İbrahim Atakan Kubilay


Computer Engineering PhD

Location izmir, Turkey



  • @JohnS. There were a multitude of local political forces, by that time majority Muslim, while some welcomed the Turks, some of them they found it more convenient to throw in their lot with the Spanish. Political expedience overrides all religious considerations.

  • @VladimirSoyref Mr. Soyref, I did look, and with respect, please look again. There are two "Qara Qoyunlu 15th Century", one marked with a white star and the other a black star. There would be no need to show the same political entity twice in a map, unless different time periods were involved, if it were 1) Qara Qoyunlu 14th Century, 2) Qara Qoyunlu 15th...

  • @ChristineMcDowell Thank you. As the link shows Aq qoyunlu and Qara qoyunlu were separate and quarreling tribal confederacies, and I can only conclude that the white star was meant for the white sheep and black star for black sheep.

  • The memoirs of Khaireddin Barbarossa (Gazavat-ı Hayreddin Paşa=Wars of Khaireddin Pasha), I believe there's no English translation (way overdue I think), but it was widely translated from Ottoman Turkish to present day Turkish for some time now. In fact a Spanish translation was printed as early as 1578: "La vida y Historia de Hayreddin Ilamado Barbaroxa,...

  • I believe the biggest factor is the need of the many unfortunates in Europe (commoner, serf, smallest child of noble family, marginalized religious community member) to fend better (or rather survive). In fact I find that aspect very similar to the biggest factor behind the Crusades.

  • I'm a little confused. Could the white star on the map mean Aq Qoyunlu (White Sheep)?

  • Reconquista was a Crusade (or branded as such as a PR campaign), and the same attacks on the Jews that preceeded the first Crusade in XI.th century were still popular.

    At this point it may be worth noting that Khaireddin Barbarossa, acting as a semi-independent proxy of the Ottoman Empire, was running a huge transport operation carrying Muslims from Spain...

  • Sorry, I'm confused. "1492–1494, so a decade after Columbus’ first voyage". Columbus' first voyage was in 1492, so how can this be a decade later?

  • One cannot help but think of the COVID pandemic we are going through.

  • More case studies, and more involvement from educators.

  • Different styles of leadership that can be used for different circumstances.

  • In the programming exercise in Week 1 we learned that TCP, unlike UDP, acts as a continuous message stream between the client and the server. Here we learn TCP works in packets as well. So my question is: Does TCP work in packets like UDP(different in other ergards), BUT socket abstraction allows us to see TCP connection as a continuous transmission?

  • The greatest requirement of a leader in a crisis scenario is I think the ability to improvise under unforeseen circumstances. A good team is one that can put in the effort for a common purpose with no doubt in their mind that the leader and other members all undertake their own respective responsibilities.

  • I found the matrix risk assesment approach particularly useful.

  • I think ISO31K standard, ICS and activity/time curve were the most important new concepts. I hope there will be some case studies coming up next week.

  • The change of the hatch escape system after the Apollo 1 fire comes to mind as an example.

  • I think NIMS, when clearly defined, greatly simplifies and streamlines the command structure and prevents time consuming bickerings over the question of authority.

  • Well, understanding that he abided by the law in his actions, albeit against his own moral judgement and common sense, I don't think he should be subject to criminal investigation. If anything, the author of the law is responsible(although not necessarily criminally) for not having foreseen the consequences of his/her law.

  • This is a really convoluted problem as medical doctors, for example, have become hesitant to intervene in emergency situations, as there were incidents where the victim later filed a lawsuit for malpractice against the doctor.

  • 1) We could use a specila character like \, to tell the parser that this is a comma string rather than a tuple separator.
    2) I can have a non-common format that I have created for a specific purpose, and pickle would have no idea how to interpret and serialize that, and making sure that it comes(it's parsed) correctly at the other end.

  • Theoretically there's no limit to the type of data you can transmit and receive over a wifi network because data are essentially bit streams, HOWEVER in practice, because of bandwidth limitations, you will have a difficult time streaming video and even audio. Moreover, wifi is notoriously bad for passing sensitive information such as bank account numbers and...

