Marilia Duque

Marilia Duque

PhD in Communication and Consumption. Research on Smartphones, Ageing and Health. Member of GPECC Ethics Observatory. Research Fellow at UCL.

Location São Paulo Brazil



  • Karen, that is an interesting question. In my fieldsite in Sao Paulo, people often refer to them as 'phones' and as 'mobiles'. If the device is from Apple, people are more likely to call it an 'iPhone'.

  • Saumya, so nice to hear about how your mother uses her smartphone to support her in her projects and activities. Like her, that was what we observed across our field sites. Smartphones are crafted to express users' interests, needs and desires.

  • Vinaya, that is a very interesting point. The app adoption depends on people evaluation of the service. Is it for care or for surveillance? Moreover, do people feel comfortable using it? All this can impact the app success and effectiveness.

  • Hi Judith! It is so nice to hear that you taught digital skills to older people. In Sao Paulo, I observed that children don't have much time or patience to teach, so older people are more likely to look for professionals help. At the end of these courses, they also ended up amazed about everything they could do with their smartphones. Hope you are enjoying the...

  • Hi Saumya, that project sounds really interesting. I will search for it. About the 'Arogya Setu', it will be nice to discuss this in week three when we address the uses of smartphone for health. Hope you enjoy the course.

  • Hi Azza! This sounds really interesting. We will have much to talk on week three when we address the uses of smartphones for health. Can't wait. Enjoy the course.

  • That sounds really interesting! I was curious about how their smartphones reflected their aspirations and dreams. Nice to have you on the course with us.

  • I am not sure if she/he could have done some assumptions like using the word "trend" and also when aiming these are the "three most common kind of food, well-known all over the world".

  • The chat shows the consumption of potatoes, pasta and rice in an European country in the last three decades. While the rice and potato consumptions decreased, the pasta consumption has increased during the decades. Between 1996 and 2006, we can see that the amount of pasta eaten became stable while the rice amount went up. Meanwhile, that was the period of...

  • WhatsApp is the primary method of communication for 96% of Brazilians with access to smartphones. Moreover, it is also the app my informants over 60 years old use the most. From this sample, I could observe how WhatsApp is improving the communication between patients, doctors, caregivers and families in Sao Paulo.

  • At this very moment it would be very useful to learn how to write a research proposal.

  • I would address the question in two parts. First I would write about all the advantages to make part of global network and how that can contribute to knowledge production and science development. Second, I would write how this student migration can impact families lives. Moreover, I would write about human capital lost for the home country considering students...

  • I would address how the number of women studying full-time became larger then the number of men in the same condition in 20 years. Is is also important to notice that in men case, the amount decrease during the first decade and then increased again during the second decade. In women case, the amount kept going up though the two decades. I would do the same...

  • I know nothing about IELTS Writing test, but I am afraid because I write very slowly. I think reading can be a good exercise to improve writing. Moreover, I had to write reports in english since January this year and that is definitely helping me to get faster.

  • Hello! I'm from Sao Paulo, Brazil. I am dreaming about a PhD in London and IELTS is mandatory. I hope this course could help me to improve my english.

  • I want to apply for a PhD :)

  • First of all, I guess old is a cultural construction. But is also a combination of state of mind and autonomy.

  • I think it can work, but sometimes these responsibilities make the individual leave his/her condition 24h a day. They can't leave home because they have to track and report their measures constantly

  • Maybe with this help Dave could stop thinking about "What should I do next or in the future" and just engage doing ordinary things. He could avoid searching for big answers and start learning with his small actions.

  • Skype with a therapist should help. But maybe he could discover who he is by listening someone else. Like exercising empathy. I would think about an app that could connect people with this exactly question "who am I?". Maybe diary quiz could be applied to identify affinities and preferences. This could help people to remember what used to make them happy. The...

  • How could sponsors not be considered as Stakeholders?

  • Hi Clara. Can you share these researches sources? Thank you

  • Marilia Duque made a comment

    Let's do it :)

  • I don't have this kind of experience, but I want to study how m-health apps are changing the way people manage their aging.

  • Can these devices designed to help people to sleep better also result in more anxiety and consequently more insomnia?

  • Last time I met my father I realized he is verily getting older (he is 65 now). He is still doing everything he always did (like playing volleyball twice a week), but the difference is that now he does that with pain. He doesn't want to take any medicine, because he argues only VERY old people need this stuff. He prefers to keep playing even with some pain. I...

  • Nice point of view :) I think people discriminate and social media classify, re-forcing the characteristics considered by them as typical among users. When to open a Facebook account you have to choose between male/female and then you have to go to your profile and choose other to express who you decided to be as an update status it is normative.

  • Missing you already. Thanks for all.

