Liz Jayne-Harriette

Liz  Jayne-Harriette

I am a full-time career for my mother who has dementia, so the time I have to myself is important I love reading and learning. My degree is in Social policy and criminology.

Location I live in the Scottish Borders


  • I have been mulling over this question and have started an argument in my head, 'why do we need dictionaries'? Well, it is a stable reference and easy to go to and you can see what other words are above and below. Just for interest. The internet is great for a quick reference an in the internet world you do wonder if you finding a different translation of...

  • I have been researching recently about the Stuarts and as history is usually written by the victors some facts about 1745 are not always correct It is worth finding out good historians that are not biased when publishing Jacobite history. It is worth finding out through different societies on the subject of the Jacobites ...

  • I have recently got into audible books and have gone back over the classics. One character that comes to mind and that is Samuel Pepys a book that I would never read. Although this book was bought to life by the actor Chris Marshall.

  • You are talking about Clare Beauchamp Randall Fraser my recent favourite character. 'Read the books Maria they are well worth it'.

  • You are well catered for and have unlimited food resources to hand. Showing off your wealth and power, to your visitors.

  • Hi my name is Liz and I love a good story, and I would like to know how that good story gets made into a film.

  • Hi, my name is Liz I am a full-time carer and just want to keep my mind sharp and to learn from others where I go wrong in critical thinking. So looking forward to learning from others and becoming a good critical thinker, I hope.

  • The differences between all 3 version is they are becoming longer. Which makes me think was the longer editions be more expensive to buy. Or where these different versions played to different audiences Also would the editor get paid more for elaborating the translation. As to which version i prefer i like all 3 as they all have their merits

  • I have often made the big mistake of trying to work in the office restaurant thinking it would be a great space to write for an hour. This is not the case, as soon as colleagues see you on your own writing or reading they just have to disturb you with questions. 'what are you doing', 'or can you spare a minute'. Which defeat the whole object and you give...

  • The two statues represent a ruler and leader and a god of the Roman Empire. Dressed in a army uniform showing his strength as a conquer and leader of the Roman Empire someone to be feared. The other statue gives and impression of a Greek philosopher or a god or a learned man prepared to be fair as a ruler.

  • I'm Liz and i live in Scotland. I have been battling severe depression most of my life and to help with balancing my world, I need and also love learning, its my therapy. I am looking forward to this course and learning and discussing the issues along with you all.

  • We are very lucky at my Doctors practice as the medical staff also issue our medical prescription. So we have close contact and help with anything we do not understand.

  • Scotland not only has its oil but a very good line in the University of Edinburgh mugs......

  • Thank goodness i have a new keyboard as I have been itching to say something. Firstly I am amazed that the Scottish Independant vote has generated such a lot of interest around the world. I define myself as a British mongrel and have lived in England most of my life but decided to move over the border and reside in the beautiful Scottish Borders. Its...

  • Thank you everyone it a excellent course.

  • Many thanks for this interesting course as to learning out comes about 23/24. I would have liked for the course to expanded on the propaganda evidence that the Tudors trumped up about Richard 111 reign as well as his character. I think this would have rounded off the course. However it has made me more determined to find out myself.

  • Hi Andrew is there any reason why Richard 3rd remains were not considered for burial or interment in Westminster Abbey as his wife remains are there? I know it has been decided that his remains will rest in Leicester Cathedral but I wonder why the Abbey was not considered.

  • Hi Sarah I wish you all my best wishes for your future studies. I am at the crossroad after completing a long degree course through distant learning(social science and criminology) so i may look for a history course and you never know I may be next to you one day scratching the ground with a trowel. Ha Ha!!!! Good Luck

  • A big thank you! This has been a good course and introduction for myself and the medieval period. The course has trigged an interest in the social history of that time and I hope to find out more.

  • I think recent media coverage of Richard 111 is not a bad thing as long as the information being used is correct and accurate. I really took not much notice about the medieval King until the Channel 4 documentaries that recently told a story that the Richard the 3rd was not a bad Monarch and that he had a terrible death in battle. But also the Tudors had...

  • I think that the finding of King Richard 111 remains is incredible and a big appreciation to Phillipa Langley and a archaeology team from Leicester University. As money has to be raised to start the excavation of the Grey Friars site. If it had not been for Phillipa who believed the King was buried there then we would not be arguing as to where he is going to...

  • It also expensive here if you buy the real deal from farmers market or artisan and slow food suppliers. I do like Red Leicester, and Stilton, but my favourite cheese is Farmhouse Mature cheddar. Makes your mouth sting when you eat it I live near the Scottish Borders which was a troublesome area during medieval times.

  • Its my belief that the original Red Leicester was coloured with beetroot.