  • I have a few online videos, but the view/like count never goes above the number of close family and friends to whom I had sent the links. It's rather hard for a video to make it to big view numbers. And video shooting and editing takes a lot of time. I'm yet to find a good free video editing tool that can handle 4K without stalling.

  • I was very gald to learn yield an next in Python. Very interesting.

  • Is it possible there is a sequence error at the animation? In the first one, connection socket receives data(green), then client socket sends data(green), shouldn't it be the other way round?

    In the second animation, after creation of the sockets, we have
    1) Connection Socket 2 receive(purple)
    2) Client Socket 2 send(purple)
    3) Connection Socket 1...

  • Mu looks like a very intuitive environment, probably the best for this course. I'm a little more technically oriented, I find Visual Code configured for Python suits me better, but its stup can be a pain.

  • Thank you very much for the wonderful and interesting course full of new strategies for coping with life.

  • I really liked the linked video. I clock about 6hrs on average. Our society has become almost hostile to sleep. Especially for young children I think school starting times should be pushed further into the morning.

  • ooops link broken.

  • There is also the case of negative overt reactions when something bad happens. It helps release anger and frustration, even though may not be nice to hear.

  • I have chosen "perseverence" because that's what comes to my mind immediately when I think of resilience. More creatively, I have chosen "Rhino Skin", a term used for the ability of not being affected by rude comments, reprimands, insults and failure.

  • Thank you very much for the rich, informative ant wonderfully interesting course.

  • Makes one wonder how a spaceship full of about a dozen disgruntled and ambitious aliens could take over our world with a few laserguns and some local 'allies'.

  • At around these times, King Charles V of Spain was also waging war against the semi-autonomous proxy of the Ottoman Empire on North Africa lead by Heireddin Barbarossa, and interestingly Cortes appears to have taken part in one of the Mediterranean campaigns, prompting Barbarossa to mention: "That Cortes was a very cruel infidel who had grilled thousands of...

  • Impressed by the innovative ways in which Nintendo tried to hold on to the US market.

  • Link broken.

  • I think the big step here is moving from a single CPU doing video, sound, processing all at the same time, to dedicated sound chips that frees CPU to do its main job.

    Also, is anybody reading this?

  • I wrote something similar as a comment on an FL course on nuclear power in the context of a UK made nuclear powerplant, and I'll write it again in the context of ZX Spectrum. I'm amazed that the British, unlike many other nations, like to build their own product even if it may not be as good or price effective as the ready-to-buy competition. And in many...

  • Just a sidenote: Steve Jobs worked for Al Alcorn for a brief time, and when asked to design the game breakout, an advanced version of pong, he had Steve Wozniak design it in an efficient way, with Jobs claiming credit for the feat.

  • Hi all, I'm Atakan, a computer engineering PhD and instructor from Turkey. I have mainly conducted research on optical guitars. I have been playing video games since Intel 286 times, and I enjoy listening to music very much. Attempts at bass playing have stalled for now. I think we who are born after the 70s just need to go back and remember those...

  • I want to thank you Prof. Witten and all other contributors for putting together this great and inspiring, definitive course on data mining. Your time and efforts are appreciated and we are grateful students.

  • Thank you for your efforts and great presentations using a great software.

  • With the advent of Big Data and Machine Learning, Statistics became a good career opportunity. I'm a computer engineering PhD and I see (not without envy) most contributions to these fields made by statisticians than computer scientists. I'm past the financial and age marks for salvation, but the younger aspiring students should definitely see if they like it.

  • Would I be right to assume there is a convolutive composition as well for modeling more complex phenomena?

  • @AlexandraRodriguez If the holes are accompanied by true values on both sides, I believe interpolation can fix it before applying any forecasting. As discussed by Prof. Chris, it's a good idea to use different methods(in this case interpolation methods) to see if they make a big difference. I find cubic splines work best for many scenarios.

  • Nice Stegosaurus there.

  • The fog analogy fits nicely with the idea of noise floor in signal processing.

  • This lecture, among with others, combined with this tool is gold. How fortunate are the students studying stats in U. of Auckland.