  • Marilia Duque made a comment

    It was a pleasure to spend these weeks with all of you. Thank you. Great work.

  • I don't see how a face-to-face interaction can be more human than a mediated interaction. Online or offline we are just humans being humans.

  • WE are essentially the same. And it doesn't matter if all the world is using social media or not.

  • 1) I think it has more to do with local culture. Se the Brazil vs, Chile case: both are low-income population with very different behaviors online. Considering my timeline I could say my friends try to show their aspirations on a pretentiousness way (I do think they are pretending here).
    2) People used to share photos at restaurants or parties and tag the...

  • Individuality is shaped by culture. Relationships are social. So I guess is coherent to find out that social media celebrates conformity and normativity. We are still the same, but with some extra communication powers. It was nice to see people use social media in different ways, but I think this is a direct consequence of how life happens locally. And that...

  • An aircraft crashed nearby my relatives house. I heard about that on the radio and when I took my mobile to ask them for information they had already sent me a whatsapp message telling me that they saw the aircraft but it didn't hit their house.

  • I have notice a change on my timeline. Since one or two years ago, the self-disclosures posts have decreased. My friends now share "relevant content", thing about politics, education, science, music, interesting social events, exhibitions. I can't see much "been there, done that, bought the t-shirt" interactions. On my timeline, my friends try to play more a...

  • I really don't like the brazilian fieldsite approach of how people should connect online because they are employer and employee. I really don't get what is the point here. Considering status and reputation on Facebook, I like to think about that in the 'World of Goods' perspective. When someone interacts with/consumes something (pages, posts, gifs, even a...

  • At work or showing the last gadget they bought, both people from Chile and Brazil try to capture a happy moment or to story telling a happy life. People on my timeline do the same. If and when they share bad experiences, it is to tell how they overcome challenges in a heroic or epic narrative.

  • If we consider FB affordances and how this social media try to classify people according to patronized categories, putting everything that don't fix those boxes in "others" category, we could think about this normative process as a problem.

  • "In Brazil, these wealthier people would often engage in debates defending left-wing progressive views, but would never add their own domestic servants working at their houses as friends on Facebook". Does anybody friend or should friend someone just because he/she works for you or with you? Would it help to solve inequality at all? I do believe access can...

  • It is amazing to see besides all economics problems the increase of mobile users on Brazil and the appeal to join social networks. Brazilians were one of the top community on Orkut and heavy users of FB, Youtube and Whatsapp now.

  • Inequality and normativity on the same week? Let's face these problems at once :)

  • Marilia Duque made a comment

    On my timeline I see informal learning posts, most of them about health or the do-this-get-that lists for everything. There are also the step-by-step posts for mothers. One interesting thing is that a lot of my friends own at least one Fan Page. It can be a small business, a service they want to promote, a music band or a yoga group. But they're definitely...

  • I don't share any passwords of mine. But it is not hard to find my FB opened on my desktop computer at home. I live with my boyfriend but I never close the window because I think I don't have nothing to hire and he doesn't have the right to look into my private online life. But I think it is very common to think privacy as the excuse for someone who has to...

  • Maybe Italy, since it seams to be the more "nothing to ride" field.

  • I it is hard not to be concerned about surveillance when you google something and the first ad you see on Facebook is exactly what you were just looking for. But what I think social media as Facebook do best is to use friends reputation to suggest consumption. And by consumption here we can consider liking a page, an event or even stating a friendship based on...

  • I think consumption as a way to express who we are and in what we believe. So to me it makes sense to turn shopping more visible to social network. It is also a way to find affinities. In the other hand, social media can be a very efficient selling channel once the product promotion is based on friend's reputation, recommendation or experience.

  • Children are afraid of parental and teacher's surveillance. Maybe teachers are afraid of children's access to information (remember when the teacher was the guardian of knowledge?). Maybe parents still think children was supposed to use social media and think mediated interaction the way they do, with all difficulties and limitation they have. Maybe parents...

  • Stephanie, thank you for the statistic, very useful :) Maybe now parents are on FB youngers just want to find another social media they can fell free from parental surveillance. I remember when google launched google plus, it found a large resistance from young people. Thay told thay have the feeling their parents would know everything they do online, so they...

  • e-Books and interactive activities are the "must-have" in brazilian schools - specially in the expensive ones. But I can't see much concern about turning it into a social and collaborative experience. When there is any social platform for the students (blackboard blogs for example), it is seen as space for teacher or parental surveillance. This all is just an...

  • If we associate modern to "new and cool" things, I would say there are modern and supermodern social medias and it is related to early adopters and who these early adopters are. But, in a very particularly way, I do consider my friends who just are not on FB the powermodern ones.

  • I was more concerned about what I post on FB after I had to add some colleagues and teachers from my master course. I keep parents and clients away, but I couldn't say no to this small group of people that became so important to me and my life as a student.

