Claudia Otey

Claudia Otey

A retired supervisor of a large school district transportation fleet. Love England.Grandparents came from Bury St. Edmunds and Heanor in Derby.

Location Kent, Washington, USA, located south of Seattle


  • Politics, who you know, money, race all seem to play into how one viewed in this day and age

  • This seems to me the same as “some” in the US still regard the Negro, black, or any people different then them selves as inferior, lower class and on and on.

  • Interested as one branch my my English family emigrated to Australia. Last name Harrison and Calvert

  • Poetry and song were great, just wish I could have heard song and followed along with poem at the same time. Like to know how to pronounce words. Poem very graphic on what happened.

  • Just a note about my learning. Watched the video first them brought up the text and read along with the vocal video. Did two things, became more clear and learned much better how to pronounce Scottish names and places.

  • I looked up Longysis and found how to wear, what the style of dress is for both men and women. Thanks for mentioning your dress style and how they compared to the Tartan with their different patterns, etc.

  • My Great Grandmother was a MacLean and married a McLean. Is McLean Irish or Scottish?

  • My Great=Grandmother was a MacLean and she married a McLean. Was McLean Irish?

  • Relatives came from Scotland, many years ago. Have traveled to Scotland (from Kent Washington, USA) and thoroughly enjoyed history, remote areas and cities. Walked along Hadrians wall and also took Furture Learn class about history of the Wall. This class is an opportunity to learn much more.

  • Experts in a particular field of interest evaluate, have knowledge of what could and can be accomplished to protect or restore what may have been destroyed by human use. For example water on land: what is land is-used for surrounding water/wetlands. How does use affect health of plants, animals, birds and fish. Recommendations to keep waterways clean and...

  • Claudia Otey made a comment

    Loved the course. I never realized the skills that were developing in the Mesolithic era. Our lives today developed from all our early and more modern ancestors. Makes one humble. Great course.

    Lots of information and it led me to look up a mention in a book called "Bill Bryson at Home" about an ancient site in Turkey called Catalhoyuk, a city in the...

  • Bow and arrow, perhaps even catching them with their hands,

  • I especially enjoyed fire making and how they carried fire using fungi. It made me wonder how pioneers in USA carried fire from east to west in the 1800’s. It is amazing how many skills this early civilization had thousands of years ago.. Really enjoy the class.

  • Enjoyed the most, fire building and the ability to carry fire using a particular type of fungus. I wonder what pioneers in US used to carry fires. Novels and text books often mention carrying fire but no explanation. Also enjoyed demo on Flint tools and long tedious process to make. Having no TV Or other time user to waste their time helped!! :-). A much...

  • Thanks for website

  • Stone can also be used a grinding tools, to grind seeds and perhaps other materials/food for use. Making fire.

  • I’ve always been interested in what got us here, who helped us get to where we are now, their living conditions, food, housing, on and on. Took the course on Hadrians Wall, learned how using technology how old places where people lived are found. Also, just like learning. I’m retired and still want to broaden my knowledge and different subjects. Live in...

  • I am not a health professional but a cancer survivor, so far. Even though much of the information was very difficult, the course gave so much information on the development of new treatments and the dedication of those in the health profession to find new and better treatments; the course was inspiring. Thank you.

  • I like books. Books stores are one place I love to visit. Old, new, educational, good fiction, history are all there waiting. The history of how we got to where we are now should be very interesting. Even the glossary is really informative. Looking forward to this class.

  • I have been a patient for non-Hodgkin lymphoma and received Rituximab. Felt little sick and doctor gave me pills to help but since marijuana is legal in state of Washington I asked about taking CBD under my tongue. Was given ok as Dr said others had used it. So just before me treatment I took it under my tongue and no after affects from retuximab. So far...

  • Yes, yes —hope for the future with family and friends.

  • Audubon is making people aware of the numbers of birds we no longer have. Identified are some of the tipping points; loss of prairie grasses, loss of resting places on yearly migration that have been destroyed, land clearing for industry and on and on. They are working to make people and industry aware of problem, plus attempting to restore nesting and...

  • Trump is determined to undermine all things that might affect good in area of climate change; clean air, water, alternate clean energy sources, opening up lands to benefit him and like thinkers and on and on.

  • Enjoyed the course. Gillian’s comments, questions added so much; making one think more deeply on the subject. I did a lot more research outside the course than other courses I’ve taken. Thank you.

  • Have visited the palace, but wish I knew more about it’s history at the time. Since taking class on food/eating from Henry VIII on to Victoria and now this class I’d love be to revisit with my new knowledge and see details not known previously.

  • A friend who is a lace maker, several different methods, told me Henry VIII washed his own lace. I don’t believe that but maybe believe how lacemakers believe it was washed. First unsewed from main article of clothing and wrapped carefully in a spiral around a glass So it wouldn’t overlap, on a shaped cylinder of some kind. Wrapped and secured. Then...

  • I enjoy embroidery, so I stopped video at enlarged photo of beautiful stitching of flowers and those little dots/circles. The embroidery is beautiful and must have taken hours and days to complete.

  • The pins remind me of Amish women/girls using pins to hold their clothes up/together as buttons are not permitted. Met two teen age girls working in a fabric store several years ago. They explained how pins were placed so not to be poked with sharp points.

  • Expensive, Status, Trying to impress. Clothes that cost so much; money spent would probably support one or several poorer families. Time and effort and expertise to make such elaborate outfits.

