Maria Soumelidou

Maria Soumelidou

Location Greece


  • Nop

  • I use Facebook, instagram like a newspaper, to catch up with people I don't often meet and viber and whatsapp in regular base with family and close friends as a cheap and quick means of communication.

  • I found all the answers correct and also incomplete and different one from another. I chose B, because it's tge way I see people using social media. I'm a terrible user myself, upload a post or two per year.

  • Maria Soumelidou made a comment

    Information officer post
    -verbal and writing skills
    -customer care experience
    -ability of working under pressing abd demanding circumstances
    -ability of making flexible decisions
    -accommodation-related skills
    -managing finances
    -IT and social media-related skills
    -flexible and quick learner
    -more importantly, good communication skills

  • Hi, I'm Mary from Greece and I'm planning to live in Sweden. I think of this course as a step to manage a job opportunity as good as possible.

  • Well, I have Facebook and Twitter profile but I'm not a really active user. There was a time that I used Facebook many hours a day, but it was a short period. I avoid the social media in a way, it's a result of the overuse of everyone around me. In our society, social media have almost replaced in-face relationships and I think it is frustrating. I use an...

  • I know I can turn them off. Many of us may not be at your English level and it's helpful to hear and read simultaneously. Didn't you think of that? We can use them, why should't they be synchronized? Thank you for your tips :)

  • I like the fact that we all have to study the same case. It's very interesting reading the comments and findinf similarities and differencies between them. It's very edifying!

  • Surely, it depends on the means they are used in order to get the confession!

  • Should you fix the subtitles? Almost in every video they are not synchronized and sometimes I get confused :/

  • All I could find about my country is that Greek police departments adopted the fingerprint system to identify criminals a little after 1925. It was used before but it was not until then was used as a conviction evidence. Looking into some cases I run into the murder of Georgios A', the king of Greece for over 50 years. He was shot on 13 March 1913 in the...

  • Those fingerprints were enough to hug them? I mean, would they be enough to convict somebody today? Certainly the fingerprints place somebody in a murder scene, but, do they prove that also commit murder?

  • I thought that fingerprint idefication was a lot older than that. Anyway, at least the system developed really quickly and efficiently.

  • My inspiration flows from the around situation and the needs that acompany her, from the people I care about as well as from the animals. I think that the the appropriate reason to come up with an idea is a problem, or a malfunction.

  • Shedsocial: As you may know, here in Greece, there is an economic crisis that only gets worse and has a humanitarian crisis appeared. People sleeping in the streets, criminal rates are getting high, children and teenagers have lost their confidence, watching their parents losing hope. I want to help those children reach their potentials and find their target....

  • He is passioned about the kind of services he provides, it is really important because it's like he set up the business to keep in touch with his favourite activities and to provide to others the same opportunities on the activities. He got really lucky, as for noone had the idea or had risked to set up such business, this means that he was the one and his...

  • Luck, perspective, timing

  • Entrepreneurs are people with abilities to make right choices in the right times, have the appropriate attitude and politeness and they inspire people to be like them, optimistic, active, wiser in time, resourceful, always targeting on how they can improve their business, their ideas. I believe that entrepreneur is the owner who runs a big company but also the...

  • Pen and paper are convenient while brainstorming or visualizing for me :-)

  • Hello there! That makes at least three of us :)

  • So, it's ShedSocial, Sheducation.ShedArts to begin with!

  • I believe ShedSocial is right for me but I'm not sure. Can we try more than one? or change later on the course? I think it's a bit early to know precisely.

  • As for me, I'm here because Ihave always been creative, practically or theoritically, every idea that comes to me I make it happen. But they are just everyday things/solutions for my home. I want to help to a bigger idea to come true even if it's someone else's idea.

  • I could never imagine that the first sound was that :) too specialized!

  • Hm, the most difficult to understand was.. well, a lot. I had to read many parts twice to fully understand. Maybe it's because of the terminology is used. Anyway, it is really challenging and I don't itend to give up!

  • First: sounds like a small, metal church bell. Impulsed I think?
    Second: some surface, maybe floor tiles scrached by a stone. Maybe sustained?
    Third: a combination between man's footwear clacking on the floor and writting on the whiteboard with a marker. Iterative?
    Close enough?

  • Music can have really many affordances. Dancing , singing allong, getting emotional possitivelly or not, soundtracks, bringing back memories, background music playing along while doing your homework or eating or many activities, walking. I really can think of almost everything that music is affordable. What does it mean if someone is not affordable to the...

  • It is a really interesting topic and I need to study more about it before I express myself, looking forward to the next steps and weeks.

  • I'm sure that in the next years, drones will be cheaper to be made or to be bought, stronger, faster etc. What happens then?

  • Well, you totally covered my thoughts!

  • The show that inspired me to take this course was about the drone strikes! what a coincidence

  • I'm Mary from Greece. The reason why I enrolled to this course was an episode of a worldwide show (Vice), many of you may have heard about it. It was about how technology is used for army purposes in conclusion. I thought that I will get some general view through this course.

  • Hello, Im Mary from Greece and I am currently unemployed. I have studied Social Anthropology and History and I am looking for interesting masters, voluntary services here in Greece and also in Europe. This course I think will be really helpful along with the interview course, in a way I believe by the end of it, we all be more confident and less nervous when...

  • Hi everybody, Im Mary from Greece!

  • As for my case, the evidence provided in court for the conviction of the defendant were douptful at the first place. When the convicted's attorney managed a new trial, the results of DNA semen sample that was tested, (at the time of the crime, couldn't be carried out) exonerated the defentant. Also, the State's serologist, mislead the juries by not mentioning...

  • Gary Doson, Chicago, Illinois, was convicted of aggravated kidnaping and rape to at least 25 years. July 9,1977, the complainant was walking home from work when two men forced her into the back seat of a car and raped her. She also testified that they tried to write words on her stomach using a broken bottle. The prosecution’s evidence at trial were the...

  • Could evidence that are found in electronic devices such as mobile phone and pc, be the main evidence to build a case or they have more supportive role?

  • It was mostly crystal clear to me. The videos and the texts are very comprehensible and no boring at all!

  • Movement and expressions,generally! I don't think I have ever used motions :-\

  • I firstly listened to the parts with my eyes shut, trying not to move. It was peacefully. When I tried with my eyes open watching the video, that was the real challenge for me. It was like I was forcing my expressions to stand still and it was really hard because I wanted to move my head like the musicians do( violins). I had to listen to a bigger part to...

  • Is it considered as dancing to move your head along with the music and have those facial expresions depended on the notes of the musical instruments or your feelings, even if you don't move your whole body? I mean, it has to be. Your whole head- face is dancing, right?

  • Hi everyone! I am Mary from Greece. Well, I really enjoy music. I think it is a somehow experience to me. I believe life is better with music. I take this course because I want to understand why my boyfriend doesn't experience music the same way although he listens to music. He hardly moves and I can't stop moving listening to the same song! So, I have been...

  • Well, I really enjoy music. I think it is a somehow experience. I believe life is better with music. I take this course because I want to understand why my boyfriend doesn't experience music the same way although he listens to music. He hardly moves and I can't stop moving listening to the same song! So, I have been thinking that maybe the course help me...