William Eastwood

William Eastwood

Final year student at University of Reading, studying Computer Science.


  • Make sure you have the correct number of } to match your {s

  • You need an extra bracket just after the if( as you are closing the statement before you try to do ||

  • Unary just means the expression consisting of or involving a single component or element.
    So in this case, a Unary operation (+, -, ++, --, !, ~) is performed on a single variable

  • Make sure you follow these steps properly and download the JDK

  • /* Is the the start of a comment, with */ being the end. You use this to 'comment out' a bit of code which you don't want to run for now, or to give information to someone who is reading the code

  • Yeah, javac -version

  • Which jdk did you download?
    Make sure you follow the instuctions and try again.

  • Yes, If you follow this course you'll learn how!

  • If it works, then great! There are always many different ways to go about a solution

  • Unary operators:

    +    makes an expression positive.
    -     makes an expression negative.
    ++   increments a value by 1.
    --    decrements a value by 1.
    !     inverts a boolean value.
    ~     inverts the bits of a binary number.

  • When downloading, there may be issues with the Gradle Sync such as 'Gradle sync failed: failed to find target android-21 :'

    You should be able to follow the link to download the update and the Gradle Sync will try again.

    It can be seen here the number of Sync attempts I had to make, and update the target etc. http://imgur.com/a/wF7Vj

  • Make sure you type 'javac -version' rather than 'javac version' .
    There is a - in there.

  • javac 1.8.0_111 is the newer version, this is fine

  • If you see a box like this http://imgur.com/a/gT6Sq , click new and paste in the bin address. See how i have it at the bottom of the table.

  • What are you struggling with? Let's see if we can work through it together

  • You can press 'new' and paste in the bin folder location - you see a more updated version where all the environment variables are in a table rather than a long string!

  • You'll need to use a different device, such as your windows 8 PC

  • Have you created the JAVA_HOME environment variable?

  • Open SDK Manager (robot behind down arrow box icon). Select the API level your error message says is missing (for example: for unknown target android-21 you need to select API 21). Now install the selected API level.

  • Open SDK Manager (robot behind down arrow box icon). Select the API level your error message says is missing (for example: for unknown target android-19 you need to select API 19). Now install the selected API level.