  • Thank you for the great course. I think the content was good for a short course. However, as one other reviewer pointed out, the name "A Gentle Introduction to AI" would be more appropriate, because with the current name, I expected the course to be all about how the AI falls short in its progress and how it's used as a marketing buzzword by businesses.

  • A Beatiful Mind movie also features a chip at the arm. See the lengths academics will go to get published:)

  • Animals don't have TED talks that try to explain why they are more intelligent than humans.

  • It's interesting to note that we, humans, like other species, are developed to recognize and respond to sounds, well enough to communicate, that only human oral and nasal cavities can yield.

  • "The only thing more magnificent than Artificial Intelligence is Natural Stupidity". Anonymous.

  • Downloaded Jython and JFreeChart environment. No luck. Probably because I have Python 3.x.

  • Very clear explanations and instructive animations that show the main idea behind a complex solution.

  • In an image processing application, a map task can correspond to the filter computation of the each 8x8 pixel window, and reduce task can be to reassemble all the results from the map step and recreate the filtered picture.

  • When hardware was limited, all efforts were aimed at writing very efficient and fast code. After the hardware developed remarkably, it didn't make much difference and even the teaching of efficient code writing lagged behind. Now we sort of go back to the beginning, with the introduction of big data algorithms massive computing power is once again needed, so...

  • Is it possible for the tru mean to be in near the tails of the distribution, albeit with a small probability?

  • Probably it has to do with the linux style of specifying directory. Thank you for the fix.

  • @RobertGillespie You are very welcome sir. I unfortunately have no idea why it may not have worked with direct editing. What I did was to google the last part of the error message "org.rosuda.REngine.REngineException: Parse error" and there I found that running the commands from a text editor worked fine.

  • @RobertGillespie Can you try to create a text file with just rdata[1:4] in it(
    1) open text editor,
    2) after writing rdata[1:4]
    3) click Save As... from pull down menu select all files instead of text files, and write the name as "myscript.r", select a well known file location like C:\), and
    4) try to load it in RScriptExecutor() like so:
    5) Right...

  • Well, if ZeroR did better, it would be an even greater scandal for the ML community. However, let's keep in mind that the image data can be useful for detecting other things.

  • Dear Sir,
    1) I believe it could be a typo in your script(like ; instead of : may be?).
    2) Another option is to check you have made a dataset connection to the Scatter Matrix.
    3) Have you configured ArffLoader to open iris.arff?

  • Quiz 3.9 was one of the more enjoyable ones in the course.

    From a software standpoint, it had to be coded such that "skewness(rdata)" returns skewness of all numerical attributes, while allowing you to pick specific attributes like "skewness(rdata[2,5])" where attributes indexed 2 to 5 are used. But that's the "price" for free software I guess :)


  • @JoãoGilCorreia Thank you for the very helpful list. It might be a good idea to include this list at the beginning of the course, as well as a list of the data sets that need to be downloaded separately.

  • O could run without any problems, had R installed beforehand, but I also installed RJava from the R Console before seeing the warning that told me to skip ahead, so may be that helped, but I have no idea.

  • A very popular statistics software, despite being a very poorly designed.

  • Automative diagnostics: System OK, if not, a whole range of possible reasons, like tyre pressure, engine failure, etc. But we are not inetrested in them as long as we get System OK.

  • -Menu screenshot and markings are great for learning.
    -SVM reference is quite good, thank you for sharing.

  • No wonder this is one of the best/most popular courses on FL. I think the students are encouraged to research further into:
    -Marine Environment and Resource Management
    -Marine Biology
    -Maritime Trading and Law
    -History of Ocean Exploration
    -Ocean currents and winds(with PDEs and all)
    I envy the younger students who actually have a chance of studying...

  • I'm watching with my jaw dropped, transfixed, this masterpiece of speech, fit for the end of a major blockbuster Hollywood Movie. The entire course wrapped up in one cohesive whole.

  • Whoever has the most powerful navy.
    Sad but true.

  • 1) Asteroid mining supplamented by deep sea mining.
    2) Composite materials and nanotechnology may reduce our dependence on metal, if not totally eliminate it.

