Roxzan Bowes


Theatre, art, story-telling and star-gazing.

Location Sydney, Australia


  • Hello! I'm from Sydney, Australia. My mother's family came to Australia from Hungary during WW2, and my father's side is of Irish, English, Scottish and French descent. My paternal grandparents have managed to track our family history back many, many generations, however little is known about my mothers side. I'd like to find out more about researching...

  • I can foresee that rediscovering curiosity will increase the level of enjoyment I get out of what would otherwise be an 'average' day (and I do have an awful lot of average days!). Instead of allowing my thoughts to spiral into stress and anxiety, curiosity is useful in examining what it is exactly that I find stressful and can support me in redirecting my...

  • I found my mind became focused on the sensation of breathing and the flood of thoughts that had been racing around very quickly died down. This experience was very grounding for me - my thoughts are often so loud that I sometimes forget I even have a body(!) so checking in with how I physically feel was extremely helpful in calming my mind.

  • Long term, the neutral thought would probably be forgotten about as you drove away from work. The negative thought is more likely to fester, as you wonder why you were ignored, and may impact and shape your future interactions with your colleague.

  • I seemed to be fairly accurate but the questions I got wrong were because I underestimated the statistics. I knew depression was a problem but it is a bigger issue than I realized.

  • Love this. Also had an interesting moment whereby I realized I could hear things, lots of voices, but chose not to focus on them, and instead had an awareness of being a physical body in the world. Kind of like the opposite of an out-of-body experience. Strange!

  • Completely agree! While technology has made communication incredibly easy and instant, it has also shaped our expectations in how immediately our messages should be responded to. I suppose there is something to be said for switching off your notifications and instead mindfully sitting down to check your emails... If your job can allow for such a luxury!

  • I'm trying to learn not to multitask all the time - even with simple household tasks. I find that I feel much more centered and balanced mentally when I complete one action before starting a new one. Things still get done and I don't stress myself out in the process!

  • My job is very stressful and I have limited time for myself so I'm hoping that learning more about mindfulness will help me engage with the here and now a little better than I presently do!

  • This week I've found the perception vs reality articles and videos really interesting, especially when considering the ways this can impact someone suffering from anxiety and depression. With this groundwork laid I'm looking forward to learning how CBT can address these perception issues.

  • 1. What we see is meaningless information, it's what we do with the information that provides meaning.
    2. We are a product of our ecology.
    3. Context is everything.

  • The role of experience on our perceptions is an interesting one - the eye will see but the brain will filter and determine our reaction based on previous experience. I have always found it fascinating that, for example, as a lifelong vegetarian I look at a piece of meat and see it as part of a dead creature, while others see it as a delicious food source....

  • Eyes are tired, indoor plants appear to need watering, sun blazing outside, blue light from tablet is not as comfortable as the natural light of my surroundings.
    Hear the jets flying directly overhead as they come in to land, should probably close the door to block some of the noise, momentary silences filled with birds, but generally a background hum of...

  • Roxzan Bowes made a comment

    I think that the prevalence of depression and anxiety makes it an important thing to have a general understanding about, and I'm interested in how CBT can help these mental illnesses. Looking forward to learning more!

  • Recently I went to a weekly event called No Lights No Lycra, whereby people meet up and dance in a hall in the dark for an hour with a sound system pumping - sometimes the music is themed eg. hip hop, 90s pop. Basically the idea is you can dance in your gym clothes, however you like, and not think about how others perceive you. A disco in the dark! The final...

  • Sitting still I found myself using the music as a soundtrack to a movie in my head, with the music creating a feel and context for the action of my 'characters' to respond to. Shifts in pace and dynamics would shift the 'camera angle' or mood of the scene. I'm also drawn to watching the musicians in the video and exploring their facial expressions and own...

  • Hi everyone, I'm a stage manager and have worked on several theatre and dance works over the years. Having worked closely with dancers, performers and various sound designers and composers in my job, I'm interested to learn about the research that has been undertaken in this field as well as the psychological elements that this topic involves. My musical...