  • One of the most important points I've learned from week one is that social media is not about the platform itself, but about people. I don't think we are that different when we are online. I believe we are the same, maybe with new power and skills. Our habits and values and traditions are the same, if we assume that even if we deny them they will still be...

  • I do shift social media to interact with different audiences. I don't accept family, clients or mother's from my son school on my FB. Whatsapp is the platform I use to connect with them. I like the idea I don't have to think about them or what they would think when I update my status on FB.

  • When I contact I friend using LinkedIn I don't have to explain we are going to talk about business. When I contact my boyfriend using whatsapp he definitely knows is something urgent (we always use Facebook messenger). When a friend tells me about a tinder meeting I always think it is all about sex. It is very weird when a teacher or colleague start a...

  • Polymedia seems to be the new "the medium is the message".

  • I wouldn't miss Facebook, twitter or whatsapp... everything seams to be there. One interesting point is that besides all government restrictions and surveillance, these social media offer more customization features than Facebook with all its affordances does.

  • Social inequality or internet access inequality?

  • I was very interesting about Ello. A social media with no ads. But I just lost interest and just came back because of the video question. Now it is a creatives social media. Like that, I can remenber other focused social media like and FounderDating, a social media for Startups. I would like to know with there is any study about users behaviors in...

  • Marilia Duque made a comment

    Unfortunately, I have chosen to observe a private group on my Facebook. Nobody has posted anything about politics, just two posts about our academic activities. But I have an interesting post to comment. I friend of mine, brazilian, a law teacher at Toronto University posted a political update. 53 likes, 3 shares, 11 comments. One of the comment was done by...

  • I am finishing this week with more questions than when I started it. It means it is working, right?

  • Facebook was created to connect people, share interests and make friends. Cirucci (2014) has discovered on her study that the birthday reminder was used by some users to unfriend people they have forgotten they have ever added on. And I can point a divergent use of the platform when financial institutions started to observe social media to judge loan...

  • I don't observe many hetero-normative associations on my timeline. Men like to show their feelings. Women like to post about their jobs. I see a commitment with liberal standards online. My friends like to appear online more "easy going" than they are offline.

  • I think social media radically impacts on relationships in a positive and negative way. Even on Zehra's case, she was free from parental control, but under the boyfriend's surveillance.

  • I can't say much about brazilian reality, but I can comment about my own timeline. Men and Woman post with the same frequency and about all subjects. I can notice many woman emancipation content - with man's expressive support. Other interesting case is when facebook launched the pride celebrate feature. 99% of my timeline was colorful. But a local press...

  • I consider social media as a liberal place in Brazil. But we can often see a debate turning into a fight with consequences to offline relationships. That is why I think people started performing in a conservative way. I would say is more about a social surveillance over individuals' political points of view. Sometimes I wounder if people from my timeline...

  • I don't engage in political discussions on social media. I've seen a lot of unfriendings among my friends and some of these was extended to offline relationships. I do think posting jokes and political memes is a safer way to express political opinion. But I avoid it either.

  • Considering the Brazil Political Crisis, my timeline is full of political posts. When the crisis started I could see a very clear division between those who support the government and those who don't. The opposition was called "the white elite", what means people from his group was considered as the higher economic class, what can sound, in a country like...

  • I think the most representative impact of social media on politics is the speed at which politics is done. Social media can provide an online survey research. And, in a country like Brazil where politicians can change their mind and their speeches so quickly, social media works as a public opinion measure. Yesterday the "come to the street" online movement...

  • This last week was the funniest one since we started this private group on Facebook. Many members are ending the master dissertation and they are posting a lot of memes to share how relieved they are. Most of them created a thematic event on Facebook to invite friends for the final presentation and everyone else comment and post memes related to these...

  • Marilia Duque made a comment

    I would like to study memes from the spiral of silence perspective.

  • I am particularly interested in why people post and most of all in why people don't, considering here posting as a self-disclosure. Why people share memes? Is this only a safer way to express themselves or does it have anything to do with the desire to be part of a community with high rates of visibility and audience? Too many questions :)

  • Somethimes I look to what people post on my timeline and I remember the olympians as defined by Morin. I think people like to register glaring situations while they are performing things they associate to celebrities lifestyle. And considering the symbolic consumption available with just one click, I think, yes, social media has increased people's ambitions or...

  • Marilia Duque made a comment

    I can say the majority of memes in my social media are sarcastic or funny ones. O don't see many religious ones.

  • Marilia Duque made a comment

    Memes are a way to express your thought without being directly responsible for them. You have shared it. But you didn't post it. I agree there are moral messages behind every meme. I've never created one. But I share memes frequently. I particularly like the "Eu não estou disposta" memes, inspired on a character from a famous Brazilian soap opera. It seems...

