Michael Stock

Michael Stock

Imperial College's Environmental Technology p/g + online Bristol's Sustainable Futures, LSHTM CV and now Aberdeen's Nutrition & Wellbeing course. Hoping some good will come of the pandemic crisis.

Location London


  • Good to join this course, thank you. Heard of tipping points first in systems theory, then from Professor Tim Lenton last winter at RGS, post COP26, talk of Hothouse Earth and hopefully, ‘positive tipping points’.

    Looking forward to learning more and perhaps studying further.

  • Thankfully my partner and I have not caught Covid, but my partner works in a UK hospital and she thought she had a mild version (loss of smell etc) in March 2020 so we had to separate for some weeks, though later she tested negative. Since then for her, exhausting long days often with full PPE, uncomfortable with many changes in the day, covering for growing...

  • Thank you Seamus for the reference to Greek civilisation. I have heard people say that, as well as Philosophy, the Greeks had a better theory of leadership:

    "Greek ‘kubernetes’ who initially got it right, whereas the Romans ultimately got it wrong. This was the ancient Greek seaman who piloted the old sailing ship by employing instinctive sensitivity and...

  • Thank you all and looking forward to next week, including whether healthy diets can delay onset of diseases and perhaps your thoughts on the Blue Zone.... Enjoy :-)

  • Thinking about scenarios, I think one sustainable future is what Arup calls, 'post-anthropocene' https://www.arup.com/perspectives/publications/research/section/2050-scenarios-four-plausible-futures

  • @FionaH of course you are probably right, 'if ALL the supermarkets' etc, but important to appreciate that Waitrose has a deliverable plan, not just 'strategic'. Hope that avoids any potential confusion here.

  • Many great comments, including 'win-win' below! For me, sustainability must focus how to stop doing so many bad things (eg industrial meat 'farming') and do more 'restorative' (eg re-wilding, re-foresting). And, enjoy getting our hands dirty in making the most of all land, as local gardeners. Win-win!

  • Deliverable I think. I don't recall Waitrose using 3-4-2 offers etc and I read that Waitrose are piloting BYOC, bring-your-own-container in some stores to cut down plastic waste.

  • Thank you Alex for this and links, especially Mark Bittman's Ted talk, in 2007!

  • Michael Stock made a comment

    Yes, useful to begin with the medical definition, which includes the challenge of withdrawal symptoms, eg tremors etc. So if not an 'addiction' why do people all over the world seem to find it so difficult to keep to a healthy weight?

  • Yes, 'food' can be addictive, for animals generally, and depending on species and individual, leading to 'over-eating'. Think of the earlier megafauna, how did they grow so huge? Looking at the Goldfinches on our bird feeder, they seem to eat Niger seeds non-stop, unless disturbed. Second helpings anyone?

  • Very well put together course - thank you all!

  • Michael Stock made a comment

    Hi all, have downloaded myfitnesspal app, had a go logging a meal.
    Wondering if there is a more basic and simple app? Otherwise maybe manual?

  • Other learner comments like 'Energy, Positive and Strong' ring true,
    So could I add something around 'sustainability' and respecting animals.
    I doubt if we can enjoy health & well-being otherwise, as the pandemic shows us.

  • Hi, great to see this course here, thank you. My motivation is personal rather than professional and would like to better understand the different claims about healthy diet and lifestyle and how to change for the better. Also given the current CV pandemic and its likely animal origins, as explained by Jane Goodall, (below) I am particularly interested in how...

  • About Coronaviruses, how about AI being part of the global prevention strategy, starting with helping to eradicate international trafficking of wild animals ? See Jane Goodall's interview on Channel 4 News: https://www.channel4.com/news/we-have-disrespected-animals-and-disrespected-the-environment-dame-jane-goodall-on-coronavirus

  • Michael Stock made a comment

    Diagnostic radiography is a good example of AI spotting what a tired doctor may miss in a pile of patient images but in other potential applications, such as 'self-driving' cars there are trade-offs and AI may not be the answer to the 'problem'.

  • Michael Stock made a comment

    1st time I heard about 'AI' a long time ago : Hal computer in Stanley Kubrick / Arthur C Clarke's prophetic masterpiece: 2001 Space Odyssey.

    I wonder about AI ultimate goal? "being able to make these systems as powerful as the human brain" Really? Whose goal? What is the problem definition? Suggest this 'goal' needs more work.

