Karl Prince

Karl Prince

Working with a great team lean and process excellence located in Germany. Background in Software, now applying lean and agile techniques in product development. Training with Futurelearn for my CPD.

Location In Germany from the UK



  • sharpen the saw first :-)

  • You also have to be careful if going by a gut feeling is actually Unconscious bias...

  • is point 2 reliant on the company having many from point 1?

  • great talk about communication being important I agree this links with bad and good organisations...

  • this should be interesting :-)

  • Hi All, my name is Karl based in Germany (but in the UK at the moment). I work in a large company on Lean and Process excellence. What I hope to do is find out more about supporting and encouraging innovation that is not just problem solving issues in how we are working now. How do you encourage “True” innovation…

  • thanks

  • @JuhoIivanainen yes, in Germany if you have too much money in a current account you have to pay the bank interest...hence a colleague just bought a very nice car to reduce her account!

  • @NigelBrown true the ISA is not taxed, but a pension is when you draw n it...

  • Karl Prince made a comment

    clear summary

  • I think "...where it does the most good." depends on how you define good, profit and good are not the same. IMHO

  • Hi All,

    I am Karl from the UK but moved to Germany a few years ago. Looking forward to learning more about wealth management and how to apply it.

  • I like the term Human Capital, interesting concept.

  • i like the holistic approach and I missed the UN link in previous training.

  • and in the next section is culture :-)

  • interesting the change process is good, has some key points that can be missed but should culture also be considered?

  • Siemens PLC are on the list and I have experience of the EFQM in the UK through them both as an assessor and preparing for assessments.

  • Hi All,

    I work in Siemens on Lean and Process excellence, I have worked with the EFQM model in the past and I would to find out more about the latest version and how Agile it has become.

  • Karl Prince made a comment

    Provide guidance and support when possible

  • just interested in knowing more about the topic impacting young people

  • do see blue button in the wrong way but like to learn more on what can support the transition...

  • again a great video what is the problem and understanding this before you try ways to fix, got me thinking :-)

  • interested in the next step on how to move from non agile to agile.

    we have a lot of safe or incremental innovation...

  • great video, deliver fast and learn.

    we have a real mix to this with what must be delivered to the customer avoiding Minimum marketable product/ minimum viable product being everything...

  • very important to drive innovation but sometime people want to play safe and are afraid to fail/learn.

    got me thinking though

  • Karl Prince made a comment

    Agile 101 was a good overview thanks :-)

  • @MarkGrant Scrum framework can be used in hardware development as well, but yes more used in software and more difficult in hardware.

    I think we will learn more about the scrum ceremonies later...

  • One point I guess is about getting people to communicate with each other.

    I do like the comment about the fishing :-)

  • sometimes the user only know what the want when they see what they don't want, if that makes sense...

  • good overview from the video explaining the Agile Manifesto.

    it is then how the teams apply it not only in software development but also in hardware development...

  • @supratikghosh Bur, does that mean the project plan has priority rather than responding to change?

  • Karl Prince made a comment

    Hi, my name is Karl from the UK but I live in Erlangen, Germany. My background is as a Physicist working in software development, then after a part time MBA from the Open University I moved over to lean and agile development.
    Been in Germany for three years working on Lean and Process excellence and really interested in the combination of Agile framework and...

  • Looks good lots of interesting material to download

  • we use a pie chart to compare the number of project "challenges" in the different divisions. But for the same information we use bar charts to show how many "challenges" are solved against weeks taken.

  • Karl Prince made a comment

    I am Karl Prince from Germany. Background in Physics so I have done a bit of analytics but am keen to pick up further knowledge.

    Cheers and stay safe!

  • many say not this is not enough time to coach as working on too many projects

  • Is TELL changing culture from a more masculine, tell and do, to a more feminine culture of coaching an developing?

  • I agree but does it reflect an Australian culture in using Masculine Feminine as the descriptors I wonder.

  • Applied the eFire model to a coaching session, at least to start.

    complicated issues I cannot share here...

  • I will just say Mixed.

  • mixed

  • leadership/management and executive coaching

  • 1.
    Good on the family link and building a good relationship with Gerick.

    Checking what Gerick would like to focus on, would like to know how you are doing more generally and what we can do to support your development.

    How did it go?
    Talk about his application of rich Picture

    Open- what did you notice about the...

  • good on the family link, far more open questions and listening to him allocated time over two days if needed was also good.

    Also asked "what can I do" rather than tell me what you are doing. What would you like to talk about...

  • yes this is something i will use, I have some people I can support with this as they are dealing with complex issues.

  • we are trying to do the same, but slipping back in some areas.

  • kind of interesting, PROGRESS and eFIRE are one approach, is it really the very best - good yes for sure.

    Maybe I have not got it yet :-)

  • Open questions to get some feedback on what Gerick thinks will work and what need to change:
    Sales are poor I know you are working hard, how can I help?
    Where do you see there are problems?
    How do you feel about this issue?
    What other things, issues and challenges concern you now
    What is working now, and what is not working?
    Kind of a mix, but get the...

  • would a complex problem for TELL culture of the global leaders?

    it is a good course and I like the link to "Cynefin"

  • You know that you can increase your intelligence by learning, and you like a challenge. You believe that the best way to learn is to work hard, and you don’t mind making mistakes while you do it. This is what we call the “growth mindset.”

    after "A problem with the server request occurred" many times

    But I guess by doing this training we could expect this?