  • Brazil is a young democracy and social media is being used for people to exercise what they believe a democracy should be. But since the country went into a deep political crisis, Facebook for example is divided in two groups: the one who support government e the other who doesn't. And what we see is a public demonstration of what a democracy shouldn't be....

  • Social media can go where offline sociability can't. Putting distances away. Putting people who otherwise could never be together. And it can also provide some clues about us, even for those who are close enough. Scalability turns social media into something very useful to make important announcements or to share something important.

  • I can't explain why, but I just stopped posting selfies. And I have the impression my friends did the same.

  • Marilia Duque made a comment

    Two weeks ago, Rolling Stones came to a presentation in São Paulo. In an interview, Mick Jagger said brazilian people watched the show behind their mobiles. They were taking selfies. The day after a journalist commented the fact "if you don't post, you aren't there". Maybe Flusser would confirm: the picture has become more important than the experience.

  • I used to post a lot of selfies. Now I rarely do it. I am a copywriter. I prefer to write about my funny ordinary life. When I meet my friends offline they always say I make them laugh. Sometimes people from work say they could never imagine I was that funny. I just post things the way it happens to me.

  • If we put them into pairs: young people from Trinidad like to be seen, while the italian man who works in a store likes to see. The italian musician and the first boy from Trindad uses social networking sites to stay visible to others so they can arrange meetings offline. The italian woman and the woman from Trindad use SNS to let people know what they are...

  • Interesting to see a social network site used to provide offline meetings. I created an app that helps people to find others who want to share a table and have lunch or dinner together. For me, it has been a huge challenge to drive people back to face-to-face interaction without all the match stuff.

  • Facebook itself expects social media to be consistent with offline social status. We can found in the terms of use "Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way". I would like to know what is the understanding of consistency for people from these sites.

  • I haven't seen so many selfies in my timeline for the last year. I would like to know if this is just a personal impression or maybe if selfies have immigrated to Snap chat or Instagram. I also would love to know if memes have become a safer way to express what we think online, since it is someone else post. And yes, I am curious to finally find out all the...

  • I chose my master class group on Facebook. We are 15 people. 9 women, including me. 6 men. One member is from Colombia. The others are from Brazil. Ages from 23 to 45 years old. Men like and comment the majority of the contents shared by the group. They are also the group who post more frequently. Women participate in a very different ways. One never...

  • The study of social media could help to understand surveillance among ordinary people. Taking care of someone's life was a common practice before social media?

  • I don't use twitter.

  • I always think about english people socializing in a pub. On the other hand, I could say I consider the idea they like to keep their private life safe even on social media. After the video I think that was a generalization. It was interesting to find out the same feelings I have with my "once in life" friend list. I put their people who I met offline and asked...

  • I was totally surprised the first approach was knocking at people's doors. Did you try to make any first contact using social media?
    P.S. In love with all the videos :)

  • I think social media, whatsapp more than others, has created a 24 hour non-stop working day. A few months ago a client of mine sent me a question a day before we were supposed to meet. Next day, when I arrived his office, he just keep asking me "why you didn't answer me"? . And I said, I was not working, it was 10 PM. But he just couldn't understand that I...

  • I agree it is hard to decide to apply other colleagues researches results to try to understand the "big picture" when they came from a small or very specific sample. The comparative methodology developed on this project seems to be a great step to a more representative study about why and how people use social media in a word wild perspective. My question is...

  • We've learned a few steps behind that social medial is not only about technology. It is about content. As this content is about individuals production, we might say social media is about people and the way they use social media in their lives, to express themselves to the group they want to belong. Because anthropology studies the relationship between cultural...

  • I do not think we should expect these different approaches to lead us to a unique definition of social media. I like the idea of exploring different perspectives to try to understand a multidisciplinary phenomenon.

  • I am a "friend list" hard user on Facebook, but I still feel comfortable to share some posts with all my friends. Maybe because I never ask to be anyone friend. I just accept the request... but not from anyone. I can say I am really connected with people I know personally, or people I admire or care about. But I do accept anyone on Whatsapp. Thinking know, I...

  • It is nice to remember that is all about people :)

  • I use Facebook to share what I think or the project I am working in with friends. But I have three rules: I don't accept anyone from my family, any client, and any mother from my kid's school. I don't feel comfortable to share my thoughts with them. Linkedin for business connections, for sure. Whatsapp to keep in touch to anyone. I have a instagram and...

  • If I could, I would ticked all the answers. They seem to be part correct. Social media is a treat to privacy to me once the big players started collecting personal information to suggest connections and advertising. It is also a new way for people to interact and to express themselves. And it also a place for agreement and disagreemens, where people can share...