  • Very useful glossary.

  • Great to learn about AI on this course, thank you all. My background is environment and business, with some recent innovation research. My awareness of AI, so far, been of the challenges and risks, thanks to Oxford's Future of Humanity and the Cambridge Centre for Study of Existential Risk. So in this course I would like to understand more of the potential...

  • Michael Stock made a comment

    Thank you so much all at LSHTM and fellow students for what I have now learned, especially about RO etc, previous pandemics and the essential role of the WHO, particularly now when recently maligned and threatened by one US politician.

    Probably not the last or worst pandemic and perhaps we will be better prepared for the next and - most importantly - act...

  • Perhaps one earlier key point was Ebola 2014/15 and the (now) widely viewed warning from Bill Gates in his 2015 Ted talk, apparently unheeded by political leaders.


  • Hello everyone, deep gratitude to LSHTM and course team. Hope to learn how we may keep safe and how this challenge might evolve as Springtime turns to Autumn.

  • Brilliant course, and very timely - big thanks to all.

  • Big important subject. Francesca echoed my experience of university research, 'never good enough'. Richard Pancost's frustration that 'the world is rejecting knowledge' brought home that the biggest challenges I have faced - by far - since the cautious hopes of Paris 2015, have been the consequences of fake-news from UK 'take-back-control' politicians and...

  • The video includes many great examples of change-makers. Recall Satish Kumar of the Schumacher College once took a different view to Descartes' famous "I think therefore I am" reminding us that we are part of nature, emphasising gratitude and connection: 'You are, therefore I am'. I was greatly encouraged that we can and will change, by the recent Court of...

  • Agree Chase about spending free time learning. I think it was Ghandi who said 'educate yourself as if you would live for ever'. Though, about 'making your next car electric' ? I am less sure. Is there enough lithium? what about the pollution from tyres and brakes? Better I think to bike, e-bike if hilly like Bristol, and with panniers, more than enough for...

  • I have heard researchers predict that in a few years 'nano-plastics will be found to have crossed the brain barrier in humans' ...

  • Imagine, we lived in a country where the government scrapped the army and began to restore the forest? https://www.borgenmagazine.com/costa-rica-sustainable-development/

  • Agree with the other posts. Albania is working towards a number of SDGs including 16, because of the history. Maybe 8 was one of the 'small steps' that Auron Tare referred to. Wonder which SDGs the EU prioritised in its support for Albania as a 'candidate' accessions state?

  • Policy-makers and especially the UN plays a huge role in trying to get global action, as the Kyoto Protocol 1922 doc made clear. The world had a chance then to solve much of the GHG problem early, had the US not refused to ratify it. Policy jobs must be incredibly tough so for me, roles like Joe Illes' work with 'Circulate' motivate me as they focus on 'what...

  • Really interesting insights from Simon O’Doherty and Mike Czerniak on CF4. Unless better controls or alternatives found, what is the risk that likely future build-up of relatively small amounts of more potent and longer lasting CF4 etc might de-rail the benefits of net-zero?

  • Wicked, heartbreaking subject, similar to the GHG emissions and none are innocent but we must stop making the problem worse, by turning off the tap! Last year BBC ran a hard hitting Plastic series in Bristol, which included this:

    "So what does the future of plastic hold? Hugh goes to Grangemouth, a plastic-producing factory owned by one of the richest men...

  • A good Week2 with lots of great inspiring stories - thank you - and am keen to get involved with some of the charities eg FreeCycle and St Mungos. Mountains everywhere, with some paths.

  • @MaryA Hi Mary, about fast food / takeaway there is a need for nudge regulation, like the 5pm plastic bags but the whole Deliveroo 'disruptor' model is highly problematic so how about Uber/Amazon/Deliveroo to sign up to a sustainability charter with DEFRA etc before COP26 and then enforce.

  • I spoke recently with a person who volunteers at the local drop-in church centre for homeless people, which helps in turning lives around. But she told me "the homeless centre is now homeless"' so she now volunteer mentors young women at risk of homelessness.

  • 'in the field' ....

  • Good to hear Bristol is building more homes and the holistic approach taken by St Mungos and 'never giving up on anyone' who needs help.