  • Getting old, balance, autumn

  • I’m in my 80’s and we have put bannisters, etc in our home but am interestested in other suggestions that will help prevent falling with ourselves and family/friends.

  • I read for enjoyment but this course has made me aware of “close reading” which adds a whole new perspective to a novel. Enjoyed course very much, just hope there is time, to read and/or reread all you and this course have exposed me too. Thank you.

  • As I said in the beginning. I will never be involved in 3D printing, but my Grand-daughter is. This course has helped me understand what she is doing. Makes me wish I was in university, in todays studies, and not 60 years ago, just after DNA was discovered. 3D printing is exciting and hopefully it will help with Alzheimer’s and other diseases that affect us...

  • Had to ask her Mom. She works for 3-D Systems, San Diego area developing 3-D printers that will print minute bits that will will be able to print lungs, esophagus etc. in other words, delicate body parts. They work with a company back east as she travels that way quite often. If I find out more I’ll let you know. Perhaps it is Harvard.

  • Sorry, not able to finish, Been ill most of month. Perhaps sometime in future when class is offered I could perhaps sign up again, if permissible.

  • I have no expections of ever doing 3-D printing, especially for medical purposes. However, my granddaughter is working for a bio-medical 3-D company trying to develop a body 3-D part. I’m hoping this course will help me understand and have a more intelligent conversation when we get together.

  • I believe the US has also done this with wheat. I tried some bread in Italy and seemed not to have any trouble. Maybe just luck, but it sure tasted good.

  • My sister has dementia and her husband is taking care of her. He said he was spoiled, always meals ready, laundry done, etc. Now he is doing it and is often told he is doing it wrong, which he isn’t. She can no longer use the phone, do math, write checks and all that she use to do. Talking to her about things past is ok but she often can’t remember the...

  • I find plain food the best. Since becoming Gluten Intolerant eating fresh foods eliminates having to read labels. Also feel much better as many processed foods have hidden gluten in them. When on a trip to Italy I tried a specialty bread containing wheat, did take a pill to help with any gluten but nothing happened. I’m beginning to believe USA wheat is...

  • Took a required Latin course in High School. Was confusing and now wish instructor had at least the outline of history just shown and printed. Would have make class and history of Rome much more understandable. Teaching has improved greatly last 60 years with better research, technology and ability to share internationally. I see our country, USA, now...

  • Like history and class was highly recommended by a person taking the Hadrian’s Wall class.

  • I signed up because my younger sister has been diagnosed with Alzheimers. We saw signs about 3 years ago. I remember a phone call from her over a year ago when she asked if I had any 1st or 2nd grade math books. She said she could do math anymore. She has always taken care of all banking, income tax forms etc. She loves to cook and cannot now adjust a...

  • Thanks , what kind of tropical fruit(s) — do you just make a soup out of several fruits. Send any info to my e-mail. thanks.

  • I misspelled sour soup. Would like to find out what it is and how to make@zeynepozmen

  • I have also heard about Gene Therapy. Since I live in State of Washington, USA where marijuana is legal there are people looking into a combination of CBD (the good stuff) and some THC which is what makes people high and, I guess, using it as some kind of inhaler ?? To get the product into lungs. I hope this will be found to work. Thanks to you Grayther and...

  • What is soursou[ and do you have recipe. @zeynepozmen

  • Immunotherapy stopped my non-;Hodgkin lymphoma but didn’t stop same type cells from growing in right lung. Now just starting a chemo + more immunotherapy. Feeling positive on outcome.

  • I agree that to forget the past we could and would make the same mistake and repeat what Hitler did. I, for one, worry about Trump and his attempt to distroy values, and progress my country has made; by not believing in scientific discoveries, and his so called “Make America Great” slogan which is hurting many Americans and their ability to freely trade...

  • I’ve often wondered how proper scientific DNA was accomplished and this video gives me probably just the first steps in the process. Hope we can find out more when the DNA samples have been examined by another lab. Great video and explanation.

  • @TracyStarr Having my DNA examined by both Ancestry and National Geographic, it appears an awful lot of our ancestors came from Africa or other darker skin peoples, including me. But of course I'm identified as mostly Britain, Norse and some far eastern countries bus white. I think having a dark skin person on Haderians wall is logical.

  • Would be interesting to see what USA leader today, (no other comment by me) would like to put on a coin. Love the comments by other students, their suggestions have led to some wonderful sites and further knowledge. Have visited England 4 times and just was able to visitHadrian’s Wall, briefly on a very windy, rainy day. Would love to visit again after...

  • personally, be aware of how you use water, education, support of good water management and infrastructure, keep water sources clean and not contaminate with industrial, chemical and even animal waste generated by large operations involving animals and fowl.

  • Wife, Mother, Grandparent, former supervisor, Friend, Christian, caring, love outdoors/forest/ocean. I like to learn about other cultures but would like to know how to talk to, know them with out seeming intrusive.

  • Our community has been basically white/English culture until last 10 years or so. Now we have over 100 languages/dialects in our schools and I'd like to learn more about cultures and religions of India, Asia and Muslim religion, from several countries.

  • I'm on immunotherapy for past year for bladder cancer and cells are smaller (PET scan results). Feel great, little tired right after treatment but otherwise great. Plan is bout 1.5 year of treatment every two months

  • I'm receiving targeted treatment and want to learn more about it

  • I'm behind in lessons (ill). Hope they stay available for awhile as I want to go back and really dig further into previous lessons. Thanks.

  • Have the best choice of food and people to gather most of it and prepare