and subtract/add steps when I was drawing it.

  • Can anyone tell me what software would have been used to create this pdf?

  • An app that helps me take care of my plants.

  • @ErikaTaday thanks for your insight, much appreciated! :)

  • Since desktop has a bigger screen it can fit more information on a single page. Switching between different pages on a smartphone is easier because of its touchscreens so the information can be distributed giving an option to user to concentrate on a specific type of info at a time.
    For the ease of use I would definitely opt for desktop because it’d be easier...

  • It’s the most frustrating when an app takes too long to launch or perform a simple task. Like a button not pressing or the display is cut off.

  • The supporting network that allows so many devices to work efficiently, the advancement in internet accessibility may have been added to the timeline.

  • Social media and online banking top my list I guess. Web browsers and email apps would come next and also some utilities apps such as weather, calculator etc.

  • I am better at creating concepts, product development and research than creating applications. I am not sure what kinda role suits this set of skills but I am very much interested in working with the Service sector. Would welcome any suggestions anyone here could provide, thanks.

  • I approached the solution differently by moving the turtle first at the left end and move it towards right to draw each house. All and all the number of command lines I used was similar to the model solution.

  • I'm really enjoying all of this!!

  • I am loving the flow of the course so far.. the quizzes are making it even more interesting! Look forward to next weeks & steps..

  • Instruction to make the perfect one cup of tea:

    Take a flat base cooking vessel with capacity of 500 ml
    Pour 3/4 cup drinkable water in the vessel
    Add 1 teaspoon black tea leaves
    Add two teaspoons regular sugar
    Bring the mix to boil
    Add half cup full cream milk
    Boil for 30 seconds
    Pour the tea in a tea cup using a sieve to filter out tea...

  • We use a payroll system at our workplace that gives errors many times. It is definitely a quite complex programs designed to carry out equally complex tasks but while using the program, one can't help but wonder how to make it more user friendly.

  • The desktop computers have definitely had the most impact on my life being from the era when they were the newest things in town! And definitely the internet.. life was never boring after that.
    There definitely would be more people who have contributed to these advances that we don't know of. Would definitely want to celebrate women pioneers though.

  • What technology is a similar age to you? - the Windows is almost as old as me!! why does that make me feel proud? LOL
    Were you surprised by the age of many of the developments? - I somewhat had an idea so not much however, it was very interesting know that these technologies spread so fast! I remember using yahoo in the late 90s in India which was not too...

  • Hi there,
    I am a Designer, started my journey with a very spatial subject of Interior Design but now I'm linking my knowledge and experiences with other fields of design. I am very much interested in learning about Service Design and hope to enter the field professionally. Hence, undertaking this course in the hopes that it will equip me with the right tools....

  • Thank you all for showing interest in my comment and insight. What I meant by change in top-to-bottom scenario is when the policies at the government level are changed and/or created then they are much more effective as they apply to all citizens. Any issues that need attention today, be it climate change or women's empowerment, if we had policies and...

  • Wow.. it feels empowering to have such strong precedents for bringing change!

  • Things that top my "Change" list - equal access to resources (both natural and unnatural), respectful treatment of the environment and long-term/sustainable solutions to problems.

  • Change is more effective in a top-to-bottom scenario, than bottom to top.

  • While mulling over the questions asked above, I have definitely realised one thing, that I have much more to say about the disadvantages I’ve had in life than unearning a privilege. And here I have learned something new about myself - It is very easy to locate the instances of injustice done to us rather than realising the advantages we’ve had. Immigrating to...

  • In one scenario users kept going back to the developers with a lot of issues, almost at a point of frustration. Sometimes the issues were fixed without any explanation (this frustrated users even more) or resulted into other errors. Being on the side of the users, it is hard to say whether the developers did not understand the users or lacked the appropriate...

  • In one scenario users kept going back to the developers with a lot of issues, almost at a point of frustration. Sometimes the issues were fixed without any explanation (this frustrated users even more) or resulted into other errors. Being on the side of users, it is hard to say whether the complaints lacked proper description or the developers did not...