  • Homelessness and rough sleeping is one of the UK post-war failures causing huge misery and blighted lives. It is also a big problem in almost all northern European countries, grappling with inflated property prices and growing populations, eg Germany. In the UK context, the Wilson & Barton (2020) Briefing Paper House of Commons Library is essential reading to...

  • Fun options eg, do more research v chaining self to railings? Tough choice.
    I expect there are good examples of shareholders and investors putting pressure on corporate boards for sustainability. BOE's Mark Carney first warned about 'stranded assets' in 2015 and seems to be gathering traction.

  • Some interesting surprises, eg energy in moving air! Very impressive work by University Sustainability Team on efficiencies, to Carbon Neutral 2030. Great examples.

  • Brilliant case study very well explained by Sam, including the evident shortcomings of UK government policy, flip-flopping on this, as with much else. Like other comments, Sam's use of MHVR was an eye-opener, thank you. Bristol Green Doors is a fantastic initiative which probably is good for builders and the local economy as well as residents. The academic...

  • Great story - especially food waste, farming and the circular economy.

  • Really inspiring stories and people, thank you. As Robert commented, 'a great deal of effort goes into achieving these goals'. Case-studies were great, from Sainsburys to FoodCycle. Learned a lot about Sainsburys and have subscribed to FairShare for updates.

  • Love the bike trailers in Gloucester Rd.
    FoodCycle, of course! Brilliant on so many levels.

  • Good food waste articles especially the FAO on (surprising) waste hot-spots & Guardian on increasing domestic food waste in UK. However did not see anything on the rise and impact of 'fast-food delivery' such as Deliveroo, Just-Eat etc although there have been UK press reports on the resulting increased food and plastic waste. And in China,...

  • Hi, I thought I had commented on week 1? One of the best online courses from Future Learn, beautifully put together with great content and learners community. Looking forward to week 2.

  • Do you know the (BBC) doc film-maker Adam Curtis? One or more of his works mentioned Ayn Rand, and her time, eg: 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Watched_Over_by_Machines_of_Loving_Grace_%28TV_series%29

  • Well Peter, I recall Maslow had some models on needs, which some dispute. Human Givens, by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrell is interesting. Both before the Climate Emergency, however.

  • Hi Peter, I think there was a quote from Ayn Rand who, although interesting, is I somewhat problematic for several reasons.

  • Thanks Eleni, yes makes sense of course. I recall M-B was about preferences, which may change over time and can suggest ways to balance.

  • Great Week 1, thank you! Over the last 5 years or so I have taken 2 or 3 other Future Learn short-courses and this Sustainable Futures course, so far, is the best, beautifully put together, with really valuable content and a pleasure to work through and ponder. All good things.

  • All the profile creatures have some appealing characteristics, real or imagined. Perhaps the insight is more about preferences at this stage rather than nature. Do such profiles give people useful identity and confidence in the game of work and life?

  • At this 'mid-career' stage, it feels good to usefully combine many of my skills and interests to produce something valued to an organisation or individuals. Sometimes this has been from presentations, team projects, research or even simply meaningful conversations that lead to growth. All contributors great to listen to and identified most with Joe Iles, on...

  • Probably identified with Professor Laura Robinson on 'freedom to study what I want' etc and getting 'pleasure from others' new discoveries and success in their careers'. My experience so far is that I can get different kinds of enjoyment from different kinds of work, from the task to the team, as well as the physical environments, learning new things and...

  • Very interesting Pulse results, not unexpected and also will revisit the BE Videos and Talks. On the wider context of Optimism (and action) I was impressed with the Guardian book review of Joanna Scutts' Weather and her website 'obligatory note of hope'.

  • Liz is right about 'Connection and Meaning', assuming the basics needs have been met. With the emerging evidence of climate anxiety, it seems that connecting with others and taking action may be essential.

  • Tim is right I think about individual 'purpose' changing throughout life-stages as we age, from 'success' to 'legacy'. Some pose the question, 'how can we be good ancestors?" The Dostoyevsky quote about the 'mystery of human existence' deeply resonated.

  • Great examples of people doing different though overlapping roles including Expert, Educator, Facilitator, Planner, Entrepreneur, Volunteer and Change-Agents, all. Some contribute eg by raising awareness (of SDGs), social innovating (CEA) or action planning for resilience (EA). At this stage, I am drawn to a combination of the roles, particularly those that...

  • "One-Planet-Living"