  • Karl Prince made a comment

    For my particular issue I will explore with these questions:

    What is working now, and what is not working? (Consider this from some different viewpoints.)

    What are some different methods, tools or models you could use to "Inquire" on this issue?

  • Karl Prince made a comment

    Imagine we get exactly what you/we want – what is possible and what will things be like?
    That could really open up the conversation
    Then possibly
    At the end of our conversation, what would you like to be different?
    not sure on 3 yet, maybe this depends on how the conversation goes :-)

  • What is important to you about working in this area? or what is the value to you?
    I will try this in a particular situation to see how it goes

  • very much command, I know this will work and your are doing it- no choice.

    We will listen listen listen but did not ask you about doing this...

    However I think it is a great vision and maybe this is what the managers need, but will the managers want to be coaches, can everyone be a coach - "how do you feel about that?"

  • Karl Prince made a comment

    yep very command and tell with pace setting get in close and I can "help" you.

    should be interesting how this changes...

  • keep doing the same thing in times of pressure often what we do...

  • :-)

  • Nokia are a great example, or Microsoft did not see Apple doing well in phones
    I work in Siemens, we dropped phones a while ago :-) and yes I would invest in TELL, it can change as we are doing...

    needing to change remember Blockbuster and who now has a Netflix account instead?

  • Hi All,

    Here to learn more about eFIRE, coaching and supporting colleagues in changing their roles as managers in the VUCA world.

    yes this should be fun :-)

  • interesting, now I want to learn more :-)

  • I think it gives a greater understanding of the crowd and the individual, what motivates our behavior and what are we likely to do next- good or bad.


  • Just added a step "Accept" to web access.

    But yes caution on what I share on line...

  • interesting are the fines for breach!

  • if you were to release all the data it would just be a number crunching exercise to eventually match. If data is publicly available someone would do this not matter the punishment, it could for instance be performed by nations beyond the reach of the law.

    Better is to have control of who is allowed access to data that could be used to identify individuals,...

  • I see them more as a medical support tool, used to guide the professional decision maker. There still needs to be a common sense processing step.

  • opt in for sure it is good to see this start to work in some places


  • more myth to fact as we look into the evidence of the performance

    it would/should also help find people who are chemically enhancing their performance, looking at previous comments...

  • extrapolation of the global modelling data to understand the local processes is an interesting method, fine if it is correlated to real data a little dangerous if not...

  • I chose household waste as it is something I feel must change for similar reasons given by Chad, plus I have just thrown 5 Euro's worth out as it was past its use by date- by a week...

  • Karl Prince made a comment

    interested in how it can improve our understanding of customers

  • yep, same how to apply in business

  • Karl Prince made a comment

    I like the pace of the course, I wonder if it will cover more on the technical detail and algorithms

  • XING, German version of Linkedin

  • You will indeed be lucky to get this person to work for you.....

    Not a good reference for a person

  • Learning German, slowly :-)

  • Personally I would run a workshop and get the people who do the work to identify the problems.
    but, simply systems to automate steps in the present process with site engineers being authorized - within limits - to order directly from suppliers.

    Status of orders visible on line, people automatically informed of status.
    Also would it be possible to have a...

  • you can also add robots, or co bots collaborative robots working together with people to improve the process with automation.

  • fully agree I ran a process analysis by interviewing people and asking what did and did not work, then a workshop with the same people to identify what to fix and how.

  • Value adding
    1. complete the equipment rental request (or is this an overhead if you could just call instead?)
    2. send the form to admin
    3. equipment is checked
    4. Accepted and used
    Business Value added
    1. selection of equipment
    3. purchase order
    4. invoice sent
    Non value added:
    1. Equipment problems
    2. Rejecting the equipment
    3. Cancel...

  • Simplified version of Value stream analysis, should be interesting.

  • Working in an international company as a manager in Germany, would like to know ho this impacts my day to day role.

  • missed the payment bit!

    Unless its free where this is set?

  • Artefacts
    Pre-enrolment mail
    Online setup
    Offer from University
    Acceptance mail
    Terms & Conditions
    Enrolment document
    Registration for classes
    Visualisation of time table

  • Yes, I more use it for product improvement but it was for products and processes @FionaWilkinson

  • and there is a theory that they will spell your name wrong, in a deliberate effort to get publicity on social media...

  • PDCA applied to processes?

  • So having a vision for the business if more important than the processes to run the business?

  • so a service level agreement in dealing with customer issues?

  • As you say it depends on the strategic direction set by the owners. Premium. as you say all about the experience and knowledge of the staff.
    A really nice example I went to recently with fixed six course menu very high quality food and excellent service from knowledgeable staff. So some optimization of costs with fixed menu but very much about the experience!

  • There may be a business opportunity there! @JaneHutcheon

  • I was just thinking that rather than thinking about teaching people how to use calculators, computers or software systems the IA interface teaching may be more situation based. So to harness the creativity for instance interface to IA using this method, for problems use another method or for data mining another
    Is all depends on the UX yet to be...

  • would education train people how to make the best use out of IA?

  • Very interesting article on IA, as Dorothy mentioned earlier how you can interface with tools that support your work sounds challenging on a UX and business front.