  • Nishat Saleri made a comment

    Hello! I am Nishat, currently residing in Australia. My background is Design. I started from Interior design, moved to Furniture design and now aspiring to enter Service design. I finished my Masters from UNSW in 2017 and have been teaching Design studios of the same course since then. Agile and Design Thinking are the buzz of the town all around the world...

  • What is the political capital city of Netherlands? :)

  • Nishat Saleri made a comment

    One more question, I want to pursue more knowledge on astrophysics. Any guidance on further direction?

  • Nishat Saleri made a comment

    I have been going through the course again to digest everything well and have come across a question! Why are the systems made of ordinary matter, like solar systems and galaxies are disc shaped but the dark matter is spherical? Is that due to difference between the effect of gravity between ordinary and dark matter?

  • I didn't understand anything!

  • As we know the gravity is deformation of space-time. Then does that mean that gravitons interact with vacuum energy?

  • As long as I understand then the problem Stephen Hawking worked on that it was believed when the matter is sucked into black hole, there is no way back. But according to physics energy cannot disappear. It only transforms into some other form of energy. But the gravity of black hole wouldn't even allow that. Hence Hawking paradox (I think that's what it's...

  • I think what I was trying to imply was does the mass of dark matter have more gravitational effect? Am I attracted to luminous matter as much as I am attracted to dark matter? But I agree that it could be a wrong question. But then does it say the dark matter is made up of the same type of mass that the luminous matter is made of? If the answer is yes then the...

  • Does dark matter have more gravity than luminous matter?

  • Sorry Abdulqader, I misunderstood your question and I think Arthur has confused the names! May be we are too engrossed in trying to resolve our questions!! In fact, I had the same notion as you Abdulqader of universe being part of some even greater system. Because its just impossible to imagine that where all this is actually happening. But as Arthur explains,...

  • Just wondering if it has anything to do with the continuity of the mass of the dark matter? If I understand correctly then in the visuals it is shown that the dark matter sort of breaks away and not evenly distributed across galaxies. For example, if the dark matter is like a football. When pressure applied it bends on the surface but the air inside is not...

  • I was actually contemplating the idea that how about the dark matter is not like luminous matter and that's what precisely has kept it in dark. It's sort of encompassing the luminous matter. In between it and extending further. Not interacting but kinda filling in the gap?

  • As far as I understand, whatever matter is in the universe at the moment, including visible and dark, was created at the time of Big Bang! It is changing with time but is not being produced.

  • Thank you Armando for the detailed explanation, I really appreciate it. Although I am aware of the wonderful proportions of the visible matter in compared to the Dark matter and energy we cannot see or feel, I was just trying to understand the characteristic of space. Even now that we know that there is so much of Dark matter and energy does that still mean...

  • Would that then imply that the space as in the fabric of space and time, is limited till the matter is. So there's no space beyond the matter? Does the space support matter or the matter support space? I don't even know if these are valid questions but can't help wondering!

  • I think was thought that way before the dark matter came in the picture. The dark matter is apparently holding the matter together. While the distance between the galaxies is increasing, the stuff inside the galaxies is not moving a away so much.

  • It is not explained that how it was concluded that the objects are not merely moving away from each other but the fabric of space and time itself is expanding. How do we know that?

  • I dont think the galaxies are not coming closer to each other because the space is expanding. Each galaxy is attracted by many other galaxies, from different directions and so it doesn't sway in one particular direction. Although, some galaxies are getting nearer to each other and example is our own milkyway which is getting closer to Andromeda. They are...

  • It was a little difficult to understand the gravity through the moon falling experiment but it has certainly cleared the basic concept. And if I correctly understand then each object has a specific measure of velocity associated with it to set it in the horizontal velocity. Wow, I'm talking like a scientist! ;-)

  • I had no idea (or had totally forgotten) that even Galilien relativity exists! This is a good way to go about the course, getting into detail of everything. The concepts will be much more clearer.