  • "Everything here comes from the sea. And in due course, everything will go back to the Sea." Capt. Nemo, 20K Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne.

  • What a positive, enthusiastic professor! A perfect grandfather figure. His lectures must be a joy to watch.

    Another thing going for Southampton is it's where Titanic was put to sea.

  • Is the prequential evaluation violating "never train and test on the same data"?

  • I observe that until about 30 weight rises quadratically with age, then smooths to almost a line. 50% quantile is the best fit in my opinion.

  • We could use 3D, but transperancy is pretty close to that.

  • Is defining the callback function in widget creation better than specifying it later with the property assignment?

  • I'm so happy they were allowed to make such a long term research, in the current publish or perish culture in academia short term fast sci research is more prevalent :( In fact it's long term research that contributes most to science, but ironically lowers the article count on the cv.

  • Thank you for the wonderful course.

  • A full time job. The irony is that small businesses need social media as a cheaper alternative to traditional advertising, yet they need to hire a full time worker to do it properly which would cost just as much-if not more- as traditional advertisement. A small family business member would have little time to be that active on social media.

  • DM Assistant is more focused on a targeted and narrow campaign, probably on a single social media venue(tactic), whereas DM manager has the overall DM strategy in mind, probably going out on several campaigns over different social media channels.

  • I know 1 and 5 already happened, 3 looks superfluous to me, I don't think nations go to war because of mistranslation as they use expert human simultaneous translators. I would have liked to add energy management.

    Without giving away anything about the quiz, there will be a filtering operation at some point and I highly recommend you save the filtered data...

  • So we should use machine learning to find the best pre-processing and model parameters :)

  • So the model with lagged variable is linear on 2D with the two variables as the axes, so the actual prediction value defines a plane in 3D(att1,att2,prediction). When this 3D prediction is mapped to 2D(att1,prediction) we get the non-linear, cyclic pattern. Does it sound right?

  • Dear Professor, let me say that I have really liked reading your critiqiue of neural networks in More Data Mining with Weka. Looking forward to this course.

  • Thanks for the link Chris, the oceans seem to have so much potential for energy which we will have to tap in an environment friendly manner at some point.

  • Thanks for the link Chris, the oceans seem to have so much potential for energy which we will have to tap in an environment friendly manner at some point.

  • A competitor could hire a small team(10 high school students willing to work for a few bucks) who could click on the PPC links of the competitor on google just to dry out their budget. Is there a safeguard against such malicious usage?

  • In fact, when I'm looking for a specific page, the PPC results on top can be very annoying, because I can click them by intuition and go to the wrong website.

  • This looks like a version for a large company. What would it be like for a small, family operated business?

  • I'm primarily interested in how digital marketing can replace paid advertisement for low capital start-ups.

  • @SteveDawson Yes, I agree. I find conceptual explanations like presented here very useful, and in fact should be given before the math details. Instead, we feed the math to our students, then show them where the math is used, which understandably discourages them.

    However, it remains the case that mathematical simulations can predict how the physical...

  • So if we could lower a turbine into the ocean, and restrict the amout of seawater flowing through it to increase its speed, we could have a lot of energy from a source that is flowing to waste as we speak.

  • I wonder if at some points thermal vents separate precious metals from the rock and set it into the sea? Is there a novel mining opportunity there?

  • One would think cold water(fresh) would sink below warm water(sea), but salinity seems more powerful, reversing that factor.

  • Perils of academia :) Great demonstration of a very important concept.
    Part E of Van Domelen's article disappointed me a lot. In a movie the character of Sylvester Stallone could detect which hemispehere they were in using a flushed toilet! Holywood never gets the science right!

    The concepts taught here aligns very nicely with weather patterns and wind...

  • Great infographics!

  • I was very much impressed by the explorations of Challenger, a gigantic scientific effort. It's also interesting that the scientists had, among their motives, laying an underwater communications (telegram) cable for overseas exchange of news and knowledge. Now, if I could board that ship, so much as an ordinary seaman, I would have enough SCI material to...