  • Liz Jayne-Harriette made a comment

    Fish like Carp were used for feast days like Christmas and New Year which were kept in pond near Abbeys. Glastonbury Abbey still has a fish house that you can visit on the outskirts of the town. Going back to the Carp these were bottom feeders and so had to be put in fresh water to get rid of the muddy taste. I have eaten Carp and cannot recommend it nobody...

  • So were barristers part of the sisterhood, (only joking) But Maltster may have been a woman's job?

  • Some days you learn nothing but today I learnt where the expression cut you nose off spite your face. Does anyone else know and its to do with the church?

  • Well done for that Mary I stand corrected, and rabbits were brought hear by the Romans!

  • Liz Jayne-Harriette made a comment

    It never cease to amaze me the workmanship that goldsmith and silversmith used in producing some of these special pieces. It not about the cost but the shear pleasure in looking at a piece of precious metal that has been worked, into something so amazing. Although a lot of treasures were lost during the reformation. It does make you wonder about the person...

  • Coneys better known as rabbits, they were introduced into Britain in the eleventh century from France. They were kept in warrens and because of the rapid breeding they were a good source of food. Some were domesticated and the babies at the time were called sweethearts (ahhhh bless)

  • I suppose prayers and work would change within the seasons as light to read by would have been a big factor. Although these prayer would be learnt of by heart devotion times would have been changed by working in the fields especially at harvest times and looking after farm animals when they were sick. Maybe this was a factor in praying on your own, with a set...

  • Yes I did especially the last question? Probably the end of the week and tired, that is my excuse. Never mind David just keep battling on or maybe you have a problem computer wise?

  • Thank you Deana for the link, very interesting the skill to make these books is just incredible.

  • I find all this speculation on what really happened as intriguing. Everyone comes up with a different answer and a different point of view depending on what side you are on. I think that the all have blood on there hands in order to keep power.

  • Does anyone know what the ink was made from? (for a matter of interest)

  • I used to live in Berwick on Tweed which is a town with it's own strong dialect. But when researching this dialect for an essay it was interesting to find out that during the middle ages Romany gypsies were the main traders in the town so many Romany words were adopted by Berwickers. Because of the isolation of the town over the years many Romany words are...

  • Liz Jayne-Harriette made a comment

    As I live on the Scottish Borders could not find any 'Ye's' was fascinated by the word burgh at the end of a word which was used in medieval times for a fortified town as in Edinburgh. I know it would not win the pub quiz, but still i tried!

  • Talking about the English Language David Crystal 'The Stories of English', is an good read. I think I may have to dip into it again. This course is very interesting and covers a lot about the medieval period. However, I have been reading some interesting facts (or in my case useless information), about the medieval sense of humor which was satirical and...

  • I have just picked up a 2nd hand book on clothing during the medieval period. I was amazed at the design on the fabrics which were very intricate. These fabric were not only for the rich but also for the peasants. I have changed my mind about the medieval era they seem to be more sophisticated than what I was lead to believe.

  • Bit of a trick question there and nearly answered with 3 shillings then remembered 20 shilling = 1 pound. Cannot believe going back to the old system. I thought in medieval period they had groats, florins, and farthings?

  • Hi my name is Liz and I live in a small village in the Scottish Borders. I am late starting this course due to my computer crashing and in need of some emergency care. So I hope I can catch up quickly over the weekend. This course looks very exciting and I am looking forward to learning more about this period of medieval history.

  • In a perfect world everyone who is an addict would be able to access treatment etc. But its not helping those who cannot help themselves it difficult especially with bureaucracy and also the stigma that those with addiction have to deal with. For some addicts the easy option is to leave it and end up homeless and I have experienced this first hand. I am...

  • Hi Laura and congratulations and well done on your recovery and degree. I have been in recovery for nearly 14 years and my addiction was alcohol. My experience of addiction was the awful withdrawal symptoms which could have been emphasized more. The appalling sweats and DT's when going cold Turkey was so bad that to have another drink was the most...

  • I understand what happens in the brain with constant addiction patterns. But how does the brain cope when the addict shows behavior of bingeing on food or drink for example not drinking for weeks then constantly drinking for a week then abstaining? Are these the same pattern or different?

  • This is an interesting question as i believe that consumer decision are base on experience and what you value as an individual. I think we differ in what is consumer value for example some may pay £20.00 in a pub for a round of drinks and think that's OK so that has a value to them personally. That person then would not pay ninety pence for the best baked...

  • Well this answers my problem when going to a superstore having to much choice results in spending a long time deciding what is the best value, and ending up not purchasing anything. A snap choice of being frustrated. However, when researching on an high value product, you go with the crowd and look at other consumer star rating and comments so going with...