Gemma Critchley

Gemma Critchley

Storyteller. Mad about social media & communication, working in online & informal learning delivering video content & engagement strategy for a global energy company. Long live 'once upon a time'!

Location East London


  • I'd love to see more people taking up and role modelling flexible working and better balance. I.e. Leadership showing it's okay to start late or leave early for caring or wellbeing.

  • I've had positive and negative experiences previously. The best inductions have been when it's been really clear what's expected of me, and I have on-the-job support in the form of online resources.

  • Should do: use the interview as an opportunity for both hiring manager and candidate to get to know each other and ask questions - it's not a grilling!
    Avoid: personal biases, try to be as objective and open as possible, welcome diverse thinking.

  • It's definitely about finding the right mindset and creating an environment for people to flourish. I liked the point about making sure the person being hired knows exactly what the team's goals are.

  • It's all about the trust!

  • The best managers I've had have been empowering, given me lots of challenge and support and have given me space and psychological safety to try things.

  • Most interesting - supporting people to do the best work of their lives, helping them develop and grow, creatively solving problems
    Most challenging - reframing mindset from people management being 'on top' of the day job to being the actual job itself. It's such a privilege to lead people - we need to reframe our mindset to think of it like this.

  • My inner geek is looking forward to looking at the importance of data next week!

  • Two reflections on this. Firstly - it's clear to me that whilst we have policies and procedures in place, our job is to work with people, which means each situation we find ourselves in will be nuanced.

    In the first scenario, there are questions around recruitment decisions, sure - but I would be keen to understand why this hiring decision was made, and...

  • I think the thing that makes online learning work is the conversation and connections that wrap around it. I'm interested in this course for two reasons, one to give me a broader insight into the wider HR function beyond L&D, and two to explore the experience of the Future Learn platform. And 3, I think, to explore how CIPD does learning.

  • I love the focus on the 'human' and people element of HR in this video. For me, HR is about helping people to realise their own potential, whether that's through learning and development, through finding brilliant talent or through supporting people when things get tough. I know this isn't how everyone perceives HR though, so I think we have some work to do to...

  • Gemma Critchley made a comment

    Hi, I'm Gemma, I've been working in and around HR at various points over the last 13 years, but core roles have been in communications, digital marketing and social media. I've spent the last 5 years or so working in Learning and Development and I'm keen to broaden my horizon beyond a pure L&D focus by understanding more about HR as a function and how the work...